Cash reward for non-payment of rent (1 Viewer)


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 18:56
Mar 14, 2017

isn't this amazing? You sit there in school listening reverently and learning to appreciate the appropriately sacred right that Americans have to enter into agreements between each other and have them upheld and respected. Then they make a law that if someone doesn't pay the rent for so long that they have to be evicted, you have to give them a parting gift cash equal to one month's rent on the way out! I can't believe this kind of backwards weirdness is upheld even in california!
I used to think this kind of crap was only in crazy European countries like france, where property owners are forced to provide a free place to stay for squatters. I didn't know even our country is now doing stuff like this.
Punish people for succeeding. A central tenant of communism.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 18:56
Mar 14, 2017
Last I heard Montana was one of their favorite move-to destinations. Thanks a lot bro, please don't ruin Montana for us. Lay in the bed you made or switch parties and make living amends.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:56
Feb 28, 2001
Parts of California will become increasingly unliveable as the drought hitting the various water sources (like the Colorado River) gets worse. Lake Mead is rapidly approaching the point where the water pressure behind the dams is no longer strong enough to power the hydroelectric generators. Seven states will be affected very negatively by this drought. One wonders if the next season's forest fires will be allowed to burn because there is no longer enough water to extinguish the blazes and let people drink or go fishing.


Active member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:56
Oct 21, 2021
st I heard Montana was one of their favorite move-to destinations. Thanks a lot bro, please don't ruin Montana for us. Lay in the bed you made or switch parties and make living amends.
Just wear your sidearms and carry your rifles and they will cry for their mommy!


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 18:56
Mar 14, 2017
Just wear your sidearms and carry your rifles and they will cry for their mommy!
My worry is they are playing the long game. Generational change of voting habits.
Of course conservatives have a pretty solid long game too - it's called having families. Eventually they all vote.
Problem is, our natural strength through progeny confronts just one opposing strategy it can't beat: a quarter-million illegal immigrants a month being released, which mark my word - Once they've been here long enough, (whatever that may take - a year, 20 years, 2 generations, it doesn't matter) - EVENTUALLY, the cries will come for "path to citizenship", just "because established".

Know what's the best answer when liberals cry and scream over what they call "The Racist Great Replacement Theory" ??

I always tell them: What's theoretical about numbers ??

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:56
Feb 19, 2002
The Democrats find themselves in quite the pickle. They have convinced their loyal voters, the black victims to abort more babies than they bear to term. Now what are they going to do? They need more suckers to vote for Democrats. Someone had a brilliant idea. Let's open the borders. The people who cross illegally will think since Biden invited them in that they should vote for Democrats. All that work we did in 2020 to corrupt the election process will bear even more fruit:)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:56
Feb 19, 2002
You can only leave if you stop voting for people who think banning gas stoves is a good idea and who think allowing homeless people to occupy school yards is good for the community.


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:56
Mar 13, 2021
Parts of California will become increasingly unliveable as the drought hitting the various water sources (like the Colorado River) gets worse. Lake Mead is rapidly approaching the point where the water pressure behind the dams is no longer strong enough to power the hydroelectric generators. Seven states will be affected very negatively by this drought. One wonders if the next season's forest fires will be allowed to burn because there is no longer enough water to extinguish the blazes and let people drink or go fishing.
agreed 2.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 18:56
Mar 14, 2017
It's always been a point of amazement for me that we can't (or haven't yet) figured out an efficient-enough way to de-salinate ocean water.
Here we are surrounded by more water than we can even comprehend and people are going thirsty. Water doesn't actually disappear.

I'm confident it will happen. I've been told things like "this is why that can never happen", but I've also read of it being continuously pursued, and many other scientific things "couldn't happen" until they did.

We just need to desalinate and build more piping infrastructure. Now out of all the silly and even harmful stuff the Democrats tried to call "infrastructure" (which a majority of congress wisely opposed), THAT'S a project I could get behind financially, if it was proved successful by a well planned research

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:56
Feb 19, 2002
The Saudis at one point were investigating transporting icebergs from Antarctica to the Persian Gulf.


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:56
Mar 13, 2021
The Saudis at one point were investigating transporting icebergs from Antarctica to the Persian Gulf.
for what purpose!? obviously that community of people is ahead of whatever stupid game they're playing. don't they already have island cities over there too!??


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Yesterday, 21:56
Apr 27, 2015
Before I left Italy, there was a land-mark case involving a thief and a produce stand owner. Long story short, the thief was pardoned because he was able to "prove" that without resorting to theft, he would have starved. His "right" to survive trumped the produce stand guy's right to make a living.

Coming soon to our shores...


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 18:56
Apr 5, 2010
I did not vote for those people and would not. They also are banning all gasoline (petrol) small engines (lawn mowers, weed eaters, possibly small generators, etc.) . There are thousands of yard work companies that have to go electric.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 18:56
Mar 14, 2017
Before I left Italy, there was a land-mark case involving a thief and a produce stand owner. Long story short, the thief was pardoned because he was able to "prove" that without resorting to theft, he would have starved. His "right" to survive trumped the produce stand guy's right to make a living.

Coming soon to our shores...

That sounds about right, because I recently read a story where it took the Italy SUPREME COURT to finally quash the notion that parents are legally liable for giving 40-year old children an allowance!
Yeah, it finally came down on the reasonable result, but it took the supreme court to get there.

I also just read an article about how apparently Sweden's rate of sexual crimes is off the charts - like, far more than other countries.

Why am I saying this? Well, we get a lot of grief about the USA, as if our gun violence problem is the be-all and end-all of country to country quality of living comparisons. But there is a lot more to it.

It tells me that there is no need for us to feel "behind the times" and longingly drool for Europe's supposed "progress" in many areas.

As it turns out, a general dependence on the government to solve problems (socialism) and a culture of wildly unchecked sexual license (under the guise of "it's just a human body, why be ashamed of it"), do not necessarily lead to good places nor places we would want to be as Americans.
On the other hand, upon more careful study, it turns out that the problem MIGHT actually be the exact polar opposite: Sweden's relatively extreme position on how sex crimes are defined (which at its MeToo-esque most extreme means that essentially everyone who had sex but didn't particularly want to at the time in hindsight is now officially a victim), among other radical aspects of their definition, might be the cause of these "statistics". Sweden appears to have finally gotten to the natural logical end of "MeToo" philosophy, and the ludicrous results are apparent.
There is no longer an acceptable "gray area" wherein one out of two generally consenting parties essentially convinces the other person to engage.
Which you only have to be alive (or married) for a few weeks to see the nonsense of it, since 90% of all sex encounters on planet earth involve one person wanting it measurably more than the other person did at that exact moment, and using at least some form of 'persuasion' to get their way. Seeing those 90% as a crime is as stupid as calling it a robbery every time my daughter cajoles or otherwise somewhat forcefully persuades me to give her money.

That's the flipside of the coin, and not the right or best result either. Both are wrong.

Between topics such as Freedom and Reasonableness, we should still be proud of our nation, although we have some work to do.
It could be a lot worse.

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