Kilimanjaro Trek - August 2012 (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Dec 10, 2010
Hello all.

As the thread title suggests, i am climbing Kilimanjaro in August 2012 for the Nightingale House Hospice charity.

Considered the highest free standing mountain in the world, and the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro stands at 5895m.

Suffice to say, this is a big challenge, and one which i'm very excited and motivated for!

I was just wondering if any users on here have or are about to partake in a similar physical challenge? How did you find it? Any interesting stories you'd like to share?

Thank you all, look forward to hearing from you!


p.s. If you'd like to donate to my cause, please follow this link.
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Old registered user
Local time
Today, 16:33
Feb 22, 2002
Who pays for the airfare costs and hotel costs for you and any colleagues travelling with you?

Will you be employing the normal charity procedure where around 80% of the money is skimmed off to pay for "administration" then another 10% to security and maybe 5% or so to the charity?

Sounds like a nice paid holiday. (except for the mountain climbing bit)

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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Jan 25, 2012
tinyevil777 said:
I was just wondering if any users on here have or are about to partake in a similar physical challenge?

I always wanted to do a run for charity, but my fitness isn't up to par, yet. I'm considering running for the Red Cross fundraiser in September, but I'll see how far my feet can carry me. :rolleyes:

Wish you luck on the climb! Would be interesting to see how you managed it after the fact :D
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Dec 10, 2010
Who pays for the airfare costs and hotel costs for you and any colleagues travelling with you?

I have paid £2,000 for the privilage of raising money for a great charity.

Will you be employing the normal charity procedure where around 80% of the money is skimmed off to pay for "administration" then another 10% to security and maybe 5% or so to the charity?


Sounds like a nice paid holiday. (except for the mountain climbing bit)


It will be the experience of a lifetime!

I would thank you for your kind support and encouragement, but seeing as you didn't offer any... i won't.
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Dec 10, 2010
I always wanted to do a run for charity, but my fitness isn't up to par, yet. I'm considering running for the Red Cross fundraiser in September, but I'll see how far my feet can carry me. :rolleyes:

Wish you luck on the climb!

Create a target, motivate yourself and i'm sure you'll accomplish your goals!

You should definitely do it, i'm considering a Marathon but the word itself quite frankly scares me.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Jan 25, 2012
tinyevil777 said:
You should definitely do it, i'm considering a Marathon but the word itself quite frankly scares me.

Everyone around me is like "Oh, you want to do a run? haha"
But, yes, I think it's a fine opportunity do something for myself and others. Good to hear from someone who also does it :D


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 16:33
Feb 22, 2002
I have paid £2,000 for the privilage of raising money for a great charity.

It will be the experience of a lifetime!

I would thank you for your kind support and encouragement, but seeing as you didn't offer any... i won't.

I see on the website that you can't do it without a guide, that's people who go up and down it all the time so it can't be that hard. I should imagine that it must be pretty hectic with people coming and going all the time, and as there are organised tours up it, it would seem not to taxing to do it.

Why not do something more challenging, like walk across the sahara desert? Now that, I would support. You could try a Ryanair flight to Malaga - now that is a challenge.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Dec 10, 2010
I see on the website that you can't do it without a guide, that's people who go up and down it all the time so it can't be that hard. I should imagine that it must be pretty hectic with people coming and going all the time, and as there are organised tours up it, it would seem not to taxing to do it.

Why not do something more challenging, like walk across the sahara desert? Now that, I would support. You could try a Ryanair flight to Malaga - now that is a challenge.


I guess i'll be seeing you in August at the start of the trek then?

It's quite alarming that you think a mountain that is 5895m - over 19,000ft high, the highest mountain on the continent and the highest freestanding mountain in the world would be completed with relative ease. Of course there are organised tours going up it, there are also tours travelling up and down Mount Everest - so by your logic, Everest is a walk in the park?


Furthermore, the fact that you find my attempt to raise awareness to a charity that provides pallative support/care to those in their dying days a place for what is nothing more than banter, is absolutely disgusting.

Don't get me wrong, i like banter - but questioning my method of raising money for charity and suggesting i try something which is, to you, more challenging is absolutely astonishing.

You seem nothing more than a keyboard warrior who browses posts with the sole aim of provoking and antagonising people.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 16:33
Feb 22, 2002
I guess i'll be seeing you in August at the start of the trek then?

Sorry, can't make it, love to of course but we've got our French students here in July/August.

It's quite alarming that you think a mountain that is 5895m - over 19,000ft high, the highest mountain on the continent and the highest freestanding mountain in the world would be completed with relative ease. Of course there are organised tours going up it, there are also tours travelling up and down Mount Everest - so by your logic, Everest is a walk in the park?


