Form help needed? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 21:37
Jul 28, 2013
I have the following issue, I have a table with employee names, departments etc. The case is that each department has different tasks that needs to be fullfilled. I need a form to indicate if the tasks are completed or no. I imagine it like a list of all the employees that appears from initialy selected department, designating the department at the top of the form, and next to the names lets say 3-4 checkboxes, or green/red button, or whatever, just to indicate if the task has been completed for the specific person and the new data to be saved in new table with 1 if it is done and 0 if it is not. Can someone help me? I am using access 2010.

Thanks in advance.


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 04:37
Jul 4, 2013
You're going to need to do a lot more analysis and definition of your requirements.

I can for a start see the need for 3 tables, tblDepartments, tblEmployees and tblTasks.

Are tasks assigned to Departments or one or more Employees?

Before you even start thinking about Forms, you need to get your table structure and relationships established.

If you come back with more questions, include your table names followed by the data fields showing the primary and foreign keys. If these terms are unfamiliar to you, research them until you understand the concepts.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 21:37
Jul 28, 2013
Hi Cronk, thank you for replying me.

The tasks are all the same for one department but each employee need to comlete it separately. I have the tables and the relationship already. The tblEmployee has the following fields: Employee Number, Employee Name, Departmernt. TblDepartments has DepName, DepManager, Task. The tasks are only designated in one column so far, just to select them and assign them. The relationship are between the DepName and the Tasks. If I am missing something or if I am mistaking somewhere please let me know. If you could help me i will really appreciate this. Also I am thinking of additional table where the data will be written if certain task is completed by whom, department, etc.



Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 04:37
Jul 4, 2013
You have the task data included in the Department table. That gives you one task per Department. And if that Department has more than one Employee, how do you know which employee is responsible for the task?

Alternatively, you could put the Task field in the Employee table and that gives you one Task per Employee and as many tasks per Department as there are Employees for that Department.

Or you could read my original response and have a separate Task table and have as many tasks per Employee or per Department as you wish.

Are you going to have DepartmentID as a primary key in your Department table should a department change its name?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 21:37
Jul 28, 2013

I understood where I am mistaken in the tasks issue. I have done a separate table. Also one additional clarification is that the tasks are one and the same for the department employees, as many tasks as indicated, but each employee should do it separately, so each task will be assigned to each employee. And yes depID will be my primary key.


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 04:37
Jul 4, 2013
If you have the same task for many Departments, then in addition to the 3 tables mentioned in #2 you will need a fourth table which contains the Department ID, the TaskID and the EmployeeID.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 21:37
Jul 28, 2013
Hi, thank you for the answer. I have done the tables, and the form. Now I am facing another issue. My form filters data from one table and displays it to me, but i want to save this specific record to another table. A friend of mine told me to use "Create a Record In" macro action, but there is no such action in my access. I cannot build VBMacro. Could you help me. Lets say I have tables A and B with fields 1, 2 and 3 in the one and in the another table.


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 04:37
Jul 4, 2013
What is the common field? Which table are you wanting to add a record too? Whar are the primary and foreign key fields?

What makes the macro run?

I can't help you with macros - I deliberately avoid using them - so you should go to the Macros forum for any help you need with macros.

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