Fishing expedition by 1/6 commission (1 Viewer)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 08:39
Feb 19, 2002
As I said, if they had anything, Trump would be in leg irons like Peter Navarro. This is all for show.

Mike Krailo

Well-known member
Local time
Today, 08:39
Mar 28, 2020
The SpongeBob movie was much better to watch at that time. He and Patrick saved King Neptune's crown and got Mr Crabs unfrozen and back to his good old crusty crab self.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:39
May 22, 2010
Normally these types of hearing are solely produced by the DNC for their constitutes.
But this gem seems to be produced by the ex-president of ABC, I'm sure he is as unbiased as the rest of the panel. A made for TV event.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 05:39
Mar 14, 2017
Isn't it funny that Liz Cheney can make a bunch of verbal assertions such as saying tons of people ask for pardons without presenting any evidence to support her claims. And yet no one is investigating Ray Epps who's a real life person who has actually testified to his own personal and professional experience, with some audio and video evidence to boot.

It's ridiculous.

We get it, a few hundred people went too far and broke some windows and took pictures and trespassed and acted like drunken fools. Put those few hundred people in jail for 30 days, unless there is credible evidence that even one single person in uniform waved them forward or allowed them to go in or gave them the impression it was okay, which there is an abundance of evidence of...
Essentially only one person was shot directly from the violence itself although the media has been quick to attribute several other deaths that their connection to the violence is dubious. The only person who got killed was one of the protesters!! None of the people were carrying weapons, what an insurrection!!!

Investigate the tens of thousands of people who participated in riots that burned down cities across America for an entire year. Investigate the people who literally forcibly occupied portions of major cities to where law enforcement and government were physically unable to control that part of the city. Four months at a time. Now you talk about an insurrection.... that might qualify.
Anyone with a brain can see that the latter is 100 times more serious than the former was. Move on.


Local time
Today, 08:39
Jan 11, 2013
And yet no one is investigating Ray Epps who's a real life person who has actually testified to his own personal and professional experience, with some audio and video evidence to boot.
They've done that. They just didn't release it until now.



Local time
Today, 08:39
Jan 11, 2013
None of the people were carrying weapons, what an insurrection!!!
In legal terms, “armed” means being in possession of any weapon, not just a firearm. While there are laws that specifically address firearms, weapons can include virtually any object used to threaten or cause harm.

According to a database compiled by NPR, of the people charged with violent offenses, including assault on police officers, 15 were armed with deadly or dangerous weapons during the riot at the Capitol.

Eight others facing civil disorder or property destruction charges also were charged with possessing weapons, according to the database.

Those weapons included baseball bats, chemical sprays, a captured police officer’s riot shield, a crowbar, fire extinguishers and a metal flagpole.

Thomas Webster, a retired New York Police Department officer, was charged with attacking a Metropolitan Police Department officer with a metal flagpole. The federal complaint says he struck at the officer “with the flagpole numerous times.”

Before and after the storming of the Capitol, NBC News reported, police seized a dozen firearms, including an assault rifle, and thousands of rounds of ammunition from seven people attending the rally for President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. Other weapons included a crossbow, a stun gun and 11 Molotov cocktails.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 08:39
Feb 19, 2002
The article is behind a pay wall and I wouldn't pay one penny for a subscription to that rag.

The evidence against Epps is the videos showing him telling people to break into the Capitol building and the crowd chanting Fed, Fed, Fed. The reports I got from people who were there that day were that he was not alone. There were a number of fake supporters trying to incite violence and the crowd was having none of it. This was a crowd of mostly old people and young families who brought their children. These people picked up their trash when they left the rally.

Are you capable of analyzing this event objectively? Do you really think Trump is as stupid as he looks and occasionally sounds? This is a man who has spent his life managing people and projects and has been very successful at it. What would the point be of physically interfering with the certification process? Trump was asking for it to be postponed so a specific investigation could take place but physically interfering would not accomplish that goal and the man is nothing if not goal oriented. The only person who could have stopped the certification of the election was the VP and he chose to ignore the evidence because he, like the rest of the RINOs wanted Trump gone.

This committee is nothing but a kangaroo court. It does nothing except deny the actual participants and the presumed participants their right to due process. Pelosi prevented any Republican members on the committee except for the two never-Trumpers who went into this with the intention of preventing Trump from running again in 2024. Throughout the entire process, only one side has been able to present evidence and no one has been allowed to question it. Is that the American way? As someone supposedly familiar with the law, do you actually approve of people being denied the right to due process? Do you approve of trespassers being incarcerated without bail for over a year for the crime of trespassing? OK, they are Trump supporters so they deserve it. I get it. You have joined the bifurcated judicial system. Some people get arrested in public and slapped in handcuffs and leg irons because the contested a subpoena, but other people get a pass even though a judge ruled that they had to comply. I guess if you are Obama's "wing man" you can do anything:) Some people get to lie to the FBI and Congress and the Americal public with impunity. Others go to jail. Some people like General Millie get to commit treason and not be prosecuted because it is OK to ignore the direct orders of the Commander in Chief if you disagree with them and then lie to him to cover up. The fact that he had the absolute gall to go on national television and confess to this crime tells you who is actually in charge here.

