Glad to see progress in the fight against the New, Anti-White, Racism (1 Viewer)


bit cruncher
Local time
Today, 10:55
Mar 17, 2004
Pat: So it is your assertion that when black families move into white neighbourhoods, and those black families don't SOUND black, then real estate values do not drop? Is that your assertion?
AccessBlaster: Now do Grosse Pointe.
Steve R: No ploy.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 13:55
Feb 19, 2002
So it is your assertion that when black families move into white neighbourhoods, and those black families don't SOUND black, then real estate values do not drop? Is that your assertion?
No, the language reference was a general assimilation point and more related to employeement. But, unless you go door-knocking and cruising potential neighborhoods as the school busses are dropping off children or have a RE agent who steers you away, I'm not sure how you would know a black family was living in a neighborhood. Do they put some African version of a Mezuzah on their door frame? And, near as I can tell, RE agents are in the business of selling property, NOT talking you out of purchasing. So, unless the RE agent actually lived in the neighborhood, I find the story difficult at best.

I'm sure that some place, some time, there was a local comspirity to keep a black family out of a neighborhood. But, it takes a lot to perpertrate that kind of conspiricy. All the RE agents working the neighborhood need to cooperate. Plus a sufficient number of the homeowners need to have enough spare cash to be willing and able to put it up to purchase the vacant home and potentially lose it in the process - even if their neighbors won't put up any cash.

There were also conspiricies to keep out the Irish and the Jews and the Cubans so blacks are not the only ethnic/racial group to havre ever been discriminated against. I'm pretty sure that similar discrimination takes place today in neighborhoods where orthodox Jews live. It is much more convenient for them to have orthodox neighbors so they can string their lines to contain the neighborhood. Maybe Jesse Smollett really was attacked by Trump supporters. Just because discrimination happened in the past, doesn't mean it is common today.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 18:55
Feb 22, 2002
Just because discrimination happened in the past, doesn't mean it is common today.
Apart from in the American police force, organisations like the KKK, American politicians etc.


bit cruncher
Local time
Today, 10:55
Mar 17, 2004
Pat: Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

Now do Grosse Pointe.
AccessBlaster: Please post the stats you posted for Detroit, but for Grosse Pointe.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 18:55
Feb 22, 2002
If (as Pat says) discrimination happened in the past but is not common today. Why then Pat, do you refer to a 'white' neighbourhood and a 'black' neighbourhood? Surely that is racial discrimination? Why don't you just have 'neighbourhoods'? What has a person's colour got to do with it?

I suppose if one is white and wealthy (not poor) one would live in an area where it would be too expensive for black people to live, so that would give the impression that discrimination is not common.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 13:55
Feb 19, 2002
Apart from in the American police force, organisations like the KKK, American politicians etc.
Your ignorance is showing as well as your downright mean spirit. And let's not forget that old aphorism about people who live in glass houses not throwing stones.

Why don't you just have 'neighbourhoods'
For exactly the same reason that we have Americans and "African-Americans" and Congress has a "Black cacacus" but not a "White cacacus". The left pushes very hard for segregation and victimhood and reparations and any other thing that can possibly divide "Americans".


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 18:55
Feb 22, 2002
Your ignorance is showing as well as your downright mean spirit. And let's not forget that old aphorism about people who live in glass houses not throwing stones.

For exactly the same reason that we have Americans and "African-Americans" and Congress has a "Black cacacus" but not a "White cacacus". The left pushes very hard for segregation and victimhood and reparations and any other thing that can possibly divide "Americans".
Sorry, I thought you were talking about USA discrimination. Yes, Some British police are racist, especially the London Metropolitan police.
What was it you wanted to say about British discrimination? I'm happy to answer, despite my ignorance and mean spirit.
So American discrimination is propagated by left wing politicians, not the people. Interesting.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 18:55
Feb 22, 2002
So Pat, you go along with the guidance of politicians and refer to 'white' or 'black' neighbourhoods rather than try to eliminate it into just neighbourhoods. Isnt that just fuelling racism? Nice to know where you stand.


Active member
Local time
Today, 12:55
Oct 21, 2021
Jussee Smolette was not attacked by Trump supporters. He even was convicted of manufacturing the attack.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 18:55
Feb 22, 2002
Your ignorance is showing as well as your downright mean spirit.

It would be nice if you can expand on that comment as I'm not sure to what you are referring. Obviously you won't, as you always avoid answering when you are asked to qualify statements.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 13:55
Feb 19, 2002
By mean spirit, I mean that you always assume the worst possible interpretation of anything someone says. And you are just plain ignorant of what America is actually all about. You believe the worst things you hear from the talking heads of the left who are actively trying to start a race war, and never question it. If America is such a racist, hateful country, why do MILLIONS of people sneak in every year ILLEGALLY to escape the places they came from? If Americans hate black people so much, why do ANY black people want to emigrate? Are all immigrants, legal and otherwise, just plain stupid? Why don't they sneak into other countries? Or are you just so ignorant you are willing to believe we are all racist? We can probably count on one hand the combined number of illegal immigrants that sneak into Nigeria and Cuba and China and Russia every year. But America is "racist"???? Look inside your self sometime. There is no cure for stupid but ignorance is a choice.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:55
Feb 28, 2001
Pat, you are letting Col goad you, and we know he likes to use such tactics to "spice things up." I am guilty of falling into this trap myself sometimes, so I can offer you this advice (based on quotes from Mark Twain):

Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Col, you know better. I did warn you once, but I make no threats this time. Just let me ask you to please dial it back in terms of your irritation level. DON'T PLAY DUMB. We all know you are smarter than as you currently portray yourself in this exchange.
So Pat, you go along with the guidance of politicians and refer to 'white' or 'black' neighbourhoods rather than try to eliminate it into just neighbourhoods. Isnt that just fuelling racism? Nice to know where you stand.

