Gun laws do they work (3 Viewers)


Dick S
Local time
Today, 10:01
Jun 9, 2009
Who were the lot who were packing (heat)? Is that allowed?:p

Whats the solution to the cultural problem that will lead to guns not being so appealing then.

The prison rate is massive too?

GOOD CATCH. Parking Lot, not packing lot. At first I couldn't figure out your post. I had to laugh after I went back and read my post. On second though (pun intended) there could have been a lot packing. If that were true then my little six shot would not have done the job.


Dick S
Local time
Today, 10:01
Jun 9, 2009
So you want people punished for thinking about doing things to your family and property?

Come on Brian, were buddies. You know very well I want hash punishment for the offender not the thinker. If that were true then I would be in prison for life on ra** charges, and methinks, Brian too, and especially Blade.


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 08:01
Oct 22, 2009
Stats must be normalized or they can provide distortions. For example, if a population lives twice as long as the other, the odds of something happening. If only violent crimes are counted, not posion (as is the case in the UK where there are more Butlers) it won't be valid.

The best example, research extimates that having sex every few days can extend life by eight years. Here are the Stats to prove it:
However, this is a general statement the kind of sex doesn't cover risky situations.

Regardless of the cause of death, the violent crime indicates more about the general population.
Germany may have the same gun restrictions, but it is still a much less violent country than the UK or USA.

In general, the US is a more violent place. Well no doubt! Maybe it was founded by other countries criminals, outcast, and alpha individuals. In general, a wolf is more violent than a pug. More likely, it is many other things. A single filter in stats alone can't be used to prove anything.

Except for the having Sex stats above. Somehow, it is absolutely proof enough for me. Perhaps I am heavily biased just like any pro or con gun law person?

Attempt to paste chart from :
Violent crime ratesCountryMurder and non-negligent
manslaughter (intentional homicide)Forcible rapeRobberyAggravated
Austria 0.4296147
Germany 0.996488 UK,
England/Wales 2.618157-UK,
Scotland 2.662060117
USA 4.726.8113241
Last edited:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:01
Feb 11, 2013
So you want people punished for thinking about doing things to your family and property?


Over here that thinking is Doing!



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:01
Feb 11, 2013
But why quote our gun deaths without your own? Surely because it would put the US on its backside in side by side statistics.

Let me go over it one more time for you Connor. The POINT was that you (UK) have gun control almost to the point of no guns and yet you still have that many gun murders a year. THis tells me Gun Control Does Not Work!

In addition, We already have a high degree of gun control over here and it does not work here either.

Just simply give Dick a url of a article that claims that gun control really does work. Hope the article has statistics that show Zero gun related deaths both accidental and murder. As you said, One death and Gun Control is not working.

And that is it in a nut-shell my friend



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:01
Feb 11, 2013
. Germany may have the same gun restrictions, but it is still a much less violent country than the UK or USA. [

Rx, when I was in Germany years ago, the german police did not put up with bullsh*t. They had at that time Volkswagons with Porch engines in them and could chase anything down on the autobahn. When they caught up to the criminal and he/she did not stop, they (police) simply pulled out a machine gun and put a stop to it all once and for all. I don't really think this behavior has decreased over the years. Thus when you make the probability/possibility of the thug dying, while doing something bad, really high, they tend to go to another place and in this case a Country.



Local time
Today, 15:01
Jun 2, 2003
One death and Gun Control is not working.

And that is it in a nut-shell my friend


By that logic no law works as they all get broken, so that's it folks lets all vote for anarchy.

Oh! And since the laws in the Bible get broken we might as well chuck that on the fire.



Local time
Today, 15:01
Jun 2, 2003
Are you going to restrict the bad guys guns???????????????/If the answer is no, then my answer is HELL NO!

That's true we are going to ask "are you a bad guy?" If the answer is yes then we will give him a gun.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:01
Feb 11, 2013
By that logic no law works as they all get broken, so that's it folks lets all vote for anarchy.

Oh! And since the laws in the Bible get broken we might as well chuck that on the fire.


Hey,,Hey the one death and gun control laws was not my doing,,, just passing,,,no just returning it with a few adjustments.

Brian you always have thugs that break the law and the liberal society that we now live in has forgotten who is the victim. They now are calling the perpetrator the victim.

