Append to not appending (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
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Today, 15:06
Jan 11, 2005
The following code attempts to create an append to table called [PA1link] and append the data to a table called [Customers] in the DB called [ProReport1]. As the location of [ProReport1] may vary due to the installation on a variety of servers its location is dictated by the [Links] table which is accessed via a dlookup.

All works OK, that is the Append Table is produced with the correct data but it isn't added to the destination database. No error messages are produced.

If I run the resultant query via the query window the append works. It almost looks like the code is missing a "run" command of some sort but I am under the impression that the "Insert Into" does that job. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thankyou

 Private Sub PAManagementBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PAManagementBtn_Click

'If MsgBox("You are about to add a new client to the Progress Reporter Program." & vbCrLf & "Do not do this if you have already done it before for this client." & _
'" If the Client already has had a Report set up make sure that the [Client Now On Program] field is completed. Then open Progress Reporter from Quicklinks." & Chr(13) & "Do you still wish to add the Client?", vbOKCancel, "Progress Reporter") = vbOK Then

    'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    Dim qdf As QueryDef
    Dim strsql As String
    Dim ServerPath As Variant
    ServerPath = DLookup("[Link]", "links", "[linkname] = 'PAActivity'")
    If IsNull(varserver) Then
        MsgBox ("Unknown Path.")
    strsql = "INSERT INTO Customers (Advisor, ClientID, C1surname, " & _
            "                       C1firstname, C2Surname, C2firstname, " & _
            "                       stNo, StName, Locality, postcode) " & _
    "IN '" & ServerPath & "' " & _
    "SELECT advisors, ClientNo, Client1Name1, Client1Name2, Client2Name1, Client2Name2, StreetNo, StreetName, Locality, Postcode " & _
    "FROM  [Client action]" & _
    "WHERE [Client action].ClientNo = " & [Forms]![client action amended]![ClientNo] & ";"

    Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("PA1Link")
    qdf.sql = strsql
    'DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, "PA1Link"
    End If
    'DoCmd.SetWarnings True
   Application.FollowHyperlink DLookup("[Link]", "links", "[linkname] = 'PAActivity'")
   ' Else: Exit Sub
   ' End If
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_PAManagementBtn_Click
End Sub
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