Impeachment #2 has started - who wins in the court of public opinion? (1 Viewer)


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:05
Sep 28, 1999
Here we go again. It all seems rather familiar. We know that Trump will not get convicted and it is all political theatre. But who do you think will come out on top after all the arguments are heard? Will Democrat voters actually get to see the defences strongest points?

It all seems very strange that a former president has been completely muzzled, leaving a big vacuum in the political landscape. This cancel culture has gone through all levels of America now, from basic citizen to president. We are left with a one-sided attack by most of the media without the former presidents usual responses being heard because of the Twitter censorship.

I wonder how history will view all this. What do you think?

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:05
Jul 5, 2006
The Democrats have created an ersatz fanatical theocracy. Democrats have hypnotized a large percentage of the population into becoming "true believers". You can't rationally argue with a "true believer" since they are immune to logic. Anyone who is an apostate is to be mercilessly crushed. The Democrats are in a feeding frenzy rabidly pursuing an unjustified lynching.

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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Yesterday, 19:05
Feb 19, 2002
There is nothing rational about persecuting Trump. What the rest of the world should worry about is how Biden is going to screw them next in his effort to cuddle up to China. It's hard to alienate the Canadians but Biden managed to do it on his first day in office. You should all be afraid. Very afraid. The empty suit has the nuclear codes and his appointees want war with someone, anyone.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:05
Mar 14, 2017
To me it's clear that the second impeachment is totally nuts-o, but I have to be honest with myself: I know what kind of people control the media, the talking points, the perspective shown to the masses. Thus, I am under no illusion that the fact that it is nuts-o has or will reached the majority of the American public. When you control information, communication & history, you're kinda hard to beat.

This is why our country's current situation is SO disturbing - more so than I have felt at any other point in my life.
The left wing is winning the CONTROL war. Yet, you still have 70 million vehemently opposed to them. What does that lead to? I'm no fortune-teller, but.....Nowhere good.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 16:05
May 22, 2010
Impeachment #2 has started - who wins in the court of public opinion?
The democrat's the media and half of America. The other half feels shafted, but that's politics folks. The half that feels shafted needs a better game plan. You can't have goofy attorneys and pundits surrounding you and expect to keep winning. If you're a billionaire then start acting like one and put together a dream team! Or else your a just a carnival barker.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 16:05
May 22, 2010
I thought you were not a fan of the political bickering.
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Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Yesterday, 19:05
Apr 27, 2015
I'm not, but my rubber neck character usually trumps everything else!


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Yesterday, 19:05
Dec 26, 2002
I don't even need to read this thread to know how it goes.


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Yesterday, 19:05
Apr 27, 2015
We as humans, seem to have lost the ability to disagree and not take it personally. Its a shame...


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:05
Mar 14, 2017
I mean sheesh, you compare our discussions to the average Disqus "comments" section- cr@p that comes after an internet article, we're pretty good

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:05
Jul 5, 2006
Here we go again. It all seems rather familiar. We know that Trump will not get convicted and it is all political theatre. But who do you think will come out on top after all the arguments are heard? Will Democrat voters actually get to see the defences strongest points?

It all seems very strange that a former president has been completely muzzled, leaving a big vacuum in the political landscape. This cancel culture has gone through all levels of America now, from basic citizen to president. We are left with a one-sided attack by most of the media without the former presidents usual responses being heard because of the Twitter censorship.

I wonder how history will view all this. What do you think?
Too soon to tell how the public will react. Actually, not quite over yet as the vote has not taken place. Fox News published this: Gregg Jarrett: Trump impeachment trial — defense skillfully destroys Dems' case against former president.
In the course of one extraordinary hour, the defense team for former President Donald Trump thoroughly demolished the impeachment case against him that House Managers spent two days alleging.
Of course Fox News is supportive of Trump and this is "post game" hype. Conversely, a quick peek of the Washington Post headlines disclosed that the Post still maintained that the Trump team had no defense. Opinion: Trump’s lawyers had no defense because there is none. The New York Times pulled out the tired yea olde biased fact checker: Trump’s Lawyers Repeated Inaccurate Claims in Impeachment Trial. So it would appear that those on the "left" were not convinced by the Trump team to change their opinions. Unfortunate. Trump derangement syndrome is still alive and well for those on the "left".
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Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:05
Sep 28, 1999
I just watched some fact checking video by Cuomo, who was trying to defend his statement about saying protests don't have to be peaceful. He showed the clip of what he said. But then he says they omitted the part afterwards where he says you should not loot etc. But they didn't show the continuous clip. In other words, he omitted it too! I am wondering why. Then he says Trump never said anything like that, and if he had, we may not be here today. Well he did, he said protest peacefully. And he never said that protests don't have to be peaceful. You can watch the clip below.

Video called: Cuomo responds after Trump's lawyers use sound from him during trial.

Essentially, Cuomo is saying that his defence is "context matters". i.e. he said protests don't have to be peaceful, but he said afterwards no looting etc. But Trump never said anything like that. Well, CNN are fooling their viewers again. We all know he said peacefully protest. It just goes to show people will believe anything they want and don't really care about the facts.

Has anyone got the clip where he says they don't have to be peaceful and he also condemns looters? I can't find it.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:05
Feb 19, 2002
This trial (and I use the term loosely) is a travesty.
1. The constitution does not allow an impeachment for anyone not currently holding an office. This is clear because the ONLY remedy is removal from office. And if you remove a person from office, you may also bar them from future government jobs.
2. The Chief Justice refused to serve as he would have in the case of a President being impeached so he also thinks the impeachment is not constitutional. The problem is that he is such a wuss that he didn't make a public statement. Much like his refusal to make a public statement last year when multiple states were illegally changing their election laws to facilitate voter fraud.
3. So, the Dems, because they are absolutely fair, appointed a Senator who had publicly stated that he wanted Trump impeached to be the "judge".
4. So, we have a "fair" judge who of course will put aside his personal feelings when ruling, who is also part of the jury. The Dems case is so weak that they can't even risk not letting him vote.
5. And to top it all off, the "witnesses" are "victims" of the crime.

I don't even think in the worst banana republic on the planet would they think they could get away with that.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:05
Sep 28, 1999
Well, its going to drag on as they want to call witnesses now. I reckon this was all pre-planned, so as to drag Trump through the mud and cause him as much anguish as possible. That's what happens when people are full of hatred. They do unspeakable things. They just can't let go. It is like they are nothing without Trump to hate.

There is no other explanation for it. The outcome is already pre-ordained. Trump will be acquitted. Everybody knows that, even the Democrats. Perhaps as a side benefit, they think it will distract attention from the record number of executive orders Biden is signing, bypassing the usual democratic process.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:05
Sep 28, 1999
I am now confused. Has it all changed again? No witnesses?

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