anyone ticklish?

hi there

Registered User.
Local time
, 20:07
Sep 5, 2002
hi everyone,

i'm trying to develop an email tickler for one of my dbases to act as a task manager. basically, i have one table that holds people information (task do-ers). example fields are:

A. UserID (PK)
sorry about that i hit the wrong button.

hi everyone,

i'm trying to develop an email tickler for one of my dbases to act as a task manager. basically, i have one table that holds people information (task do-ers). example fields are:

A. UserID (PK)
B FirstName
C. LastName
D. Position
E. EmailAddress

then i have a task table with the following fields:

A. TaskID (PK)
B. TaskDescription
C. UserID (FK)
D. Frequency
E. Notes
F. DueDate (optional)

i currently have a DueDate field to set up task do dates, but ultimately i'd like to have the dbase schedule cyclic tasks (e.g. weekly) for me and set emails accordingly. using the DueDate field now i have a query (qryTodaysTasks) set up that creates a list of tasks for the current date using the Date() function in the DueDate field. i've also created a macro that will run this query using the AutoExe if needed. here are my questions/problems

1. qryTodaysTasks will produce a list of tasks for all UserID's, how do i automate the task of parsing the tasks into individual people's tasks and then creating separate reports to be emailed to the individuals?

2. how do i schedule Access to automate running this query if my dbase is password protected?

3. how do i build the DoCmd.SendObject syntax to run automatically and send the correct report to the correct person's email address?

4. can anyone offer any help on getting how i could remove the DueDate field and get Access to schedule cyclic tasks for me?

any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

thanks a lot

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