Glad to see progress in the fight against the New, Anti-White, Racism (1 Viewer)


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 17:35
Mar 14, 2017
I agree, they have a right to poverty. And, where do suggest they go to get off the Res, given the state of poverty they are in.

It depends, but out of the 25+ times I've moved in my life, 90% of them were when I was young and had absolutely no money except for minimum wage jobs. I assume many of them are the same. It takes the will to make the change. I went wherever was more affordable, and followed my need to work.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:35
Feb 19, 2002
Apparently if you're not caucasian it's Ok to do this
Hope you are planning on attending the performance. If they get away with this, they'll do it again.

Are you about to nationalize large companies and make them public property?
No, the Democrats are more like Facists. They are OK with private ownership. They just tell the companies what to do. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the White House are in close contact with Google and Facebook and Twitter and the government folks tell them who and what to censor. The Democrats are controlling the dialog by violating our First Amendment which guarantees free speech. It says nothing about "hate speech" or "disinformation" but the government is making up categories of speech to ban. So, if you disagree with Biden's policies, that is "disinformation" or "hate speach" and is being banned.

There was a recent court ruling that said specifically that government offices could NOT communicate with the social media and search companies to tell them who and what to ban. But the White House is appealing.
If someone writes something that can be interpreted several ways, then they need to re-read their text to ensure it states what they actually mean.
Normal people assume the more positive interpretation but hateful people assume the worst interpretation and you take it to the extreme. Doc, is right. There is no talking with you. So, I'm signing off now.


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 02:35
Feb 7, 2020
the Democrats are more like Facists
I would caution against using terms too lightly. Fascism as the ruling system is known in Europe and South America.
There is a huge difference between being bitten by a mosquito and being kicked by an elephant.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:35
Feb 19, 2002
Socialism is shared ownership and control by committee
Communism is government ownership and control
Capitalism is private ownership and control
Fascism is private ownership and government control --- This is what the Democrats are doing and the Republicans are OK with it so we are screwed.


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 02:35
Feb 7, 2020
Fascism is dictatorship. You will be picked up quickly to clarify a factual situation. No one knows if you can come back.
Talk carefully about things you can't begin to grasp.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 01:35
Feb 22, 2002
Normal people assume the more positive interpretation but hateful people assume the worst interpretation and you take it to the extreme. Doc, is right. There is no talking with you. So, I'm signing off now.
Gosh, you really are so narrow minded. I suggest the opticians to check for tunnel vision. Or maybe its hormonal, that would seem logical.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 01:35
Feb 22, 2002
So, I'm signing off now.
Looking at the post timings, your 'signing off' lasted less than a minute. Actually, just that comment demonstrates brilliantly what I said about not posting clearly. That one comment can be interpreted in three different ways.
Quiz - try to spot all three.
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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:35
Feb 19, 2002
Fascism is dictatorship.
Our Dictatorship may not yet be official but if the Democrats steal another presidential election, it will be.

The President's handlers (Biden is just an empty suit at this point) have usurped the powers of Congress and use Executive orders to issue edicts because the Democrats don't control both Houses of Congress so they can't officially make law. And as long as Congress and the Supreme Court don't challenge the Executive Orders in court and win ("Biden" controls the judges in DC where most suits must be filed so there are a lot of losses) these edicts effectively become law.

"Biden" ignores rulings of the court to stop violating the free speech of citizens. "He" controls the DOJ (the Department of "Justice") and uses them to prosecute his political opponents. They are doing everything they can to put DJT in jail or wound him so badly that he can't win in 2024. The tactic seems to be backfiring though because people are finally seeing the unfairness of it all. The two-tiered justice of the DOJ and FBI are now widely known. If you leave your cocaine in a sensitive, restricted area of the West Wing, you're safe. There will be no investigation because the perpetrator will almost certainly be a Democrat (possibly even Hunter himself, although his drug of choice is crack). If there were any real chance the cocaine was left by a Republican, they would be moving heaven and earth to find the culpret. If you are Hunter Biden, you get a warning (not even a criminal charge) for crimes where ordinary citizens would be fined millions for the tax evasion and spend years in jail for the firearms violation. And the investigation completely ignored the money laundering scheme that involved 9 + members of the Biden family and which proves the Bidens are taking bribes from America's enemies in return for favors like - allowing a spy balloon to traverse the entire US over the course of several days. Diverting to take pictures of military installations before eventually exiting to the Atlantic where it was finally shot down.

