Combo Problem (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 23:18
Feb 29, 2008
Access 2007

I have a popup form which I am using to filter the records on the main form depending on what value is selected from a number of combo boxes. I use the values in the combos to write my own sql statement to determine the recordset on the main form. When the user changes a combo it calls a public function on the main form to perform the sql change.

When trying to reference a combo on the popup form from the main one I am using:


All this returns is the default value set for the combo no matter what value is selected.

So I then tried a couple of things to see what is going on. In the combo change event I placed:

Debug.Print Form_POPUP_DRAFTS_FILTER.comboModels.Value
Debug.Print Me.comboModels.Text

The first line returns the default value but the second line returns the correct value as selected. The form name I am using IS correct.

What is annoying is for another section of the SAME database I am doing exactly the same thing using 2 different forms and it works.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Access 2007


Local time
Today, 15:18
Jan 12, 2001
When referencing the value of a combo on another form, the NORMAL syntax is:


You don't need the .Value and if you use .Text the control must have the focus.

As for why it would not work on one and work on others, I would suggest you make sure that all of the computers in question have the Office 2007 SP1 applied.

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