Combo Boxes on Forms


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Today, 23:21
Apr 4, 2012

I have created tables and forms containing several combo boxes storing information about Employees & Residents:


- Once I have found the Employee I need to check or add information on
- I click on the combo box eg. Training Record but the information does not match the Employee.

1) When I click on the combo boxes they are all listed/sorted in order of the Primary ID record number (smaller to bigger) which is not what I want...

I would appreciate if someone can help me on the above today.

Thank you.
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Can you show your table design?
Also show the code associated with any of your buttons?

Pick a button and show the code; the employee info and what you expect to happen using an example.
Here's the table (mixture of Empoyees and Residents):


Sorry what code do you need?

eg. I am looking for information on Doreen Grey (Primary ID = 1)

When I click on the combo button on the right i.e. Training Records, the information on the screen does not belong to Doreen Grey.
It belongs to another employee with a different Primary ID no.)

Here's the training record table:


Thank you.
I need the INDIVIDUAL ID of the employee on the screen to match the one on the Training Record.
Agreed. What is the code behind the On Click event of the Training Record button?

Can you post a jpg of your tables and relationships?

What do you mean by
Combo button


Sorry by Combi Boxes I mean the grey BUTTONS (Form Control) on the right handside i.e. Training Record etc...
What is the record source of your frmTrainingRecord? It needs to be related to the tblIndividuals.

Can you go to design view of frmTrainingRecord then , look art the Data tab and see what is listed for RecordSource?
All forms have been created from the tables so the sourse of
frmTrainingRecord is tblTrainingRecord and so on...
The tables are link by the Individual ID numbers.
Individual ID numbers have been allocated to all Employees and Residents.

Thank you for your patience I am new at this...
I have been playing around with a new FORM and I think the keys are the:
- Link Master Fields
- Link Child Fields
If they are both set to INDIVIDUAL ID it seem to be working.

However, the BUTTON COMMAND "TrainingRecord" does not list the above links :(
When you open the frmTrainingRecord you have to identify which record to show on the Form. However, you are dealing with macros, which I don't use, so perhaps someone else with macro experience can assist you to set up the proper linkage to show the trainingRecord for the person with the individualId on the current form.
When you open the frmTrainingRecord you have to identify which record to show on the Form. However, you are dealing with macros, which I don't use, so perhaps someone else with macro experience can assist you to set up the proper linkage to show the trainingRecord for the person with the individualId on the current form.

Can someone help me with the above? I have posted it in the MACRO section but I have had no response.

An answer by 7pm today would be welcomed.

Thank you in advance.:D

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