Solved Best ERD Design Approach

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Can you please upload your DB so that I can understand your explanation?
I have it with a (simple) code for navigation, I didn't bother with macros


Thanks for replying
Can you please upload your DB so that I can understand your explanation?
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim s1, s2, mtype As Long, mtypek As Long
Private Sub zcode_Click()
mtype = Nz(Me.zcode, 1)
s1 = "zkuda=0 or zkuda=" & mtype & " or zcode=" & mtype
Me.Filter = s1
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

Private Sub zkuda_Click()
mtypek = Nz(Me.zkuda, mtype)
s1 = "zcode=" & mtypek & " or zkuda=" & mtypek
Me.Filter = s1
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

Private Sub zName_Click()
Debug.Print Me.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm "0000m1", acNormal, , "zcode=" & Me.zcode
End Sub
и, конечно же, фильтрация/поиск по части значения или интервала (для дат) в любой комбинации полей фильтрации
T.[ztype], T.[zName], T.[zEmail], T.[zPhone], T.[zFax]
A.AssignStartDate, A.AssignEndDate, A.AssignextEndedDate, A.MainJob, A.AssignedJob
  • -секретари + 2022
  • -меры по защите данных
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The database uploaded by @SHANEMAC51 still has Lookup fields in tables.
whether there is lookup field or not, that is not an issue.
the OP can't use VBA.
Sorry but I tend to disagree as Lookups at table level are not recommended.

What has a Lookup field got to do with VBA?
The database uploaded by @SHANEMAC51 still has Lookup fields in tables.
in the example, I did not set out to remove substitutions or arrange everything with macros - my task was to show an approach to solving the problem through the subordination TREE, combining 5 tables into one + navigation through the levels forward and backward (this is served by clicking on the first two fields in the record)

to search for any of the 10 fields that the FILTER suggests, of course it is more convenient to write code, but I think that this can be solved with a macro
table level are not recommended.
who said, microsoft?
how long have you been using access?
if you have been using access for half of your existence,
there is no reason not to "grow up" with it.
Sorry Arnelgp but I am just a novice in developing database's but the majority of Guru's on the various Forums all tend to say that Lookups at table level is not recommended.
This site is an example
sorry too, but it is only a "recommendation"?
if you embrace their recommendation, fine.
it is not a Law or an ISO standard.
Sorry but I tend to disagree as Lookups at table level are not recommended.

What has a Lookup field got to do with VBA?
Hi, there is no problem with lookup fields as long as I know how to deal with it
In this thread my goal is making best ERD design approach
The form that opens allows you to navigate between each Management Name which then displays a list of all Departments associated

Does this help?


The form that opens allows you to navigate between each Management Name which then displays a list of all Departments associated

Does this help?
I really like your Form, nested subforms, Colors and Macros,
but I am struggling with tblPositions
Do I need to associate the tblPosition with each table? or there is different way to do it?
for example I i link tblPosition with Section that is means GM should have a section but GM he is not related to any section, so that I link it directly to tblPostion
sample attached



I work mostly with photo editors and camera A photographic film has a single ISO value, clearly marked on the pack. Digital sensors also have a single physical sensitivity. However, digital sensors map a range of ISO values and allow you to decide how you want them to perform when photographing a particular scene and how bright an image is to produce.
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