Fishing expedition by 1/6 commission (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 00:40
Feb 22, 2002
Nice answer. I tend to agree with your comments. Now you mention it, the Chinese are quite noisy when in a group, not the Japanese so much. I think the Chinese are more excitable. Its certainly noisy in Chinatown in London.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:40
Mar 14, 2017
and the ladies really like hats--Umbrellas, even, with no rain! And none of them are ever without their sunglasses.
I'm thinking of the very tourist groups, mostly.
places like Chinatown where they live in a natural habitat I am much less familiar with, having nothing like that in my City.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 00:40
Feb 22, 2002
Chinatown in London is an area around 2 square miles next to Soho. It consists of many Chinese restaurants, shops and prostitutes. It's full of light and lanterns and the food is fantastic. I always eat there when I visit London. I live about 40 miles east of London so I go there quite often.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:40
Mar 14, 2017
Sounds more interesting than a lot of the rest of it, London-wise.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:40
Mar 14, 2017
Last year during our trip there was when the fires broke out (at least the day we left they were).
Did the fires affect your area, or was it only confined to London proper boundaries?


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:40
Mar 14, 2017
I've always promoted the idea of voting for a candidate based on their policies, and where they will "take" the country - and I still do, but it is getting to the point of ridiculousness to think that a person who posts public messages like this is capable of winning the general election.

I mean, if you're going to win and take the country in a better direction, I don't care if you're 5 yr old and still sht your pants.

But I suspect this kind of incredibly childish behavior simply can't win any more:

"Have you heard that ‘Rob’ DeSanctimonious wants to change his name, again. He is demanding that people call him DeeeSantis, rather than DaSantis. Actually, I like ‘Da’ better, a nicer flow, so I am happy he is changing it. He gets very upset when people, including reporters, don’t pronounce it correctly. Therefore, he shouldn’t mind, DeSanctimonious?" Trump said.

I'd say Trump has been a bit slow to realize that personal childish insults, like calling someone fat, ugly, big nose, 4 eyes, and such nonsense (that most of us left behind in elementary school ... or maybe high school)...simply have no effect on Ron, and never will.

He is going to have to come up with something better than pretending Florida is in a horrible state (the only people who do that are the likes of MSNBC, who write hilarious articles claiming that people hate TX and FL, while millions move there every year!) - which nobody believes, and calling people fat, ugly, short, tall, or insulting their wives.

I have a feeling Ron is a bit like me. If someone came up to me on the street and said the most awful imaginable thing about my personal appearance, intelligence, or even my wife, it wouldn't bother me a bit. I would just laugh and keep walking. I don't know how some people let it bother them.

It's one thing if a loved one says something like that. But a stranger? the words are kinda meaningless as they should be


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:40
Mar 14, 2017
No wonder dems are enraged that the videos were all released. We can easily see for ourselves the things we've been claiming all along.

Another "conspiracy theory", they said, miraculously come true! It's amazing how they do!

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:40
Jul 5, 2006
The Democratic witch-hunt is over. Sunlight may soon further expose the travesty of the witch-hunt. Since today is January 6th .......


Active member
Local time
Today, 09:40
Apr 27, 2020
Well gee, never heard that before. Someone under arrest blaming someone else
Well gee, she was guilty, not just under arrest. She has served her time. She was a MAGA devotee. So gee, don't let what she heard from Trump give you any perspective.
Except, Trump never asked anyone to riot or enter the capital building.

Except according to this once pro-MAGA supporter he put out:
He tweeted hyped up a “big protest” (that soon took on the name "Stop the Steal") on Dec. 19, 2020 to take place while there would be a joint session of Congress to certify the election results.

“Be there, will be wild!” Trump wrote.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:40
Feb 19, 2002
A 70 year old woman doing HARD TIME for "rioting". Really??? Rioting??? an old lady???

She was guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and being associated with the evil orange man. Wonder what they threatened her with to get her to plead guilty to "rioting".


