Error 3167 Record is delete when referencing column and parameter (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 20:38
Jan 5, 2011
Anybody know why I'm getting an Error 3167 Record is Deleted error on my passed recordset when I reference a column in the recordset?

I'm trying to pass a recordset as a parameter to a subroutine in a loop. The recordset is created before the loop. This is to replace recreating this recordset every pass thru the loop. I'm passing it as "DAO.Recordset". Inside the subroutine it will loop thru the recordset. (.MoveFirst, .MoveNext, .EOF) but if I reference a column like "rs("installer") I get the error. Before passing the recordset as a parameter the same code did not error. Any ideas?

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