Excel to Outlook Runtime error - Libraries?? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
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Today, 16:45
Nov 28, 2007
Do Libraries need to be Referenced by Users??


I'll change this post to a simple sentence that may be clearer than the original text below;

New Post;

If I'm a User of a file that (for example) is built in Excel but also references Outlook do I need to ensure I have the Outlook library reference checked in the libraries on my PC?

& why is this the case...

Any links explaining this would be useful, Thanks

Original Post;

I sometimes create files in MS Access/Excel or Powerpoint that use each other to share items of data example, an Excel chart is sent to a Powerpoint file & the file then e-mailed via Outlook (Office 2007 - Windows XP).

Can anyone tell me why a User is able to use an open & use my files without going into the Reference libraries & checked the refs for Outlook/Excel/Access etc ...

I have a User telling me that is why they can't use my file but they are the only one & I want to clarify why it should work for them & why...

Is there any good info for this subject? I can't find anything at the moment for this specifically, Thanks
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