Solved How to convert "" to null in MS Access VBA


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Today, 04:29
Jan 21, 2020
The field below is a date release now sometimes the date field is empty , now in the Json dictionary it keeps return "" instead of null as result I'm always getting an error.

Company.Add "stockRlsDt", rs!stockreleasing.value

I want this field to return null if empty and actual date if not null

Company.Add "stockRlsDt", IIF(IsNull(rs!stockreleasing), Null, rs!stockreleasing)
I would have thought:
Company.Add "stockRlsDt", IIF(Len(rs!stockreleasing & "") = 0, Null, rs!stockreleasing)
Company.Add "stockRlsDt", IIF(Len(rs!stockreleasing & "") = 0, Null, rs!stockreleasing)
it same as #2, since you cannot get the Length of a Null, so you add it to a NullString.
Company.Add "stockRlsDt", IIF(Len(rs!stockreleasing) = 0, Null, rs!stockreleasing)' <-- equal to #3
or (better readable):
Company.Add "stockRlsDt", NullIf(rs!stockreleasing, vbnullstring)
Public Function NullIf(Value As Variant, expression As Variant) As Variant
   If Value = expression Then
      NullIf = Null
      NullIf = Value
   End If
End Function
Company.Add "stockRlsDt", IIF(Len(rs!stockreleasing) = 0, Null, rs!stockreleasing)' <-- equal to #3
Not quite - if rs!stockreleasing is actually Null then you will get an error.

Therefore safe to cover both possibilities like in #3.

NullIf() is nice addition too. (y)
I guess (without NullIf()) you can tidy even more to:
Company.Add "stockRlsDt", IIF(Len(rs!stockreleasing), rs!stockreleasing, Null)
Null equates to False in the IIf()
I'm being picky here: Null is neither true nor false, but it leads into the Else part of IIF.
Company.Add "stockRlsDt", IIF(Len(rs!stockreleasing) = 0, Null, rs!stockreleasing)
Then rs!stockreleasing is inserted, which is Null in this case.
I'm being picky here: Null is neither true nor false, but it leads into the Else part of IIF.
Company.Add "stockRlsDt", IIF(Len(rs!stockreleasing) = 0, Null, rs!stockreleasing)
Then rs!stockreleasing is inserted, which is Null in this case.
Yes, my phone did something weird and replied before I had finished editing, already fixed
I'm still getting the same "" instead of null by using the provided function:

Company.Add "stockRlsDt", NullIf(rs!stockreleasing.Value, Null)
I'm still getting the same "" instead of null by using the provided function:

Company.Add "stockRlsDt", NullIf(rs!stockreleasing.Value, Null)
Check Josef's suggestion more carefully
Okay thanks , this one has worked

IIF(Len(rs!stockreleasing), rs!stockreleasing, Null)

This was given by Josef P.

Many thanks him and all the contributors.


With the NullIf(), you used a different value for the second argument than what Josef had suggested.

But if it is Null then it will return Null, which is what is wanted, no?
yes, i tested it you are Really a Genius for giving that function, don't you think?

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