Gun laws do they work (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:50
Feb 11, 2013
I have to agree with Frothingslosh here. They would have killed him in any event. A gun was a little easier. They knew what they were doing!



Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 11:50
Aug 12, 2014
Maybe so.

Do you have any opinions on the fact that the parents were blamed?


Local time
Today, 11:50
Jun 2, 2003
Give him a break - he's obviously finding it tough at the moment. Years of care have proved that's not Cols "real" thinking.

I really hope you are correct , I have some idea of the strain although I did not have to care for my wife anything like as long as Col has had to. It was just so unexpected.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:50
Jun 11, 2004
I really hope you are correct , I have some idea of the strain although I did not have to care for my wife anything like as long as Col has had to. It was just so unexpected.


I am not sure Col has kids or family close by to help out either.


Dick S
Local time
Today, 06:50
Jun 9, 2009
Honestly? It probably wouldn't have if they've had ANY kind of training or knowledge about guns. At 15, I was perfectly capable of swiping the key to my dad's trigger locks and gun cabinet, grabbing a gun, loading it, and using it. I wouldn't have, but I knew how to do it.

There's a world of difference between keeping guns away from a grade-school kid and from a teenager.

In this case, I'm fairly certain that if they hadn't had access to a gun, they'd have just grabbed a knife or a bat instead.

At 15 I didn't need a key. I had my own guns. My Dad gave me a gun and also gave me a very explicit safety course, and a very, very explicit directive as to what would happened if I deviated even kidding from those standards. He and the local government made it mandatory that I attend a safety course. Our high school teacher mentioned safety. At 17 years old I was in the Navy and received more safety instructions. At 22 I was a part time police Officer. Our department had the FBI come into town to teach us far advanced safety. It's call culture. It's the culture I grew up in. It started with my Dad. Lets start working on the right culture instead of the choice of weapons. Lets start the culture with the Dads. Oh!!! I forgot no Dads. A few days ago, not far from where I live, a man just threw his daughter off a bridge. Lord have mercy, if only the goverment had taken his gun away, that would never have happened.


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 11:50
Aug 12, 2014
At 15 I didn't need a key. I had my own guns. My Dad gave me a gun and also gave me a very explicit safety course, and a very, very explicit directive as to what would happened if I deviated even kidding from those standards. He and the local government made it mandatory that I attend a safety course. Our high school teacher mentioned safety. At 17 years old I was in the Navy and received more safety instructions. At 22 I was a part time police Officer. Our department had the FBI come into town to teach us far advanced safety. It's call culture. It's the culture I grew up in. It started with my Dad. Lets start working on the right culture instead of the choice of weapons. Lets start the culture with the Dads.
I agree with the safety training being so pushed, safety never killed anyone in fact it saves people :)

Oh!!! I forgot no Dads. A few days ago, not far from where I live, a man just threw his daughter off a bridge. Lord have mercy, if only the goverment had taken his gun away, that would never have happened.

I liked this post up until this moment, when you departed from the subject in question and brought a story in which had nothing to do with gun control.

This poor girl had no choice because of her father - (I haven't read into that story too much as it disgusted me even seeing a glimpse of it.)


Dick S
Local time
Today, 06:50
Jun 9, 2009
I agree with the safety training being so pushed, safety never killed anyone in fact it saves people :)

I liked this post up until this moment, when you departed from the subject in question and brought a story in which had nothing to do with gun control.

This poor girl had no choice because of her father - (I haven't read into that story too much as it disgusted me even seeing a glimpse of it.)

I guess I wasn't very articulate. The post was not about gun control, and this post was not about gun safety. My post was about the crux of the problem which is the culture in America, and I suppose the whole world.


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 11:50
Aug 12, 2014
Yes it is a problem Dick.

But that my friend is another threads story ;)
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Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 06:50
Oct 17, 2012
If that stands for Not My Problem it sure does alter my opinion of you.


That is precisely what it means.

Of course, with his history of trolling, it's even odds whether he's serious or just trying to get a reaction.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 06:50
Oct 17, 2012
At 15 I didn't need a key. I had my own guns. My Dad gave me a gun and also gave me a very explicit safety course, and a very, very explicit directive as to what would happened if I deviated even kidding from those standards. He and the local government made it mandatory that I attend a safety course. Our high school teacher mentioned safety. At 17 years old I was in the Navy and received more safety instructions. At 22 I was a part time police Officer. Our department had the FBI come into town to teach us far advanced safety. It's call culture. It's the culture I grew up in. It started with my Dad. Lets start working on the right culture instead of the choice of weapons. Lets start the culture with the Dads. Oh!!! I forgot no Dads. A few days ago, not far from where I live, a man just threw his daughter off a bridge. Lord have mercy, if only the goverment had taken his gun away, that would never have happened.

1) My dad was a cop. I knew before 15 how to safely use every gun in the home, although I agreed with my dad that there was absolutely no need for a fifteen year old kid to own a gun. The trigger locks and gun cabinet were primarily to keep my 3 year old sister from doing something tragic.
2) Yes, yes, we know you're a veteran, as if that magically makes you the expert on why every man, woman, and child should be armed to the teeth at all times.
3) Funny how I have never once claimed that the government should take guns away, and have actually opposed that idea every time it actually comes up, and yet every time hidebound neo-fascist reactionaries like you and Blade start vomiting forth your crap you accuse me of wanting just that. Is actual discussion so difficult for you that you must resort to a strawman every single time?

