How do you make a Query show when you need to call someone back? (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 04:39
May 26, 2011
In my database I have a table thats called contacts and holds all the data for the contacts. In this I have a section that allows the user to enter a date for when they wish to call a certain user back.

I have made a query that shows all the people you need to phone today. But after today they disappear off the list of people that need to be called. I would like them to stay on the list until the user takes them off the list themselves. Because if they have a day off and miss someone on the list then when they get back in they'll never know they were on there because they'll have gone off it.

I'm currently using Date() in the Criteria section for my "Follow Up Date" field and this only shows today. Tomorrow these dates will be gone.

Does anyone know how to make them dates stay on there, even after today until the user takes them off.

Thanks in advance

apr pillai

Local time
Today, 17:09
Jan 20, 2005
Use a CheckBox field in the Contacts Table to flag as called cases. Then use <=Date() under the date field and False under the checkbox filed as criteria in the Query to display cases not checkmarked and call due date is less than or equal to today.
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:39
May 29, 2007
Actually, I prefer to solve this problem in a way that kills two birds with one stone. In my actions table (which is for all types of contact), I have a field for the due date for the action (the 'do by' date that you're using), and also a field for the actual completed date (to indicate that the action was completed and when). My queries of outstanding actions filter all the records that have a date in the 'completed on' field.

Then you can query on your due date field to show all dates up to today, and filter to exclude all the records that indicate with a 'completed by' date that they are complete.

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