When we lose our justice system, we have lost our country. We are officially a banana republic. We have a two tiered justice system and we keep political prisoners.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 08:39
Jul 5, 2006
@moke123: Consider that Jacob Chansley, the so called 'QAnon Shaman', received a 41 month sentence for aimlessly walking around the Capital building like a tourist, a non violent activity. Many leftist prosecutors drop charges for this type of victimless behavior, yet the charges were not dropped. Recall that criminal charges against BLM rioters (who destroyed property), in many cases, were dropped since they were expressing their First Amendment rights according to those leftist prosecutors. If we had the equal application of law, seems that the charges against Chansley should have been dropped. The fact that they were not implies political motivation by the Biden administration to punish those involved in the Jan. 6th "mostly peaceful" rally.

Now consider Ray Epps who has been filmed for openly inciting "violence". He has yet to be charged despite the fact that the FBI has been busy persecuting others, one of them being Chansely. The Washington Examiner reports: Ray Epps uncharged in Capitol riot, but feds arrested woman engaged in similar conduct. According to Time Magazine over 725 people have been arrested for their suspected involvement in the Jan. 6th "mostly peaceful" rally. Seems that the FBI is devoting an exorbitant amount of resources on the Jan. 6th "mostly peaceful" rally, but totally ignoring BLM/Antifa "mostly peaceful" rallies in places like Portland, OR. Again, this fact implies political motivation by the Biden administration to ignore the criminal activities of BLM/Antifa.

Yet, according to the Jan. 6th Committee: "The select committee formed to investigate the Jan. 6, 2021, attack at the U.S. Capitol said that Ray Epps, a man at the center of unproven theories that federal authorities provoked the riot, asserted in an interview that he was not a law enforcement agent or acting as an informant." Based on that "finding" of the select committee, Epps should be in jail awaiting prosecution. The fact that he is not implies that the Jan. 6th Committee is lying to us concerning who Epps really is.

So why was Chansely arrested and convicted but not Epps?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 08:39
Jul 5, 2006
Mark Levine exposes the tyranny of the majority. There is no attempt to investigate, the Committee is solely focused on placing blame (witch-hunt). Essentially a re-invigoration of McCarthyism.

Of special note, at the approximate 11 minute mark, there is a film clip of Schumer threatening two US Supreme Court justices. This is unacceptable. Members of the legislative branch (in this case the Senate) have no business threatening members of the judicial branch. The Democrats are purposely attempting to intimidate the US Supreme Court into becoming lackeys of the Democratic party and not to make decisions based on the US Constitution.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:39
May 22, 2010
Randy Quaid points out the obvious



Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 05:39
Mar 14, 2017
Isn't it interesting that they don't seem to be able to bring themselves to use the word Firearm. Gee, I wonder why..

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 08:39
Jul 5, 2006
Tucker Carlson provides (at the approximate 3:40 mark) an extensive summary of the Biden administration using the police power of the state to suppress political opponents. The Biden administration is practicing third wold politics.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 08:39
Jul 5, 2006
The video clip above, is pure propaganda, reminds of the disengous Democratic games being played in the Kavenaugh hearings. What caught my attention were the remarks of Rep. Jamie Raskin (D, Maryland). First, his misleading word salad response avoids actually confirming that Hutchinson is telling the truth. Furthermore, Raskin is making a bald face lie that the Committee is attempting to bring in all witnesses. To my knowledge, only anti-Trump witnesses are appearing. The Committee apparently has no interest in hearing both sides and/or interviewing Pelosi and Bowser concerning their roles. The Committee is nothing more than a one-sided Kangaroo Court with a predetermined outcome. Therefore, the country cannot make an educated judgement as Raskin falsely asserts.
All I can say is, I found her to be an utterly believable, incredible witness," Raskin continued. "It's possible that the story that she repeated, you know, may have some flaws according to somebody else's interpretation, who knows. But that's what the investigative process is about. I mean, we're not in a court of law where we're trying to prove all of these facts. We're trying to bring all of the witnesses in so the whole country can hear together, and we can all make a judgment. But I've found her to be a 100% credible witness." (emphasis added)


Local time
Today, 08:39
Jan 11, 2013
Steve , Isn't the Washington Examiner one of your go to news sites? IIRC, you post links to them in the past.

It seems they belive Cassidy.

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Mike Krailo

Well-known member
Local time
Today, 08:39
Mar 28, 2020
None of what Democrats in power say or do is worthy of any power. All they do is attack unjustly, lie, and propagate their hatred for any one that doesn't go along with their constitution bashing nonsense over and over on their bought and paid for propaganda networks. The good thing is no amount of Trump bashing will help keep them in power.

The only reason for the one sided Trump bashing show is because they know he is coming back and they are scared as hell of that possibility. Never underestimate the power of the truth and the ability of the American people to discern it.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 08:39
Jul 5, 2006
It seems they belive Cassidy.
Hutchinson is merely a useful idiot for the Democrats re-invigoration of McCarthyism. Guilt by association, no questioning of the hearsay to seek the truth. Hutchinson was not a witness. It is a denial of the rule of law. For Democrats, the ends justify the means.

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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 08:39
Feb 19, 2002
How often do you see the person presiding over a "hearing" hugging the witnesses:) Cassidy is a nut job with an axe to grind. She was very excited about the possibility of working for Trump are Mar-a-largo. This is just an attempt to get back at him for not hiring her.

It seems they believe Cassidy.

You did too:)

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