Go figure


Dick S
Local time
Today, 10:01
Jun 9, 2009
In our Bible study tonight we were discussing how when a women was caught in the very act of adultery that certain people wanted to kill her were going to use stones as their choice of weapons. The Pharisees though it might be best to impose some restrictions on who could own stone.


Dick S
Local time
Today, 10:01
Jun 9, 2009
You mention often you are not advocating taking away every bodies guns, just some control, and I agree with you, but you see the overall picture is not just me, you, Frothy, Blade and a few others. Read thi kook:
Andrea Grimes, senior political reporter at the lefty women’s site RH Reality Check, sank to a disgusting new low Thursday by saying that guns should be confiscated only from white men.


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 15:01
Aug 12, 2014
Are you going to restrict the bad guys guns???????????????/If the answer is no, then my answer is HELL NO!

I thought that was a regular thing? Restricting bad people from guns? It is next to impossible to stop them getting guns. I see no reason why harsher gun control would be a bad thing, surely it would prevent deaths?

Is that not in your agenda Blade?


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 15:01
Aug 12, 2014
Let me go over it one more time for you Connor. The POINT was that you (UK) have gun control almost to the point of no guns and yet you still have that many gun murders a year. THis tells me Gun Control Does Not Work!

And let me tell you one last time, Guns = Gun crime.

Where there is even one gun there will be gun deaths, Our gun control is very strict and there are next to no accidental gun deaths. Where is the problem with that? you can have a gun but be extremely careful in handling and storing it?

I'm starting to think you class any gun death in terms of it being murder. Look over more statistics for the UK. Look at the justified shootings per year. It is in the 10s. Accidental deaths are uncommon here, that is why gun control works. Stricter gun control = Less Accidental Gun deaths.

It seems more than common in american headlines of a child finding a gun under a settee (Couch) and killing a parent. In my mind america's gun control is a joke.

1 less death per year is an accomplishment, any less after that is signs of improvement.

In addition, We already have a high degree of gun control over here and it does not work here either.
That would be because it is rarely upheld by its citizens or enforced via higher authority figures.

Just simply give Dick a url of a article that claims that gun control really does work. Hope the article has statistics that show Zero gun related deaths both accidental and murder. As you said, One death and Gun Control is not working.

Give that a gander. May open your eyes a little. That was easily done by searching in Google "Does Gun Control effect Accidental Deaths". 2 Minutes of searching pulled this up.

And by the way, I said 1 less death is an accomplishment. I didn't say it wasn't working if there is 1 death. I was saying if there is 1 accidental death then gun control needs to be stricter.


Dick S
Local time
Today, 10:01
Jun 9, 2009
And let me tell you one last time, Guns = Gun crime.

Where there is even one gun there will be gun deaths, Our gun control is very strict and there are next to no accidental gun deaths. Where is the problem with that? you can have a gun but be extremely careful in handling and storing it?

I'm starting to think you class any gun death in terms of it being murder. Look over more statistics for the UK. Look at the justified shootings per year. It is in the 10s. Accidental deaths are uncommon here, that is why gun control works. Stricter gun control = Less Accidental Gun deaths.

It seems more than common in american headlines of a child finding a gun under a settee (Couch) and killing a parent. In my mind america's gun control is a joke.

1 less death per year is an accomplishment, any less after that is signs of improvement.

That would be because it is rarely upheld by its citizens or enforced via higher authority figures.

Give that a gander. May open your eyes a little. That was easily done by searching in Google "Does Gun Control effect Accidental Deaths". 2 Minutes of searching pulled this up.

And by the way, I said 1 less death is an accomplishment. I didn't say it wasn't working if there is 1 death. I was saying if there is 1 accidental death then gun control needs to be stricter.

In my way of thinking that is convoluted logic. “If one less death is an improvement.” Yes one less death is a wonderful thing, especially if it’s your child. “But at what price?” The price, (1) taking away my right of having a gun that I am now allowed under the laws of the Constitution. (2.) Making me lest safe as I go about my business. (3) Making me more vulnerable to a domestic government takeover. (4) Making me more vulnerable to a foreign government takeover. (5) Giving thugs an advantage over the rest of us. (6) No statics so far than gun laws work in THE USA. I apologize for raising my voice.
Using your logic we should ban automobiles, look at the millions of death we would prevent without automobiles. The price, of course, would be too high. I don’t have the figures available right now, but I remember reading that there are more accidental deaths with bicycles than accidental death from guns. Very few people are, if any, are trying to ban bicycles. “The old saying is it depends whose ox is being gored”. With your logic let’s ban boats. I don’t have a boat, look at the deaths we could prevent. Hey, my friends did not put his kid in a life vest. Let’s ban anything I don’t have a use for.


