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  1. S

    Freezing the fields on a form

    I would suggest setting the TAG property of the controls you want to lock to something consistent (e.g. LOCKME) then using a loop to lock them all. Sub LockControls For each myControl in Me.Controls If myControl.tag = "LOCK_ME" then myControl.locked = true end if Next End Sub
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    Pivot Chart Issue

    Bump... I now have a similar problem. I have a pivot chart with turnover on one axis and profit on the second, using . But when I requery the pivot chart it removes my series groups and plots them both on the same axis! Any ideas?
  3. S

    Master Child Relationship with Multiple Users

    Hi Everyone. I have a form (fmMainScreen) with a number of Subforms. fmMainScreen record source is tblMainScreen, which has two fields ID - Autonumber PC - Text MainScreen only ever has one record the top one. All of the subforms also contain a PC field, and are linked Master / Child in the...
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    Pivot Chart in Reports

    Cheers Rak, you've got me on the right path! I realised I had to create a form with default PivotChart View, then embed THAT as a sub form in my report! Rock and indeed Roll
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    Pivot Chart in Reports

    Hi, Sorry if I'm being dense, but I cant work out how to embed a pivot chart into a report/form. I can embed an ordinary chart, but not a pivot one. Please help someone
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    Chart Legend Labels

    Hi, It wasnt me that asked thi question, but 3 years later I needed the guidance! So thought I'd say thanks!!! Congy
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    I dont get it....

    Been using simple access for a while now, and this problem is new on me... Ive got two tables. One has data listed by OLD MATERIAL number (material) and the other has the new Material Number to convert to... I wanted to simply add a column onto the table to show the new material number (just...
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    how to duplicate the function of some of the toolbar buttons

    This is probably too late, but its always useful completing a post... MyField = Me.ActiveControl.Properties("Name") Me.OrderBy = "[" & MyField & "]"
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    Sendkeys Syntax

    Bad News Brown... From the Help Menu in VBA Note You can't use SendKeys to send keystrokes to an application that is not designed to run in Microsoft Windows or Macintosh. Sendkeys also can't send the PRINT SCREEN key {PRTSC} to any application. Dont shoot the messenger
  10. S

    changing message box?

    Hi Parso What you need to do is make your Msgbox an OkCancel box, and use an if statement to jump to the end of the code if they hit cancel... something like this if MsgBox ("Are you sure you wih to delete " & Me!planssubform.Form!PortName,"Do you wish to proceed with delete", vbokcancel) =...
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    For Loop Problems

    Wouldn't you be better off using an update query to select all entries after period x in for positon x???
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    Browse through records sorted on dates

    This is pretty simple, but I thought it was easier to create a sample for you to look It has one table, one query and two forms (Form1 and QuerySubform) Select the date from the combobox and the subform automatically refreshes. Look in the CRITERIA box in the query and the AFTER UPDATE...
  13. S

    Import Specification DOES exist... sob...

    I am relinking the text file.. here's my code... Set tdf = dbs.CreateTableDef("TextData") tdf.Connect="Text;DSN='ImportData';FMT=Delimited;HDR=NO;IMEX=2;DATABASE=" & filepath tdf.SourceTableName = filename dbs.TableDefs.Append tdf If there's a way to tell it to import it in the right way...
  14. S

    Page down problem

    I'd guess you have a very tall form in a not-so-tall window. either reduce the size of your form, increase the size of the window, or turn scroll bars property of the form onto neither.... Or it could be that you have continuous forms and not single form property on.... try them all!
  15. S

    Import Specification DOES exist... sob...

    Hi, I'm updating my backend databse by linking a user defined file. However, I keep on getting a message when I run my tabledef append that the text file specificiation ImportData doesnot exist... It does. I can see it!!!! someoneplease help me... its friday and i want to go home....
  16. S

    Linking text files to BackEnd

    Never mind... i found the IMEX, DNS, HDR settings!!!! Thanx forall your help though! :D :D :D
  17. S

    Linking text files to BackEnd

    Hi all... Thought I'd managed to piece the whole solution to thistogether by myself with help from others postings, but have fallen at the last hurdle. I have a back end database with address information in it that needs to be updated. I wanted to allow the user to pick up a file of their...
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    Trying to update a checkbox in excel from access public sub

    You need to open the excel sheet as an object and define it, then you can control it from Access as you would in Excel VBA... see this link for details Just remember, if you don't make the excel sheet visible, the you need to...
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    Prompt: Do you want to replace the file?

    Set warnings = False
  20. S

    importing into Access from a .exp file

    extra code Ooops.. forgot two its of extra code that you need to avoid this little error.... In the RunExcel module, insert the following after the 'create object' line xl.Visible = True 'this makes the excel process visible and in the form onclick event put the following after the SaveAs...
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