Best way to design for multiple values? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:36
Sep 24, 2007

I am experiencing some confusion in setting up a many-to-many relational database, and I would greatly appreciate any assistance that anyone may have to offer.

Currently, I have two tables: one which is a last of organizations provided services, and the second table is a list of counties in the state. While many organizations only focus their services on one county, some offer services in multiple counties. The desired end product is a website in which users can search for available service organizations based on the county they have selected.

In Access, what is the best way to link each individual entry in the organizations table to the appropriate counties in which they offer services? For example, I will need to say Organization1 offers services in County1, County2, County43, and Organization 2 offers services in County2 and County62. When a user selects County2, it should return both Organization1 and Organization2… and so on.

What is a more efficient way to store this information than just having multiple columns?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Local time
Yesterday, 23:36
Jan 12, 2001
You basically have a junction table which pulls together the information, sort of like this:

OrganizationID - autonumber (PK)
OrganizationName - Text
Other Org details...

CountyID - Autonumber (PK)
CountyName - Text

tblOrgCounty the Junction table
OrgCountyID - Autonumber (PK)
OrganizationID - Long Integer (FK)
CountyID - Long Integer (FK)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:36
Sep 24, 2007
Thanks, Bob, that is very helpful.

In doing so, however, what is the best way to create a form in Access so that novice users can add and delete counties for organizations without having to enter the jointer table to do this?


Local time
Yesterday, 23:36
Jan 12, 2001
You can have a form to associate them. In other words you can have a form that has a combo box, for example, that has each organization listed and then another combo box with each county listed and you would just go to a new record and select 1 record from each combo box and if the form is bound to the junction table and each combo box is bound to the applicable field, then you have your method right there.

Oh, and the county selection can actually have this form as a subform on the Organization form which has the Orgs listed.

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