Cancel unload No currrent record

How would you handle this? More info is forthcoming through this call but not immediately...
Why is the note in a child table? Will you have future notes regarding the incident? How so you know this isn't an existing incident and you need to find it so you can add the note to the correct parent?

Your design is not well thought out. Without knowing more about the process, it is hard to offer a better table design. From what you've said, I would use a single table and embed the note in it. If this really is a parent/child relationship, eventually the caller will get to the "parent" information and you can enter it in the note. So, essentially you are doing the data entry directly into the child record and are manually creating the FK to the parent if there is one. In this scenario, there could be stand alone note records that don't link to any "parent".

Can you tell us what the "parent" is and why you are not calling up the parent first so you can see the other notes?
I seem to recall in NTL, we had a mainform and subform for notes, so we could see what went on before. Double clicking a subform record would show whole record as pop up.

However that was not an Access DB.
The question is how does the application work as a whole?

It is chaotic to allow child records to be added before parent records. There are better designs.
I'm not completely in left field here. I did this a long time ago and I got my information from Microsoft Access 2010 Programmer's Reference. That's where I got most of my stuff. Teresa Hennig, Rob Cooper, Geoffrey Griffith, Jerry Dennison. I assume they know their stuff. I got it fixed. I went back to the book and read the section again. Moving on and thank you for your help.

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