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  1. H

    How to control a listbox with more than one button.Data source table containing the names of the analyzes and their affiliated groups

    Can you help? I have list box and two buttons t button after click on it All tests will appear p button after click on it The main groups will appear The first button works perfectly The second one I don't know how to do The idea is that each analysis is included in a group...
  2. H

    move an item from list box to another list box in one form

    I want to learn how to move an item from list box to another list box in one form, and how to extract the sum of the price field in list box to another field in the form, like this picture. Here is an example.
  3. H

    How to deal with field from a list box in a form

    I know at first that the level of my question does not compare to the extent of your experience, but excuse me because I am a beginner in learning Access. There is a list box with the word above it all test -------- take data from table named test_tbl When you click on any item once, I want...
  4. H

    convert age to date of birth in three fields: year, month, and day.

    i want if i writie the date of birth, it is converted to age in three fields: year, month, and day. and if i write the age, it turns into the date of birth ,finally age is collected in another field There is an update button, so that if the patient comes after a period of time, the new age is...
  5. H

    i need to use frmCalendar1 insteed of frmCalendar plz help me. frmcalendar1 contain buttons but frmCalendar contain labels

    i need to use frmCalendar1 insteed of frmCalendar plz help me. frmcalendar1 contain buttons but frmCalendar contain labels
  6. H

    i need to use frmCalendar1 insteed of frmCalendar plz help me. frmcalendar1 contain buttons but frmCalendar contain labels

    i need modify this module to open my calendar and chose day from it
  7. H

    copy all selctead item from list box from table to another list box

    i need move all selctead item from combo box to another combo box
  8. H

    Hello everyone

    Hellow everyone
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