Pay your bills


Well-known member
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Yesterday, 18:23
Mar 30, 2012
Trump says he will encourage putin to invade Nato countries that "Don't Pay their Bills". This froma a man that has cheated and stiffed more peoople than you can count. He stiffs lawyers then asks for his followers to send him money for the fees he does not pay. Grift.
Trump says he will encourage putin to invade Nato countries that "Don't Pay their Bills". This froma a man that has cheated and stiffed more peoople than you can count. He stiffs lawyers then asks for his followers to send him money for the fees he does not pay. Grift.
Trump sometimes says the "quiet" things out loud. Strangely enough, it's how you can tell that he isn't lying to you.

America is a free country for some people. You are free to spread whatever negative opinion you have of Trump that you please and he won't even be allowed to defend himself. That's the "unfree" part. Aren't you the lucky one:(
Waiting for CNN to drop the next Trump tidbit.

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Trump sometimes says the "quiet" things out loud. Strangely enough, it's how you can tell that he isn't lying to you.

America is a free country for some people. You are free to spread whatever negative opinion you have of Trump that you please and he won't even be allowed to defend himself. That's the "unfree" part. Aren't you the lucky one:(
If you can't do the time, or can't pay the fine, then don't do the crime. You keep imlying that he did nothing wrong, which is not the case. He was indicted because there was ample evidence that that he committed a crime, via a grand jury of regular people, none of whom are/were part of Biden's administration. There people in jail that had 1 calssified document.. Trump kept hundreds of documents after he was President, when he was citizen Trump, and didn't give them back when he was asked.
If you can't do the time, or can't pay the fine, then don't do the crime. You keep imlying that he did nothing wrong, which is not the case. He was indicted because there was ample evidence that that he committed a crime
No. His crime was being DJT. The purpose of the lawsuits is not "justice" since no injustice was done.

I'm going to wish you the same thing I wished for my daughter when she was a teenager - may you have children exactly like yourself. She got two - twins;)

May you be charged with "crimes" because of who you are rather than because you committed an actual crime. Don't ever put your house up for sale because the law is coming after you. Hard! You're a criminal if you set your asking price too high. If you appeal to the local tax office for a reassessment because you think your property assessment is too high, you're a criminal for saying your property is worth less than the tax assessor thinks. You're just a criminal period. It really doesn't matter what you do, you are breaking some law somewhere and the DOJ will come and get you sooner or later just because of who you are. See how it feels.
And Joe Biden didn't do something similar and is getting away with it? And Hillary had tens of THOUSANDS of classified, Secret, or Top Secret documents on her private e-mail server and didn't get arrested for it?

If you recall, during his term in office, DJT made other members of NATO start to more regularly pay their NATO support fees. The USA cannot afford to be the world's only enforcer. So your initial gripe is no particular news and seems somehow ignorant to the fact that too many countries look to "Uncle Sugar" to bail them out. Sorry for the NATO countries that are being bled dry by THEIR version of illegal immigrants, but if you want a good defense, you should be prepared to pay for it.
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If you go to the gym and only pay half the membership fees, should you still get to use the equipment? I think not. Same should apply to NATO. It's not fair on those who are paying their 2% minimum while countries like Germany get away with paying way less.
No. His crime was being DJT. The purpose of the lawsuits is not "justice" since no injustice was done.

I'm going to wish you the same thing I wished for my daughter when she was a teenager - may you have children exactly like yourself. She got two - twins;)

May you be charged with "crimes" because of who you are rather than because you committed an actual crime. Don't ever put your house up for sale because the law is coming after you. Hard! You're a criminal if you set your asking price too high. If you appeal to the local tax office for a reassessment because you think your property assessment is too high, you're a criminal for saying your property is worth less than the tax assessor thinks. You're just a criminal period. It really doesn't matter what you do, you are breaking some law somewhere and the DOJ will come and get you sooner or later just because of who you are. See how it feels.
I do have 2 children that are exactly like me, and we get along famously. No matter where we are in the world we watch Red Wing hockey games together. At one point my oldest was in the orient, the youngest in Texas, I was in Michigan. But, we watched most games together on Discord. They are both educaated, successful and happy. We raised them to leave us. I didn't raise them to have any particular religous belief or political leaning, we wanted to raise them to have choices.

