My Life (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:06
May 17, 2007
What the hell am I going to do with it??

I am tired of trying to figure out where I fit in life.

I am currently a water damage technician working for my dad, but his company is about to go out of business. He is struggling to keep it going, but if I leave, thats it, doors closed (I'm the only technician).

I could go and work for a competitor, which I am thinking very seriously of doing. I could take a class and become an insurance adjuster. Or I could finish school and do God-knows-what, but that would mean a third attempt at Intermediate Accounting III. Man has that class whipped my @$$. I have discovered that I don't even like accounting. If I do go back to school, what the hell for? I still don't know what I want to do. I once was thinking about going into db design (whatever that field is called), but I am not so sure I want to do that for the rest of my life. Yes, it's a fun hobby of mine, but do I want to sit behind a desk debugging software I don't even care about? In fact, do I want to sit behind a desk at all? I think that is why I am hesitant to finish school. I don't think that I want to. Maybe that's why I like being a water damage technician, I am road. Don't have to sit behind a desk. Plus it is very rewarding. When I perform work, I can see what I have accomplished (ie, the house is dry when I am done).

None of those options seems very appealing to me. I feel like there is no where to go. Today I began pondering (I say pondering because its just a thought) enlisting in the military, something I thought of doing senior year of high school. Just because I have no money, hardly have a job, and after a year of being on my own, am now moving back with my parents because of the economy. Really, what reason do I have not to? I would get regular checks (that won't bounce), housing, and work out all the time. I love going to the gym, but as a water tech I have irregular hours, so it is hard to keep a schedule.

When I step back and ask myself what I want to do, I don't know. I feel like that guy in office space, who says he wants to do nothing. That's me. But of course, unless I want to be homeless, that is not exactly an option.

And to top this all off, I have no friends. So I have to resort to family or ranting endlessly on the internet.

I guess I just feel like my life isn't where it should be right now. I feel like I should have a job, though a stable one, ready to start my career, living comfortably in an apartment, ready to settle down with someone and start thinking about kids in the next ~3 years. Of course, that is not where I am. In fact, none of those goals are even close to met. Growing up (as a child), I had my entire life planed out. I was going to join the army to get through college (my family was poor, and may be again soon :(), and be an astronaut.

Depressing isn't it. Maybe this is why I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, or getting away from my computer screen, or stop searching this forum late into the night long after everyone has stopped posting.

That's it for now. Sorry for the rant.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:06
Jun 23, 2002
Sit back and relax but set a goal... Along those lines I'd seriously consider focusing seriously on getting a degree...any degree. Study anthropology if accounting isn't your thing... Once the degree is in your hands, you can go back to fretting or move on to another goal...


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 10:06
Aug 10, 2006
Pono1 is right, a degree will be helpful. You will find that it opens doors, not necessarily in the field of study, which is good because you get to study something you really enjoy like philosophy, and someone will still employ you as, say, a DBA.

You are still young so don't fret so much that life hasn't turned out as you planned it, it rarely does. Take on each new chapter in your life as a challenge, try not to hurt anyone along the way and live your life the best you can, just give it your all. Then, when you're older you will be able to look back and have no regrets. Would you rather spend the next 50 years accumulating vast amounts of money and looking back to realise you had no time to live your life or would you prefer to live life to the full and look back and see you have accumulted sufficient to retire on but oh, those brilliant memories to keep you smiling through your dotage?

Either way, you're not actually a person who should be worrying too much, although it looks like you have been dealt a raw deal, you will always land on your feet, no matter what life throws at you.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:06
Aug 28, 2008
Would you rather spend the next 50 years accumulating vast amounts of money and looking back to realise you had no time to live your life or would you prefer to live life to the full and look back and see you have accumulted sufficient to retire on but oh, those brilliant memories to keep you smiling through your dotage?

The socialism on this forum is unreal. In fact it appears to be loser's paradise.

And speakers_86, why you would post this shit up is beyond me. You appear to be just another loser...the world owes me a living etc.....

But oumahexi will lead you to loser's paradise but it looks like you won't need much leading.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:06
Aug 28, 2008
Buy the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

You can down load it as a PDF from the internet but not the same as having the book. Reading books from the screen is a waste of time.

In other the book...

The book has a lot of "God" stuff which is not suprising given the reference base. Could you imagine Henry Ford working from a "no belief system"

Remove yourself from the atheist/theist threads. Posting as a non believer in anything would be exausting.

Do you have belief in yourself? Do you have any beliefs. If so, spit them out



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:06
Aug 26, 2008
The socialism on this forum is unreal. In fact it appears to be loser's paradise.

And speakers_86, why you would post this shit up is beyond me. You appear to be just another loser...the world owes me a living etc.....

But oumahexi will lead you to loser's paradise but it looks like you won't need much leading.
Capitalist pig:rolleyes:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:06
Aug 28, 2008
Capitalist pig:rolleyes: see, the first one has posted.

They are the losing end of town. In fact they can prove it.

If you have faith in yourself.....that is all that is required PLUS working your arse off. One with out the other and it is a No Go.

How much cold calling did you do in the last 2 weeks?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:06
Aug 26, 2008
2,898 see, the first one has posted.

They are the losing end of town. In fact they can prove it.

