Automating code running (1 Viewer)

Rank Am

Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 02:16
Apr 30, 2005
Anyone know if it is possible to automate some data management sub routines that are currently run daily by an administrator, I would like it to run each day at midnight. Basically it updates local cached copies of a master backend DB (tables and queries). I would like to do this from VBA in the access 2007 db but don't think it is possible - is it possible to trap an external event based upon server time?, the only way I can think of is to write a windows script, compile the routines as a DLL and register it as a windows service, this is quite a lot of work and means dealing with our moronic IT Dept whose sole function in life seams to be dreaming up creative ways of saying cannot be done. The other option would be SQL server, also not an option.
BTW the database is running 24/7 and registered on the server - EDIT - by that I mean the file server will automatically restart / ensure the DB is up and running. The current connections to the client front ends and the site local cached DB's is all handled by ADO connections / recordsets not Jet.


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Wino Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:16
Aug 30, 2003
One way would be to create a db that runs your process when it opens, then closes itself. Then open that db from Windows Scheduled Tasks on your desired schedule.

Rank Am

Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 02:16
Apr 30, 2005
Hey thanks, i knew that there must be a simple solution, just couldn't see the wood for the trees!
I will create a seperate mde file that contains only a bit of authentication and then runs the database util routines using an autoexec macro. Who needs SQL server.


Wino Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:16
Aug 30, 2003
Happy to help. I use SQL Server a lot, but some things are more suited to a method like this. Post back if you get stuck.

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