Create my own website with db back-end... suggestions appreciated. (1 Viewer)


Local time
Tomorrow, 08:21
May 19, 2005
Hi folks,

I have a bit of experience using a combination of vb, sql, unix scripting, access, dos etc. As well as very basic use of HTML and some static webpage design through Dreamweaver. I am considering an attempt at creating my own dynamic website with a MySQL db behind it, and I will need the website to interact with the db as well as linux scripts (file manipulation). My comfort-zone is databases, and beyond that I am a novice. I have a spare pc and have installed Fedora Core. I have installed MySQL and connected thru ODBC to a linux equivalent of Access... so I think that I shouldn't have too many problems creating all that I need on the database-side. At about this stage I could do with hearing the basics... I have a copy of Dreamweaver MX and was considering an attempt at linking some webpages with PHP scripting. Am I on the right track? Is there an easy way of doing this? I think that I need Apache webserver installed... is this easy enough to do? Does it need to have it's own partition or anything weird like that?! Can I create a temporary website to view on my network (thru a router) before launching into the outside world? Is there anything special that I might need to know? What is the order of the steps involved? Can anyone offer any insight into how they have created their websites and what their first steps were?

Cheers for any feedback - sorry for the novice questions :confused:



Local time
Tomorrow, 08:21
May 19, 2005
Just bringing this back into view.. posted just as new posts were being cleared down.


split with a cherry atop.
Local time
Today, 15:21
Sep 1, 2005
30 minutes of bumping is considered rude. Better to wait a day or so.

But to answer your question- I'd look into ASP; this is a good platform to support data handling between the website end and the MySQL server. You also can get it for free from Microsoft. I don't know if there's a Linux ASP IDE, though.


Local time
Today, 23:21
Mar 22, 2004
Banana said:
30 minutes of bumping is considered rude. Better to wait a day or so.

But to answer your question- I'd look into ASP; this is a good platform to support data handling between the website end and the MySQL server. You also can get it for free from Microsoft. I don't know if there's a Linux ASP IDE, though.
I disagree if you are using mySQL php has much better support of mySQL including many built in functions. If you are talking MS SQL that a different matter. PHP and mySQL are the standard and they are both open source an easy to learn.

PHP & mySQL for Dummies is a good book


Local time
Tomorrow, 08:21
May 19, 2005
Thanks Dt... that is what I had heard as well.
Will try to get hold of a copy of the book.

Cheers, J.


Local time
Tomorrow, 08:21
May 19, 2005

Not really. I wish I could be more motivated to do these things when I get home from work. I have 2 pc's. One with a LInux installation (Fedora) the other with Windows XP. I have been having more problems getting these systems correct before I can look at the website design. Trying to get Samba, Print Sharing, odbc and mysql working before I can attempt the web stuff. I have 2 books on order and hope to get started when they arrive... "PHP and Mysql for Dummies", and "Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP and MySQL". Do you have any points you would like to make that may help a novice?




Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:21
Nov 4, 2004
I think you are on the right road at least it's pretty much the one I'm going down.
Here's where I'm at with the whole thing...
I got a webhost (lunarpages) that supports PHP/MySQL then I got a program called EasyPHP and installed it on my laptop at home (WinXP).
EasyPHP (and there are many like it, all free) includes Apache Server, PHP, MySQL, PHPAdmin and a few other things all in a self contained environment (for the lack of a better term). So in the end all you have to do is install EasyPHP (very simple) and you do not have to worry about configuring them separately which I hear is a pain to do.
The end result is I can work through my books learning/practicing on my laptop and if I like what I've done I can upload it to my webhost.
It's that easy!

Hope this helps

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