I have a normalized database (SQL) and Access for UI (forms/data entry). When I add a new sub-record, ie a form - subform record, it starts another record, and then there is an extra new record. It seems that if a user starts a new record, but then abandons it, a record is created in the table, with the ID (identity) and the FK to the main record. None of the other fields have any info.
Has anyone experienced this? I was thinking of a routine to check the tables for records that only have a PK and FK and no other info in any other field, and delete them. I'd really prefer to do it in a way that will truncate the identity, so that the unused ID number will be used again, once there is a real record. That is not imperative. My main concern is to clean up bunk records.
Thanks for any advice on this! (Please don't be mean to me).
Has anyone experienced this? I was thinking of a routine to check the tables for records that only have a PK and FK and no other info in any other field, and delete them. I'd really prefer to do it in a way that will truncate the identity, so that the unused ID number will be used again, once there is a real record. That is not imperative. My main concern is to clean up bunk records.
Thanks for any advice on this! (Please don't be mean to me).