No, the website I looked at made it look that way.

Furthermore, the fact that you find my attempt to raise awareness to a charity that provides pallative support/care to those in their dying days a place for what is nothing more than banter, is absolutely disgusting.

I admire the work hospices do, god forbid I never need one. In fact I contribute to ours (St Helena Hospice) on a monthly DD. Wouldn't it be easier to give the £2000 direct to the hospice?

Don't get me wrong, i like banter - but questioning my method of raising money for charity and suggesting i try something which is, to you, more challenging is absolutely astonishing.

Well there are more challenging things to do which may generate more income for you.

You seem nothing more than a keyboard warrior who browses posts with the sole aim of provoking and antagonising people.

That's been more or less said in the past, I have been called a Nazi, a troll, and countless other names over the 13 years I have been a member. Usually it's the Yankees who can't take it not the taffy's.



Old registered user
Local time
Today, 16:33
Feb 22, 2002
I wonder if the trek ever got completed.



Local time
Today, 10:33
Jul 31, 2008
Would you translate this sentence for me. I think I'm one of the Yankees, but who are the taffy's.

Usually it's the Yankees who can't take it not the taffy's.

BTW, the Yankees live in NYC. I prefer to be associated with the Red Sox.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Dec 10, 2010
I wonder if the trek ever got completed.


The trip was postponed from August 2012 to February 2013. To be exact, I have 31 days until I go. My training is going well, I've raised awareness for my local hospice and over £1,000 in the process.

Thanks for your continued interest, Col.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 16:33
Feb 22, 2002
Did you get up the hill then? Or a failure - hence no outcome.

Just took the money I guess.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Dec 10, 2010
Did you get up the hill then? Or a failure - hence no outcome.

Just took the money I guess.


On the contrary, I made it to the top after 6 days and 50 hours of trekking. The photos are here if you or anyone else would like to take a look:

The lateness of my reply was due to me having things to do, i.e. living.

Also, I didn't take any money you patronising halfwit, I raised close to £2,000 for the hospice.

Just FYI 'Col', I climbed the highest mountain in Africa, a mountain which took the life of one of our fellow trekkers and continues to take the lives of many climbers each year. All you do is disrespectfully fish for a bite.

Do one you absolute prat.
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Old registered user
Local time
Today, 16:33
Feb 22, 2002
Patronising halfwit. Absolute prat?

I'll refrain from reporting you this time for needless name calling.

When I said "just took the money I guess", I was referring to taking the money off the punters for your charity, without completing the full walk.

You need to understand that what you read or hear is not necessarily meaning what you think it means.unless its a conscience speaking to you.

Just spotted you are in Wales, maybe you are welsh which would explain a few things. Perhaps English is not your first language.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Dec 10, 2010
Patronising halfwit. Absolute prat?

I'll refrain from reporting you this time for needless name calling.

When I said "just took the money I guess", I was referring to taking the money off the punters for your charity, without completing the full walk.

You need to understand that what you read or hear is not necessarily meaning what you think it means.unless its a conscience speaking to you.

Just spotted you are in Wales, maybe you are welsh which would explain a few things. Perhaps English is not your first language.


Not particularly bothered if you report me or not. This forum means more to you than it does to me.

I could easily report you for the multiple Welsh comments that you've made. They could be considered Nationalist. Taff isn't a description that Welsh people like, funnily enough. And to say that English isn't our first language, well it's not so much pathetic as it is laughable. You're getting really desperate now. Running out of trolling material?

As I've said on many dialog, I paid for the trip of a lifetime MYSELF. The £2,000 given by many generous people were donations, not sponsorships. There is a difference.

The underlying thing here is that I DID the trip, completed a life goal and raised money for charity. Are you so offended by these FACTS!? There's no blanketed truth here, the charity had £2000 in donations, I paid for the trip myself. I could've paid for the trip myself, and decided not to raise any money for charity.

There's no conscious speaking to me here. You're just a desperate bored old man who constantly tries to get people to bite into an argument. Anyone who reads this thread will see it.

Aren't you going to congratulate me? Will you be gracious enough to say, I'm very sorry for the loss of your of your fellow climbers life? Do you have it in you to just leave this thread? I'm very bored of you now.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:33
Dec 10, 2010
My Mother was a Hospice volunteer, at the end of her life she was a recipient of this great organization. Keep up the good fight, and thank you for your service. Without people like you, there would be a lot more needless suffering.


Thanks Richard, your support is appreciated, I just do what I can.

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