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 15:01
Aug 12, 2014
In my way of thinking that is convoluted logic. “If one less death is an improvement.” Yes one less death is a wonderful thing, especially if it’s your child. “But at what price?” The price, (1) taking away my right of having a gun that I am now allowed under the laws of the Constitution. (2.) Making me lest safe as I go about my business. (3) Making me more vulnerable to a domestic government takeover. (4) Making me more vulnerable to a foreign government takeover. (5) Giving thugs an advantage over the rest of us. (6) No statics so far than gun laws work in THE USA. I apologize for raising my voice.
Using your logic we should ban automobiles, look at the millions of death we would prevent without automobiles. The price, of course, would be too high. I don’t have the figures available right now, but I remember reading that there are more accidental deaths with bicycles than accidental death from guns. Very few people are, if any, are trying to ban bicycles. “The old saying is it depends whose ox is being gored”. With your logic let’s ban boats. I don’t have a boat, look at the deaths we could prevent. Hey, my friends did not put his kid in a life vest. Let’s ban anything I don’t have a use for.

I'm not even going to read your whole post as I know where it is going.

And I will stress to you for the last time.

Where has anyone (even myself) said we want to take away your firearms?


Local time
Today, 15:01
Jun 2, 2003
Now Dick lets take your points

1The right under your constitution as I read it is as part of a regulated militia.
and I see that you put your right to own a gun, which you have never used in anger, ahead of a child's life. Is that a Christian response?
2How may times have you used or even brandished your weapon?
3 Oh dear, you would have been a lot better off losing the War of Independence
4 Whose kidding who?
5 Well the idea is to control all guns, it wont happen , the real bad guys will always find away, but then they wont be interested in you. Remind me again how many times have you needed you gun?
(6) No statics so far than gun laws work in THE USA.
I can't help feeling that this is not what you meant to write but I wont be presumptuous and suggest an alternative.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:01
Feb 11, 2013
And let me tell you one last time, Guns = Gun crime.

Where there is even one gun there will be gun deaths, Our gun control is very strict and there are next to no accidental gun deaths. Where is the problem with that? you can have a gun but be extremely careful in handling and storing it?

I'm starting to think you class any gun death in terms of it being murder. Look over more statistics for the UK. Look at the justified shootings per year. It is in the 10s. Accidental deaths are uncommon here, that is why gun control works. Stricter gun control = Less Accidental Gun deaths.

Sometimes I think the smarter you people get the easier it comes to twisting words around to make them say a different think. Reminds me of Bill Clinton, a former Pres. who when questioned about some of his dubious goings on, he said and I paraphrase: 'Well, that depends on what the meaning of the word "IS" is.

Murders and Accidental deaths by guns are just that. Killed by a bullet from a gun.

Here in the US we have gun control by and on law abiding citizens. I am not like you , thank God, I will take my life in my hands and will rely on no other person to take care of me. You on the other hand sit back as say if we have strict gun control nobody will die needlessly and the police will take care of the bad guy. This is fine, it is your life. By the same token, it is evident that you liberals have to make sure your way of life is placed upon everybody else. Stop It. Gun Control does not work. Here in the US nor does it work in your country where you still have murders/accidents. Go tell the families of those that were shot and tell them...... Well the police were suppose to be there to protect you and there is a mix up..I'm sorry for your loss. Oh, an by the way, if you have a gun, we have to check it out to make sure it is locked up, we would not want to put you in jail for causing an accident.
OH BOY,,,, What a world we are looking at.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:01
Feb 11, 2013
That would be because it is rarely upheld by its citizens or enforced via higher authority figures..

Oh the law is upheld and there are very few unjustified shooting by armed citizens. When there are, they go to jail just like the bad guy, in fact they are the bad guy.

Now if your talking about accidents, well,,, nothing I would say here would make any difference in your educated mind here so........I won't



Local time
Today, 15:01
Jun 2, 2003
OH BOY,,,, What a world we are looking at.

The world I want to look at is the world where the young, the old , the frail and yes the blind, are all safe, not just the fit and capable of self defence, but then I believe in people not a mythical being.


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