Well that's odd, I've been running my own business for longer than you and it doesn't involve fleecing Joe public:rolleyes:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:06
Apr 9, 2009
Well if you work it out let me know.I say Dentist.If I was a little younger - I would retrain as a dentist. Sort of your own boss, even NHS here. Meet people all day, get paid enough that you could still spend half the day playing golf, in the gym whatever whatever if you want.Good luck!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:06
Aug 28, 2008
I imagine he worked from a strong belief in himself and his business ideas.

Plus.....lots of work. Lots of doors banged on. But he had the burning desire and as you know...God only helps those who help themselves.

If the bloke who started thead is for real, then he can't go wrong with Think and Grow Rich. If he is for real then a blessing in disguise has arrived for him.

But he may decide to miss the opportunity and just go with a job.


Local time
Today, 10:06
Feb 1, 2006
And to top this all off, I have no friends. So I have to resort to family or ranting endlessly on the internet.
Join one or more clubs.

In the UK it's very easy to join a local football team. Keeps you fit and you meet a lot of people some of which you will build up a friendship.

Maybe a club of a hobby you like e.g. photography - you will meet a wide range of different people, male & female of all ages.

There are plenty of commerce societies in the UK - you must have the same in Florida. These will help you develop your commerce skills and help build your confidence. You will also network with lots of working people from different backgrounds and who are at different levels. It will help you see a bigger picture of whats out there. You will also make friends.

Depressing isn't it. Maybe this is why I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, or getting away from my computer screen, or stop searching this forum late into the night long after everyone has stopped posting.
As already mentioned, you need to set short, medium and long term goals. If you don't have a goal then you will never reach it. For instance your first goal could be to join a club. It will give you a reason to get up in the morning. As soon as you wake up, say to yourself "today I'm going to research and join a club". Always have goals otherwise you will do nothing.

Treat these forums the way you would treat a crossword book. It's fine to fill in the odd hour doing something you are interested in, but you wouldn't want to spent your entire free time doing crosswords however much you enjoy them.



Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 10:06
Jul 10, 2007
Well that's odd, I've been running my own business for longer than you and it doesn't involve fleecing Joe public:rolleyes:
Quite amazing for some-one who is still under 22 if we belive his profile.:D

You really are a star,Rich:)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:06
Aug 28, 2008

All you need to do is

1) Pick what you want to do

2) Apply extreme activity

It is reasonable to say that the regular posters on AWF know a lot more about Access than I do. But last year I decided I would make a living from Access. I now employ three people based on my Access activities. One is a girl for phone answering and the other two are blokes who have taken over the selling.

But I banged on a lot of doors. And next week I have a young bloke starting who is out of the university and wants to learn and work etc.

But others here complain about the managers etc and etc. Why don't they work for themselves?

If you take my advice and buy Think and Grow Rich and also apply "hard work at the extreme level" you will have great success. But again, the book is what is needed, not a down loaded screen thing.

And I will make you a guarantee...If you have extreme activity and your goal is an obsession not only will you not fail......but you will see things along the way that defy all logic....and seeing those things happen seems to provide the fuel to continue.

As to books, Think and Grow Rich is the mother and father of all such books. Anthony Robbins etc and other etc are simply enlarging on chapters of Think and Grow Rich.

If you put an extreme effort in then the good results come back to you and they are out of proportion. But there seems to be some threshold of activity and below that threshold it does not work. Back to burning desire:).


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 10:06
Aug 10, 2006
The socialism on this forum is unreal. In fact it appears to be loser's paradise.

Let's all applaud your Christian empathay for another human being.

And speakers_86, why you would post this shit up is beyond me. You appear to be just another loser...the world owes me a living etc.....

Yep, that'll be helpful then.

But oumahexi will lead you to loser's paradise but it looks like you won't need much leading.

OK, so the book you advise Speakers to purchase obviously doesn't come with instructions on how to read then...

Pono1 is right, a degree will be helpful. You will find that it opens doors, not necessarily in the field of study, which is good because you get to study something you really enjoy like philosophy, and someone will still employ you as, say, a DBA.

So, getting a degree is the road to distruction? Nobody would want to employ someone with a degree?

Would you rather spend the next 50 years accumulating vast amounts of money and looking back to realise you had no time to live your life or would you prefer to live life to the full and look back and see you have accumulted sufficient to retire on but oh, those brilliant memories to keep you smiling through your dotage?

We all have choices in life, nobody, not even you, has the right to demand another follows the path they think is correct, Speakers must work out for himself, would he prefer to have accumulated material things or to have had a fun life? If his answer is that he wants it all, then good for him, he must then add that to his "goals" and make his decisions based on what he feels his values in life are.

I agree that, if there is a god it would not want us to suffer, either in poverty or physically, however, I very much doubt that it would want us to amass vast amounts of money at the expense of our fellow inhabitants of the planet.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:06
Aug 28, 2008
I very much doubt that it would want us to amass vast amounts of money at the expense of our fellow inhabitants of the planet.

In comes the losers socialism. If someone makes money it is at the expense of our fellow ihabintants of the planet.:D:D:D:D:D


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 10:06
Jul 10, 2007
In comes the losers socialism. If someone makes money it is at the expense of our fellow ihabintants of the planet.:D:D:D:D:D
If it doesn't come from our fellow inhabitants of the planet where do you think it does come from then. :confused:

We all make typos from time to time so stop being a cheap imitation of Colin

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