Deploying DB using FE and BE with runtime version (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:38
Jul 8, 2009
First of all I would like to thank everyone here who has helped me through my time creating this database. Without you guys I would not have a database to deploy. It is a pretty simple thing right now and will only be installed on 3 other machines running the 2007 runtime version (my station being the 4th but the only one with full Access 2007). I am finally ready to deploy it in my office and have some questions on how to.

I want to split it into front end and back end files and obviously install the front end on each machine and will plan on keeping the back end file on my machine (we do not have any type of technical server in our network, just 4 machines networked through basic microsoft networking). Splitting the file is no problem, I figured out how to do that just fine. My question is how do I "link" the tables in the front end copies to the tables in the back end that are now over the network, using the runtime version?

For example...

My original file (before split) was in the My Documents folder on my workstation. I split the file and saved the Back End file in the C:\Shared data directory (which is a shared folder on my computer). Now if I open the front end file (still in My Documents), all the tables are now "linked" to the file C:\Shared Data\My database_BE.accdb. Opening the front end file on my system works fine. But now when I copy a front end file to another system, the "linked tables" to the back end file are looking for the directory C:\Shared Data...., when in reality the directory would now be\Shared Data...... The runtime version of access does not seem to let me re-link (or update location of) the back end tables. How would I go about setting this up so each workstation is linked to the back end file on my computer?

I also noticed in the runtime version, the Ribbon is gone and also the navigation pane (displaying tables, forms, queries etc.) is gone. Obviously the runtime version blocks out development features, so i can understand lots of stuff "missing", but how would you open forms and such without that pane? (This is just a question for reference though, my DB does already have a navigational form I created where I would never need that pane to open objects, I was just wondering though)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:38
Jun 8, 2002
Good questions.

As you noticed, the runtime version strips out the user menus and tool bars that he full version has. You will have to program each function and command button that the users will need to navigate and use your applications.

For linking the users front ends to the back end on your computer, that is tricky for I am used to using network servers for that. Just as the users need for the location of the files on the network, the users will have to have shared rights to your computer for where the shared back end is located for they must have read/edit/delete rights to be able to use the back end file on your computer. The path would look something like \\\Shared Data\Back End.mdb You need to create the link from the front end to the back end and then give the front end to the users. Your computer will have to always be on for then the users need to use the database.

If I am way off on this then I hope somebody else will chime in.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:38
Jul 8, 2009
You will have to program each function and command button that the users will need to navigate and use your applications.
Yes, well, I didn't know that the runtime strips out the navigation also, but luckily, my db design included a navigation form anyway, so I lucked out there!

Just as the users need for the location of the files on the network, the users will have to have shared rights to your computer for where the shared back end is located for they must have read/edit/delete rights to be able to use the back end file on your computer. The path would look something like \\\Shared Data\Back End.mdb You need to create the link from the front end to the back end and then give the front end to the users. Your computer will have to always be on for then the users need to use the database.

Yes, that location on my computer is shared with read/write/delete access and the computer is constantly on, so none of that should be an issue.
So basically you're saying that while in the full version of access, I edit all the linked tables locations (I believe I remember it being in the design view properties box of the table?) to be \\\Shared Data\Back End.mdb, then I copy the updated front end to each workstation for runtime use? I am assuming that if I ever change the location of the back end, I would then have to re-deploy the front ends to reflect the new location and in short, there is no way to update the location of the back end tables from within a runtime version?


Local time
Today, 07:38
Jan 22, 2010
I am finally ready to deploy it in my office and have some questions on how to.
If I were you I would perform ALOT of testing before considering deploying to more than one user. There are so many stumbling blocks to overcome.

I want to split it into front end and back end files and obviously install the front end on each machine and will plan on keeping the back end file on my machine (we do not have any type of technical server in our network, just 4 machines networked through basic microsoft networking). Splitting the file is no problem, I figured out how to do that just fine. My question is how do I "link" the tables in the front end copies to the tables in the back end that are now over the network, using the runtime version?
Have a look at these links:

I also noticed in the runtime version, the Ribbon is gone and also the navigation pane (displaying tables, forms, queries etc.) is gone. Obviously the runtime version blocks out development features, so i can understand lots of stuff "missing", but how would you open forms and such without that pane? (This is just a question for reference though, my DB does already have a navigational form I created where I would never need that pane to open objects, I was just wondering though)
You need to create your own ribbon for performing db operations for runtime deployments. These links will help you:

Edit: Only just realised that ghudson had already made a comment :)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:38
Dec 10, 2009
Hi Buratti

Download the sample

1) Run the file barlink.accdb
2) The tables are automatically linked, as the image below.

3) Now remove the back-end (barlink_be.accdb) to another folder.
4) Run the file barlink.accdb
5) It will open a screen informing the failure of communication with the back-end.

6) Click the search button and locate the back-end
7) Save the new path and see the result
8) Some parts are in Portuguese. Use google for translation

I would like to make a invite:
Visit my recent site and watch my video-free classes on ribbons.

To learn more about custom ribbons, visit the article below and download the sample. Although this in Portuguese, I believe that helps.

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