No one but lunatic conservatives trying to score points off a straw man are making the argument that gun control would have prevented that man from killing his daughter. The only real arguments I've seen are on whether he's mentally ill or just a criminally evil asshole (or both), but why should right-wing neo-fascists like you let anything as minor as truth get in the way of a good liberal-bashing?


Dick S
Local time
Today, 06:50
Jun 9, 2009
Yes it is a problem Dick.

But that my friend is another threads story ;)

Actually, I think that is the problem with the diversity of comments on this thread. The comments from those that are advocating stricter gun control, and more (safety training) see guns as the problem, and some of them think that us right winger are more interested in keeping our guns than saving children from death, and to tell you the truth, I personally know a few like that. For the majority of right winger that I know, that is far from the truth. Whenever I see anybody children or otherwise I sincerely wish I could stop it.
Now some right winger erroneously see gun controllers as having their head in the sand. I truly believe that some gun controllers think it would help. I think it would make it worst, so why would I want more children killed. I started this thread long time ago and asked at that time can anybody quote me some substantiated evidence, where in the US that gun control as helped. I have asked it severally times throughout this thread, and I asked it again. Show me some proof.
Now this is going to blow my right wingers away, but I will tell you when and how I would agree to more gun control. (We already have some). That is if it’s the will of the people. There is a legal way to do this. It’s called a constitutional amendment. I have a freedom now granted me by the constitution. Why would I want to give that up, for something that would make us less safe.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:50
Feb 11, 2013
I liked this post up until this moment, when you departed from the subject in question and brought a story in which had nothing to do with gun control.

This poor girl had no choice because of her father - (I haven't read into that story too much as it disgusted me even seeing a glimpse of it.)

My friend you hit the nail on the head. The overall problem is the disgust at seeing the real culture out there and not placing blame where it belongs. What society seems to do is focus on one item (gun-control in this case) and collectively decide that it is the fix all. The bad part is that society as a whole tries and does to some extent convince people that by just getting a handle (control) on all guns that are out there everywhere,,,well.... it will lead us to a Utopian type civilization. One must ask themselves that after they control all guns, what will be next item to be controlled.

In the real world, the blame and responsibility lies 95% of the time with the person that commits the act. The gun, the knife, the hangman's noose, the beating, are all simply tools. With the exception of the very young, we all make conscious decisions that affect our lives and those around us therefore should be held responsible for them.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:50
Feb 11, 2013
Funny how I have never once claimed that the government should take guns away, and have actually opposed that idea every time it actually comes up, and yet every time hidebound neo-fascist reactionaries like you and Blade start vomiting forth your crap you accuse me of wanting just that. Is actual discussion so difficult for you that you must resort to a strawman every single time?


You may want them to take them away, but register them YES.


Local time
Today, 11:50
Jun 2, 2003
Funny how I have never once claimed that the government should take guns away, and have actually opposed that idea every time it actually comes up, and yet every time hidebound neo-fascist reactionaries like you and Blade start vomiting forth your crap you accuse me of wanting just that. Is actual discussion so difficult for you that you must resort to a strawman every single time?


You may want them to take them away, but register them YES.

I do not understand Bladerunner's response to Frothingslosh's post.

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Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 06:50
Oct 17, 2012
Cognitive dissonance, Brian. He is so wedded to the idea that liberals by definition want to take away all guns that he is literally incapable of comprehending that I do not. He's done this several times now - I would say I am against taking everyone's guns away, and he immediately starts bitching that my goal is to take everyone's guns away.

Blade has pointed out several times now that in his world, liberals are all part of some vast conspiracy (masterminded by George Soros) with the goal of destroying all that is good and right in the world, disarming and enslaving the American populace, dismembering the United States as a nation, and turning the smoldering wreckage of the nation over to ISIS so as to impose Sharia law. (It used to be the Muslim Brotherhood, but ISIS is the scary brown person threat these days, so now they're the supposed beneficiaries.)
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Old registered user
Local time
Today, 11:50
Feb 22, 2002
I've noticed that in this thread, Americans boringly refer almost constantly to "liberals", therefore giving the impression that Liberals are a political party. If this is so, why are there only republicans and democrats vying for presidency?



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 06:50
Oct 17, 2012
I've noticed that in this thread, Americans boringly refer almost constantly to "liberals", therefore giving the impression that Liberals are a political party. If this is so, why are there only republicans and democrats vying for presidency?


Ah, here is the 'willful misunderstanding/playing dumb' version of trolling.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 11:50
Feb 22, 2002
Ah, here is the 'willful misunderstanding/playing dumb' version of trolling.

Bloody hell, all I did was ask a civil question.

We have three main parties here in the UK, mostly they are all the same, I just wondered just who actually is the liberal party in the USA.

Tell you what Frothyface - just stuff it and wallow in your bitter comments, oh and I've reported your post.


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