Trump brought this on himself. I am taking about Trump, not Hillary, not Biden, or the butcher that charges too much. Every time I bring up something about the former Prez, I get a ration of whataboutism.
Trump says he will encourage putin to invade Nato countries that "Don't Pay their Bills". This froma a man that has cheated and stiffed more peoople than you can count. He stiffs lawyers then asks for his followers to send him money for the fees he does not pay. Grift.
Obvious hyperbole just meant to suggest that if you want to be a protected member of NATO, you should pay a fair share. Totally agree with him
Every time I bring up something about the former Prez, I get a ration of whataboutism.
“The definition of 'insanity' is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
If you go to the gym and only pay half the membership fees, should you still get to use the equipment? I think not. Same should apply to NATO. It's not fair on those who are paying their 2% minimum while countries like Germany get away with paying way less.
Yes. Understanding national defence spending policies of NATO member states? Just like gym dues. This is what I love about Trump and his followers: They can take complex and nuanced political and economic issues, and frame them so simply, that even an idiot can understand.
Yes. Understanding national defence spending policies of NATO member states? Just like gym dues. This is what I love about Trump and his followers: They can take complex and nuanced political and economic issues, and frame them so simply, that even an idiot can understand.
Trump didn't originally ask them to spend a minimum of 2% of their GDP on defence, nor did he suggest that was the right framework. Those NATO member states agreed to it themselves. Why do you believe that when they agree to that deal, it is ok for some to break that deal? I don't understand your position. Would you like to explain why your 2% minimum does not equal 2% minimum? Is it some form of Bidenomics?
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Obvious hyperbole just meant to suggest that if you want to be a protected member of NATO, you should pay a fair share. Totally agree with him
To what entity do they pay their share? Look at Trumps previous statements re NATO, it's not hyperbole.
Trump brought this on himself. I am taking about Trump, not Hillary, not Biden, or the butcher that charges too much. Every time I bring up something about the former Prez, I get a ration of whataboutism.
You get it because he is being treated unfairly, not because we think he is a "good" guy or approve of all of his actions. Think again about how you decide to value your house when you sell it or how large a mortgage you think you "deserve".

So, let us be clear about your position. You think it is perfectly fine for NATO members to not contribute the promised 2% to support their military defense? This isn't Trump's number. This is the number THEY agreed to when they joined NATO so that other NATO nations would come to their defense should the need arise. Do you think running NATO is free? Where does the money come from to pay for the headquarters buildings and staff and the military men and equipment? Someone is paying for this? Who is it?

You seem to think it is perfectly OK that I pay their share. I'm pretty sure that you are one of the 47% of those who do not pay income taxes. Otherwise, you would agree with Trump's position that NATO members should pay their fair share and not expect ME to pick up the shortfall. I know it is really hard to get behind a DJT position, but otherwise, you are clearly OK with everyone in the world just stiffing us and letting us bankrupt ourselves saving them from Putin the way we are doing with Ukraine and they are not even members of NATO.

So, the hyprocasy of your position is confusing. You say that Trump doesn't pay his bills. But you think it is perfectly fine for way too many members of NATO not pay their bills.

Unlike Trump, I don't always say the quiet things out loud. I have a filter but all the people who are reading this are thinking - why does this person think that I should pay for the defense of the world? The countries who don't pay their fair share can devote their income to subsidizing social programs that all the 47% want us to deliver. Well, we could deliver more of them if we didn't have to cover the NATO shortfall every year. Think about that! Disagreeing with a rational policy just because the evil orange man is for it, is well I won't say the quiet thing out loud.
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One would think that if your intention was to actually prove that the 2020 election was fake.
You would take part of the 230 million dollars you accepted from your devoted followers, and used some of it to offer rewards for the arrest and conviction of people that were involved in the alleged voter fraud.

They never did that. Have you ever wondered why so many folks don't want to ask questions like this? And certainly don't want to hear the answer.

As far as the other thing, the NATO thing, NATO was organized for exactly this scenario, safety in numbers. If Russia is allowed to invade NATO countries the cost is incalculable. But most governments around the world don't see an invasion of Europe by Russia as being in anyone's best interest.