Col, that was an unkind implication. In truth, it is the politicians of the Progressive Liberal faction who are REGRESSIVE - in that they want to return to the days when people actually DEPENDED on them for sustenance (via welfare). But suddenly some of their "handouts" are falling apart and they now fear that their former constituency will recognize just how useless they are. And it doesn't matter whether Pat or I go along with the politicians. It matters how much the unthinking masses follow them and actually think about the consequences.

At the moment, I might be a bit of a cynic, but the scorecard reads: Unthinking masses follow divisive politicians = entirely too many; unthinking masses think about the consequences of following divisive politicians = virtually zero.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 18:55
Feb 22, 2002
By mean spirit, I mean that you always assume the worst possible interpretation of anything someone says. And you are just plain ignorant of what America is actually all about. You believe the worst things you hear from the talking heads of the left who are actively trying to start a race war, and never question it. If America is such a racist, hateful country, why do MILLIONS of people sneak in every year ILLEGALLY to escape the places they came from? If Americans hate black people so much, why do ANY black people want to emigrate? Are all immigrants, legal and otherwise, just plain stupid? Why don't they sneak into other countries? Or are you just so ignorant you are willing to believe we are all racist? We can probably count on one hand the combined number of illegal immigrants that sneak into Nigeria and Cuba and China and Russia every year. But America is "racist"???? Look inside your self sometime. There is no cure for stupid but ignorance is a choice.
If someone writes something that can be interpreted several ways, then they need to re-read their text to ensure it states what they actually mean.

I won't call you ignorant as its rude and incorrect. But, if (for example) you were to have no idea of British, or French or German politics, that would be normal as you are American. We, as foreigners mostly have no idea of American politics. That is normal - not as you call me ignorant. The only two american politicians we know are Joe Biden- who is senile and falls over alot, who also has authorised the sending of cluster bombs to murder hundreds of innocent people (banned in 120 countries) and of course Donald Trump- who is orange and an idiot, a liar and cheat.
I have no idea in American politics what or who is left/right/centre/up or down or whatever you call it. Its perfectly normal for Americans to know, but not us foreigners and to call us ignorant is frankly rudeness.

Immigration- yesterday, we had 700 illegal immigrants cross the English Channel to come to the UK. They also migrate to France, Spain, Germany, Italy etc. (Those are European countries). We have exactly the same problem with Immigration as you.they come to you, us or wherever for the hope of a better life than their war torn countries.
America racist? yes of course, but not all. We don't have white or black neighbourhoods, just neighbourhoods and usually it doesn't matter what colour people are. Yes, of course we have racism, but not to the pro rata extent in the USA.
It maybe you Pat are black or a red Indian or Chinese I have no idea, does it matter? No of course not.

So in essence, if you chastise someone for not understanding American politics or lifestyle, don't you think that is a blinkered view?
I suppose you'll dislike this post and get Doc to warn me for something or ban me. But remember, I don't call other members ignorant or stupid, I try to be polite, even if it's proved some here lie about things.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:55
Feb 28, 2001
I have no idea in American politics what or who is left/right/centre/up or down or whatever you call it.

Actually, I'll answer that for you with an easy way to remember. We have two major political parties and a few very minor political parties. The easy way to remember them is that both Left and Liberal start with an "L" - and the party of the Conservatives is the Republicans, which is to the Right, and both Republican and Right start with an "R."

I understand that you have other parties that are at least similar (though not identical). In the past, your politics divided things up more than we do. (And in fact, we SHOULD try to force the two major parties to sub-divide - but they aren't allowing that right now.) For you, there was a Liberal group and there still is a Conservative group, and I believe you have a Labour group that now takes the place of the Liberal group as the opposition to the Conservatives.

If you like to think about right-wing groups being more rigid and authoritarian, and left-wing groups being looser and more liberal, then again you have "L" for "loose" and "R" for "rigid."

In the extremes along these lines, we get no further help from the alphabet because the extremists of the right wing are fascists and dictators, and the extremists on the left wing are socialists or communists. The current USA leadership is trying to push the country towards socialism. The "opposition" part is not allowing that push to succeed.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 18:55
Feb 22, 2002
So what about the 'D' for Democrats? Or is 'D' the 'L' under another name?

Anyway, we all know it's the turn of the 'R' at the next Presidential election so that means 4 or 5 years of orange. I can't see the people voting in an old bloke who sleeps alot, they'd rather have a liar and cheat as president.


Active member
Local time
Today, 18:55
Dec 31, 2020
Here in England we progressed well last week.
A theatre announced non-caucasian audiences only and a school announced non-caucasian classes.

Apparently if you're not caucasian it's Ok to do this


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 19:55
Feb 7, 2020
The current USA leadership is trying to push the country towards socialism.
Are you about to nationalize large companies and make them public property?
The rule of money is replaced by the dictatorship of the proletariat?


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:55
Feb 28, 2001
So what about the 'D' for Democrats? Or is 'D' the 'L' under another name?

Anyway, we all know it's the turn of the 'R' at the next Presidential election so that means 4 or 5 years of orange. I can't see the people voting in an old bloke who sleeps alot, they'd rather have a liar and cheat as president.

Affirmative to the "D" vs. "L" question... a liberal under any other name still gives away money.

Don't know if "the Donald" will get back in, but there IS that old saying about "the devil you know vs. the devil you don't." This might yet turn into another Trump vs. Biden election, and we know both of those old devils. But this is also a case where a potential competitor for Trump is DeSantis, who is perhaps equally extreme and who makes me very nervous. I see him as extremely anti-gay, and I have already made it clear in other posts that I have gay friends and family members.

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