Am I a troll? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 03:02
Nov 27, 2017
Am I a troll?


Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 20:02
Jul 9, 2003
One of the main features of a troll is hiding their real name, using a pseudonym. Seeing as you use your real name, then you don't meet this criteria. I'm not sure about the other features of Trolls you might have. Do you live under a bridge? Are you ugly? Are you a giant or a dwarf? Do you cause discord? Start quarrels and generally upset people. Do you post inflammatory and/or off-topic messages? I think we all do that from time to time!


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 03:02
Nov 27, 2017
So you want me to analyse myself? Let's see... what were your criteria again?

Do you live under a bridge? Are you ugly? Are you a giant or a dwarf? Do you cause discord? [...] Do you post inflammatory and/or off-topic messages?

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. Yes
5. Yes

Looks like I fit some of the criteria! BUT, let me tell you a few more things about myself that will probably wipe out any notion that I could possibly be a troll.

1. I am self-employed: Database Design Solutions, baby!
2. I study a foreign language and VBA programming every day.
3. I am honest.
4. I have morals.
5. I dress well.
6. I eat and sleep moderately, and at regular hours.
7. My pregabalin habit is well under control.

Care to dispute any of these, gentlemen? You cannot argue with (1), (2), (3), (5) or (6) without implying that I'm a liar. (4) and (7) are less obvious, but true nonetheless. As to (4), "I have morals," I am decidedly NOT in favour of gay marriage in Australia. If I may say something very inflammatory/trollish right now on the same topic:

There's nothing romantic or moral about ejaculating up another man's arsehole, people! :mad:


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:02
Feb 28, 2001
Leo, let's not argue trolls. You've posted your picture and I don't see warts. Also, if you are a fan of the game Skyrim, I don't see a third eye or an excessively hirsute skin (where any skin is visible in your pictures that you have posted.) So I doubt you would qualify as a troll.

Let's be clear about condemning the sexual practices of others, though. If it is done in the privacy of a bedroom, where nobody is looking as a third party, and where video of the event isn't being shot for posterity, posterior, or posting,... it basically isn't anyone's business.

Why do I care? Because a member of my extended family is gay and is otherwise a perfect normal person. She pays her taxes and mortgage notes on time. She keeps her house neat and clean (except for pet hair... nobody's perfect). She and her wife (yes, you read that right) are socially adept. She served 12 years in the USAF in a communications unit. She is active in her community, supporting women's shelters for those whose ex-spouses felt they needed punching-bag practice. If you saw this person, you would realize that she knows as much about systems administration of UNIX as just about anyone you've ever met, so she's not stupid. Heck, she knows more than I do, since my expertise was OpenVMS, not UNIX.

So understand that I don't care what you believe. I doubt you qualify as a troll. You could qualify as a pain in the rump except that you might find the irony there a bit more than you really anticipated. But just remember that I will defend my family at any time. So... if you don't like what other people do, IGNORE them. It ain't your business anyway, and you can't convince me that what other folks do in private affects your private life in any way, shape, or form unless you have a massive problem in voyeurism.

Just my opinion.


Longboard on the internet
Local time
Today, 12:02
Sep 12, 2017

Surprised your against homosexuality... Think about it, the more men there are that wish to pair off with other men, the greater your chances of actually finding attractive women willing to date you!


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 03:02
Nov 27, 2017
Now THERE's an interesting point. However, women are getting harder to date, at least in my corner of the globe, due to a rise in feminist schools of thought and a general aversion to intimacy. I believe that this is tied in with the rise in "Gay" pride. Correct me if you think I'm wrong. I believe I put forth a very interesting viewpoint. I want men and women to pair up, and if I miss out because I'm not as charming or rich as other guys, so be it. If I don't live up to my OWN standards, however, then we have a problem. One of my deep-rooted traits is the urge to speak my truth. Such is my life.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:02
Feb 28, 2001
Women are getting harder to date because they are tired of having to go through the hair and make-up and pick-the-best-dress routine in order to snag a guy. They are tired of having to be a "good little girl" and present a proper image. They just want to be casual and have a good time. Yes, there are differences between us, but at the deep down human level, Cindy Lauper's advice is right: Girls just want to have fun!

It's the same thing that guys go through in life, of having to be macho alternating with stoic. Maybe things hurt, but you can suck it up. Play through the pain. Don't let the other guy know how much your guts ache. Swallow your sorrow. Be the great stone face that never shows emotion. That's the fastest prescription I know to trigger tons of stress in your life.

Have you EVER gotten to the point that you were so frustrated that all you could do is scream, shout, explode in anger and frustration, but the "macho image" kept you from doing it because it wouldn't have been "cool" for you to react? That's when heart attacks occur.

Women wouldn't be quite so hard to date if you treated them like people first and women second. (NOTE: or at least, equal parts thereof.) A healthy woman will eventually want to hop in the sack with you if you treat her like a person.

