Abortion (1 Viewer)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 03:29
Feb 28, 2001
I HATE ending any argument that way. I always have.

Adam, I understand and actually sympathize. However, my comment/question about "the tyranny of the majority" still remains relevant.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 04:29
Feb 19, 2002
I HATE ending any argument that way. I always have.
I am not going to persuade Doc that late term abortions are murder and he is not going to persuade me that late term abortions are not murder. So, thre is nothing to discuss.

Once the fetus is viable, I believe it is a life and has rights. Before that, you can treat it like a growth and do what you want. And that still doesn't change my position that abortion is NOT an alternate method of birth control and to be taken lightly. If you are old enough to have sex, you are old enough to know the potential result. If your sex was unprotected, then get a morning after pill to ward off a pregnancy. If you are using birth control and it fails, you know or at least strongly suspect by 6-7 weeks. If you don't want a baby, take a test and have an abortion. By the time you get to the fifth month, there should be something very wrong with the fetus or the mother to allow an abortion.

The worst weekend of my life was spent with a good friend crying and comforting her over her abortion. She was in a bad marriage and had filed for divorce. Her husband raped her and she ended up pregnant. Being a single mother of three young children was going to be very difficult but being pregnant with a fourth was going to make it virtually impossible so she felt she had no option but an abortion. So I did what friends do. I supported her in her time of need knowing how painful this decision was to her. You might ask, why wasn't she using birth control? The answer is the Catholic church forbade birth control at that time and so she obeyed the tenants of her faith.

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