I think the path of following Mr. Trump is leading his own people off a cliff. In the Election in 2024, Independents will step up and vote for anyone other than Trump. Hard lessons are coming for Republicans that allowed this cult following to override rational thought.
You would take part of the 230 million dollars you accepted from your devoted followers, and used some of it to offer rewards for the arrest and conviction of people that were involved in the alleged voter fraud.
Once the evidence has been destroyed, there is no way to do a forensic audit. For example, does the number of envelops = the number of ballots? Just counting the ballots again isn't going to uncover the crime. The people who made sworn statements of fraud were ignored. No judge wanted to be the "one" to overturn a Presidential election so most of the cases were dismissed for reasons of standing so that no evidence was ever produced.
Once the evidence has been destroyed, there is no way to do a forensic audit. For example, does the number of envelops = the number of ballots? Just counting the ballots again isn't going to uncover the crime. The people who made sworn statements of fraud were ignored. No judge wanted to be the "one" to overturn a Presidential election so most of the cases were dismissed for reasons of standing so that no evidence was ever produced.
Wow Pat, is there no scenario that will cause you to doubt any aspect of the "Trump the Divine" propaganda machine?
For thousands of years rewards have produced results.

Trump and company didn't even try it.

Collecting those funds was a long con pure and simple. And it was directly aims at his followers.
Collecting those funds was a long con pure and simple. And it was directly aims at his followers.

Calling Joe Biden a good and competent president is a long con of its own special type.

Having said that, I'm not entirely happy with Trump either. I originally supported him and STILL don't think he's the devil. But this country needs a wake-up call that the Democratic Party is NOT your friend - it is your exploiter. To them, you are a cash cow and a tethered vote.

Part of me fears another Trump turn in office, part of me thinks that another Biden term in office is worse. Caught between Scylla and Charibdis, the original source of the phrase "a rock and a hard place."
I have looked at the evidence. I have listened to the testimony. Have you? Have you watched the videos of people scanning the same batch of ballots over and over and over? Have you watched the videos of tabulating machines having their locks removed? Have you read the testimony of people who swear that they were scanning documents that had never been folded? If they were never folded into an envelope, how did they get to the counting facility. Do you have any understanding of statistical probabilities? Is it rational that there be huge spikes in the middle of the night? How about huge downward spikes? Shouldn't the count always go up? Maybe someone accidentally uploads the same file twice and it has to be reversed but more than a few downs? Are these people incompetent or cheating? Do you really think that a person who never left his basement to campaign because when he did, you could count the number of attendees in double digits when his opponent was drawing THOUSANDS at every stop? Do you really think that Biden got more votes than Obama?

Our Constitution calls for an election "day". Somehow, people walked or rode horses or carriages to vote in the past and they did their duty. Yet today, we have election "season" and a hard court press to make all voting remote which really opens up the cheating possibilities. We don't even have election week. Many jurisdictions count ballots that arrived weeks after election day. In Bridgeport, they keep finding boxes of ballots - in someone's trunk, in the bathroom, in the wrong storage room until the Democrat mayor wins.

Since the Republicans are as loath as the Democrats to tighten up the system, I can only assume that the Republicans also want to take advantage of the gaping holes when they want to cheat.

Pet peeve - never knowing exactly how many ballots have not yet been counted. Every jurisdiction knows how many ballots it printed. They know how many they mailed out and they can estimate to the "box" at least (so that would be a couple of hundred at most) how many haven't been counted. But somehow, they count for days and boxes keep showing up. and no one asks the question? How many ballots did you mail out? Isn't that even a little suspicious to you? This is especially problematic when the jurisdiction just blanket mails ballots without specific requests. That puts "live" ballots which can be voted by anybody. Why is the count of envelopes not compared to the count of ballots? We have the technology to scan a barcode. Why not use it to make sure that all ballots at least came into the facility in the proper envelope? But instead, they immediately shred the envelopes so no comparison is possible.

Every mail in ballot should be sent via US mail. That is simply one more validation point since the PO counts all these ballots as they go through the system.
Trump's efforts of getting NATO defaulters to pay their agreed share was to make the world a safer place.

And the Democrat party has ruined the election process with their dirty tactics of endless lawsuits. They have taken the country back decades.

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