Women are sexual beings - i.e. they enjoy sex. It is just that they are different than men (vive' le difference) in long-term vs. short-term relationship goals. If you are having trouble with dating, go to a library and find a copy of the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and at least figure out how those differences make some of the modern "cool" pickup lines sound childish.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:02
May 22, 2010
I think men and women are harder to date because of the internet, social media and all things tech. Seriously before the internet dating was organic. Now its seems sterile and somehow colder.

People don't seem to communicate anymore.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 12:02
May 22, 2010
People have been saying that at least since the invention of the newspaper.

True, but when a newspaper was read people actually lifted their heads up and engaged other humans. In the near future babies will be born with extra neck and thumb muscles.:p


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Tomorrow, 05:02
Jan 20, 2009
True, but when a newspaper was read people actually lifted their heads up and engaged other humans. In the near future babies will be born with extra neck and thumb muscles.:p

You need to review the difference between Lamark's Transmutation and Darwin's Evolution.;)

However it has been noted that the dexterity of the thumb in young people has greatly advanced over previous generations.


bit cruncher
Local time
Today, 12:02
Mar 17, 2004
... women are getting harder to date ... due to a rise in feminist schools of thought and a general aversion to intimacy
If you oppose both feminism and gay pride as forces that degrade intimacy, then you are almost certainly experiencing an important kind of blindness. There is no scenario I can imagine where people gaining freedom for themselves can provide anything other than freedom for me. If you do not celebrate when people gain freedoms, then you are an oppressor.

As we all come to recognize the oppressor more quickly and more clearly, it is not women who are becoming harder to date.



Local time
Today, 20:02
Jan 14, 2017
If you oppose both feminism and gay pride as forces that degrade intimacy, then you are almost certainly experiencing an important kind of blindness. There is no scenario I can imagine where people gaining freedom for themselves can provide anything other than freedom for me. If you do not celebrate when people gain freedoms, then you are an oppressor.

As we all come to recognize the oppressor more quickly and more clearly, it is not women who are becoming harder to date.


Extremely well put Mark


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 15:02
Dec 26, 2002
I tend to believe tech has made communication even easier and better. It's solely an opinion that communication through online platforms and social media is "colder" than phone or face to face communications. While historically communication was observed through body language and tone of voice as much as the context being articulated, I believe we learn to adapt and evolve to such requirements. Think more on all that has been enhanced and made better by technology in the communication era. I can video chat with family across the country or even the world with the click of a button! I can play video games with my friends in two different time zones as if I was sitting in their living room, but it's even better than that because we don't have to deal with split screen headache. Because of enhancements in communication, I can grocery shop without entering a store. I can donate to any cause I want without having to leave my bed or deal with anyone on a phone call, trusting that I'm speaking to the right people.

Seriously, technological advances didn't make people colder. If people are colder because of technology, then it's correlation rather than causation. Maybe people are colder via tech, but not because of the tech.


I'm with the Witch.......
Local time
Today, 20:02
Aug 31, 2006
I think tech has led to the freedom in communication, and to the lessoning of inhibitions within communication, hence the rise of the Keyboard Warriors and the Troll's..

People feel more confident and in some cases bold sitting behind a screen and being faceless so they have less inhibited conversations. Be that a good thing or sometimes a bad thing..


I'm with the Witch.......
Local time
Today, 20:02
Aug 31, 2006
The rise of internet dating has not made it cold, in most cases it bring people closer together quicker..

My two major relationships, one of which I am still in, have been with people I have met on the Internet.

I actually find internet dating harder and more frought with heartache than face to face meeting..

Internet dating is like dating in reverse..

If you meet somebody in a bar / club etc... the Instant attraction kicks in, and you decide in the first few seconds of that meeting if you would like to see them again and get to know them better... then the dating begins...

On the internet, you have a picture, or a series of pictures of somebody, they tell you nothing about the person other than what a 2dimensional picture can tell you, you spend time getting to know the person through words on a page, in some cases getting attached to them through their words... you arrange to meet, and then those 3 seconds kick in...

I have lost count the number of times I had become 'attached' to a person through their words only to meet them and the 3 second rules kicks inand either you decide or they decide it doesnt feel right... either way you have buit up that attachment and it can be difficult to cope with that emotional rejection..


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 15:02
Oct 17, 2012
Anonymity has always led to people being more antagonistic and violent. There's the reason 'faceless mob' has a direct correlation with widespread violence and destruction.

The cute 'internet' version is the G.I.F.T. (look it up, it was an old Penny Arcade comic I can't link from work), while psychologists have studied groupthink and crowd psychology for years. There's even a known tendency for people to be far less helpful in group situations.

The internet has made the issue far more apparent, but it by no means CAUSED this issue - it's apparently built into the human psyche.

FWIW, my behavior really doesn't change, but then again, I have repeatedly been accused of being somewhat autistic. *shrug*


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 15:02
Dec 26, 2002
Thanks for agreeing with me guys. :D

I definitely agree with both of you. If people are going to hide who they are online, it's not because of the technology, it's because of the person. I once met a woman online and decided to meet for a date after many conversations. When we met face to face, something flipped within her. She started crying uncontrollably that she could tell I didn't like her right away. I was a bit dumbfounded, but that obviously made my opinions change on how this would work. I decided online dating wasn't for me. lol

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