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 16:40
May 22, 2010
There’s no such thing as an “unarmed insurrection.” Never in human history has a people ever attempted to “overthrow a government” unarmed. That’s because governments are armed to the teeth.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:40
Mar 14, 2017
There’s no such thing as an “unarmed insurrection.” Never in human history has a people ever attempted to “overthrow a government” unarmed. That’s because governments are armed to the teeth.
And the so-called slate of fake electors is a ridiculous terminology. It was a backup list and case he won his legal battles. Makes total sense to me. And there's nothing inappropriate about making a list of who you're going to use if you win.


Local time
Yesterday, 19:40
Jan 11, 2013
A 70 year old woman doing HARD TIME for "rioting". Really??? Rioting??? an old lady???

She was guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and being associated with the evil orange man. Wonder what they threatened her with to get her to plead guilty to "rioting".
She seems like a real lovely lady.

Here's her getting ready to do her touristy stuff when she gets to D.C.


Here's her probable cause statement . .

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:40
Feb 19, 2002
Wonder why she didn't bring her gun if she thought she was going to an "insurrection":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
ual stated Hemphill took from inside the Capitol, which is shown below: Video surveillance footage obtained from the Capitol Police shows Hemphill, holding a selfie stick with a phone attached, enter the East side of the Capitol Building with a group of rioters at or around 3 pm on January 6, 2021, as seen in the still shot below: Case 1:21-mj-00551-ZMF Document 1-1 Filed 08/02/21
Sure looks and sounds like the crime of the century. Didn't a bunch of protesters interfere with voting last week? Are they in jail yet? What are they charged with? Is it worse than taking selfies in the Capitol building? I'm really not sure what could be worse than than that.

Don't you see how corrupt the FBI and DOJ are? Open your eyes.

You people keep calling this an "armed", "violent" "insurrection" which is just plain bullshit. Yes, there were scuffles and yes some people broke doors and windows. There may even have been some knives confiscated. Charge them and put them on death row for this heinous crime. But no rational justice system would give this woman anything more than a token fine for trespassing or whatever. What did they threaten her with that made her plead guilty? Most people can't afford to defend themselves from the government so you can pretty easily get them to cop a plea.

How many guns did the police confiscate that day? Do you really think that the "insurrectionists" didn't own guns? Look at the monster this old lady had. It looks more like a big water gun you use at the pool. If they planned on taking over the building, why leave the guns at home? Why was the National Guard not called in ahead of time? Trump tried. Pelosi and the mayor declined even though the chief of the Capitol police wanted them. Clearly they had conflicting objectives. The Chief wanted to do his job and protect the building and the people inside. His objective was NOT political. Pelosi invited her daughter to film the festivities. What did she "know" was going to be worth filming that day? Why isn't what's his name in prison for 20 years with all the video of him trying to get stupid people to break into the Capitol. Oh, I forgot, he was an FBI plant so his rhetoric wasn't dangerous because he was on the side of the government.

Short of taking selfies and saying a couple of stupid things, what EXACTLY did this old lady do that deserved HARD TIME when the police release people without even any bail who commit far more severe crimes every single day? And the Capitol building gets "occupied" and Congress gets disrupted on a fairly regular basis by leftists but no one does HARD TIME.

The charges look to me like we are now persecuting people for thought crimes if they support the evil orange man.
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Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:40
Jul 5, 2006
@AccessBlaster: This image is actually for testing purposes, but it is relevant:).
Mark is referencing this article in his tweet: U.S. Attorney Suggests DOJ Will Target Americans Who Stood Outside the Capitol On Jan 6.
"During a press conference this week, Graves hinted that Americans who didn’t even go inside the Capitol building on Jan. 6 could still lead to thousands of arrests."
And also of relevance:
On the contrary, Graves admitted that a significant portion of the 2020 George Floyd rioters were not charged at all despite causing destruction and setting cities on fire.

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