Drag and Drop (1 Viewer)


George Hepworth
Local time
Yesterday, 16:39
Nov 25, 2004
I think we should all build one together,

Years ago, as part of a forum of folks that build movie making equipment, I spearheaded a group of designers to create a brand new type of steady cam. We had a lot of fun I would be happy to take the lead on creating a Gantt chart for Access. Obviously there are many folks here way better at code than I am, but I'm committed. If you are willing to participate, I'll get started.
Who would own the rights to that tool? How would you monetize it? Or do you intend to make it open source?


Local time
Today, 00:39
Jan 14, 2017
Yes I have watched Aleksander’s video and do understand why you were frustrated watching it. He is Polish but he speaks English well enough for me to have booked him to speak on this topic at the July meeting of Access Europe. I have an early copy of his app which is available for sale at around £100. I know at least one AWF member has purchased it and is very pleased with it. From memory that was @MattBaldry


You've got your good things, and you've got mine.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:39
May 21, 2018
This one is a little strange for a db, but the OP wanted a way to pick different types of seating arrangements for a restaurant and place them in the room. The DB allows you to pick a type of table, bench, and drag and drop onto the floor plan. It then saves that layout. Most of the drag and drop code came from other code that @arnelgp and @CJ_London did that allowed you to drag drop and resize controls.

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