Multifunction Server box - Partitioning (1 Viewer)

Local time
Today, 02:40
Feb 25, 2008
Quick questoin for all you server admins.

I am setting up a new box running Windows Server 2003 R2.
This is going to function mainly as a test server for SQL but will also function as my home media server, ftp and http server.
I have 380GB total to spare.

I was thinking about partitioning the array into six sections as follows:
Boot/System (?? GB)
HTTP (?? GB)
FTP (?? GB)
SQL (?? GB)
Home Media/Sharing/Streaming (?? GB)
Extra (?? GB)

So, my questions are these;
Am I overthinking this? Is there any real advantage to seperating everything like this or am I just being too creative?
If it's good practice to divide the functions like this, then what are my minimums in terms of GB for the Boot/System partition, and what would you recommend for the rest? Would you divide the functions differently? Perhaps combine the FTP and Home Media/Sharing functions?

Thank you all for your help, I don't have much experience in setting up servers like this but I want to learn and that is why I am attempting this project.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:40
Apr 21, 2010
That is a lot of partitions!

As far as servers disk setup there are a ton of different ways. This also depend on how important your data is. I say look into RAIDS, but you can't do a raid. I say set folders and not partition based on your saved/served data but more one the lines of system functions.

A Partition for SWAP space
A Partition for System/Boot
A Partition for Data.

This way if windows mucks up your data is safe from a logic bomb. oh and back up you data!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:40
Feb 26, 2007
This may not apply to non-Raid systems, but I create a modest Partition for System/Documents/Databases and one large partition for everything else. This is something to do with improving the disk seeks.


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