The DOJ has been prosecuting other political prisoners since the Jan 6, 2021 incident. The remaining "accused" have been in prison without bail all of this time. Not sure what happened to "innocent until proven guilty" and "right to a speedy trial", etc. But, the persecutors have convinced the DC judge (who is in their pocket) that the people who wandered into the Capitol building and took selfies are a danger to humanity and MUST remain behind bars to protect the citizens from their "attempt at insurrection". The prosecutors have been manipulating the evidence and using bankruptcy to make the accused cave and admit to "some crime, any crime" so they can get out of jail. Any one with half a brain and the ability to watch the video that has been released refuting all the accusations against the most famous of the "marauders", can see that there was no insurrection. Not sure who thinks Trump supporters are stupid enough to stage an "insurrection" without bringing guns to the fight. PS - the head of Security for the Capitol building has admitted during interviews that there were government agitators embedded in the crowd encouraging actual disruption. Luckily the crowd had the good sense to remain peaceful and there was little damage to the building and only a few altercations with the Capitol police. Despite what the talking heads and Democrat Representatives have said on TV, there were NO deaths related to the incident EXCEPT for the murder of Ashley Babbitt which was recorded on video and is available for watching so you can see it happen. The Capitol police officer, just up and shot her. no warning, nothing. He shot an unarmed women at point blank range and killed her. No charges were brought against him. It wasn't a race crime because he was black and she was white.

The FDA (Federal Drug Agency) and CDC (Center for Disease Control) have been lying to us and the rest of the world as well, regarding the origins of COVID, and the efficacy of the Vaccines, face masks, and isolation since the outbreak started. They have been using Google, et al to suppress any dissenting opinions. They have been over counting COVID deaths and hiding injuries attributed to bad reactions to the vaccines. The wall of lies is cracking though. They can no longer hide the source of the infection and they can't hide Faucci's part in the whole thing including how he conspired to hide his approving of the funding of the project in Wuhan.

Given your knowledge of history, what does this remind you of?

The Germans didn't recognize what was happening until it was too late. We at least have history to guide us. At least those of us who paid attention. We are close to losing our country because discenters are cancelled and people don't want to lose their jobs and their friends so they are reluctant to speak up. The FBI without a warrant obtained financial information from banks and credit card companies to place people in the DC area on Jan 6. They also requested geo-location data from the phone companies. This allowed them to persecute people who never even entered the Capitol building. There was little to no support of these poor people because the Republicans hate the evil orange man even more than the Democrats do because DJT does not take prisoners. He says what he thinks and then he acts on it and it doesn't matter who you are. So, the Republicans maintained radio silence over the whole episode.

Luckily, the Democrats have pushed the wrong buttons by trying to turn the LGBT+ community against the rest of us. Apparently the race war they are trying to start isn't working out for them. BLM being a total scam didn't help. The parents of small children are rising up and waking up the rest of the folks regardless of what political side they prefer. NO ONE wants their children groomed. PERIOD. The silent majority is speaking. Large companies like Budweiser and Target have suffered huge financial losses due to their support of sexualizing children. And Ben and Jerry's (Ice Cream) is about to take a similar hit due to the stupid tweet from one of the owners over the Independence Day holiday regarding ALL land in the US having been stolen from the indigenous peoples. Local Indian tribes are asking for Ben and Jerry to return the land that their company headquarters sits on since it doesn't belong to them. They stole it. Pretty funny. We'll see how that plays out. The left always threatens boycotts. The right doesn't threaten. They act:)
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