Biden Refuses to Protect Executive Privilege (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:54
Jul 5, 2006
Another background story, like Biden Administration Quietly Forcing Unionization, that has tremendous negative implications but receives virtually no media coverage. Soon after Biden assumed the Presidency, a reporter asked a question concerning the public availability of (privileged) documents behind the Trump administration. I can't remember who in the Biden administration responded, but that person said the Biden administration would not invoke "Executive Privilege" to protect Trump's privileged communications. I was beyond shocked when I heard that, as internal working documents are privileged communications. It was also further proof that the Biden adminstration was/is rabidly out to get Trump, even if it means breaking with democratic norms. (As another deplorable action, the Democrats also attempted to subpoena translators to disclose privileged communications between Trump and foreign leaders.) This is a deplorable "third world" action by the Biden administration.

Once again, Democrats are demonstrating that they are repugnantly out for immediate blood and do not care about upholding the protection of privileged communications and adhering to democratic principles. This opens the opportunities for the Republicans to respond in kind, should the Republicans ever develop the guts to eviscerate the Democrats. Democrats are the "threat to democracy".

Wall confirmed the Biden administration would not “honor the former President’s ‘protective’ claim of privilege” after Corcoran sent his letter to Stern.
Even Dershowitz condemned the Democrats for proposing to waive Trumps "Executive Privilege".
“The best thinking is that an incumbent president cannot waive the right of the previous president. It would make a mockery of the whole notion of privilege,” Dershowitz continued.
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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:54
Feb 19, 2002
The Press has become Pravda for the Dems. How any of them can call themselves "reporters" is beyond me. They do their "research" on FB and rely on the "fact" checkers for "truth".

All of our checks and balances have collapsed. If Biden can't get the Dems to pass a bill (because they KNOW it will come back and bite them), he just waves his hand and "makes it so" with an executive order. The problem here is that he needs to remember to rescind the order before he leaves office or the Republicans will use it against the Dems. Biden and the Dems should also remember that what goes around comes around even though most of the Republications are unwilling to stand up for the Constitution and justice, especially if they are being misused against the enemy, the evil orange man, perhaps enough replacements will be elected to solve the RINO problem.

The Republicans are feckless pieces of dog poo for letting this happen and not challenging Biden's executive orders. Hell, Trump couldn't even remove illegal orders issued by Obama because the courts ruled they had to stand. How is that even possible if they are supposed to be temporary?
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Old registered user
Local time
Today, 00:54
Feb 22, 2002
Biden says (last night in a speech) Trump supporters and followers are 'extremists and threaten to destroy democracy in the USA. '

I have to say that some posters here do seem to be extreme in their love of the orange god, he can do no wrong despite inciting the riots in Washington on Jan 6th. Still, we all have our failings.maybe the orange idiot will poll the least votes again and become president again, then the idiot can send troops to Ukraine and recreate another Vietnam in Russia.


Active member
Local time
Today, 09:54
Apr 27, 2020
Biden says (last night in a speech) Trump supporters and followers are 'extremists and threaten to destroy democracy in the USA. '

I have to say that some posters here do seem to be extreme in their love of the orange god, he can do no wrong despite inciting the riots in Washington on Jan 6th. Still, we all have our failings.maybe the orange idiot will poll the least votes again and become president again, then the idiot can send troops to Ukraine and recreate another Vietnam in Russia.
I call it the GOP Delusion

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:54
Jul 5, 2006
Recent events have demonstrated that the Biden administration is going far beyond simply attacking Executive Privilege. The Biden administration has also undermining attorney/client privilege and is also attempting to prosecute whistleblowers. These are all attacks on fundamental protections enshrined in our legal system. These attack are designed to serve a political purpose for the benefit of the Democratic party. For the Democrate the ends-justify-the-means. Should these attacks succeed, the rule-of-law will be severely damaged.


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:54
Feb 19, 2002
These are all attacks on fundamental protections enshrined in our legal system. These attack are designed to serve a political purpose for the benefit of the Democratic party. For the Democrate the ends-justify-the-means. Should these attacks succeed, the rule-of-law will be severely damaged.
But only while the Dems hold power. The feckless Republican pieces of dog poo will not turn the the attacks back on the original perpetrators. They are too afraid of being called names. They also hate the evil orange man with a purple passion and are very happy to have the Dems do their dirty work. It is time folks to start threatening the Republican candidates. All offices, not just Presidential. If they are unwilling to stand up for the Constitution and protect executive privilege and attorney/client privilege, even when it means defending the rights of the hated one, they stand no chance of beating Trump in the primary or even in the general if it comes to that. I would vote for RFK, Jr before I would ever vote for a Republican candidate who refused to defend Trump to the death. DeSantis is making a smart move, assuming he carries through, if he stands up to defend Trump. His ratings will go up not down.

DeSantis' poll numbers tanked for three reasons.
1. Floridians are furious that he is deserting them for a "better" job rather than staying to finish the one he just took. The rest of the country also sees this as an outright betrayal. In order to even get away with it, he needed to convince the Florida assembly to overturn a law that prohibited him from running for a different office without stepping down as Governor. We need this law in every state. Be honest and give up your seat the way Tulsi Gabbard did when she chose to run for President in 2020.
2. He proved himself to be untrustworthy by this move as well as disloyal to Trump (who helped him to win the Governor's race) is very popular.
3. Rumor has it that he was using his government staff to raise money for his run at the Presidency which is illegal, especially since he hadn't even declared he was running.
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