Multivitamins (1 Viewer)


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 17:26
Feb 12, 2007
Hi all,
thinking about starting to take some vitamins to maybe see if i can squeeze out some more energy.

anyone know if something like centrum or something like that is good for this?

also does anyone take fish oil? ive heard its supposed to be good for u, but im not too sure why


Something in here
Local time
Today, 14:26
Apr 6, 2004
I used to take supplements - but there is increasing evidence that they are really not good for you - so unless you have a specific thing you need to supplement for on a short term basis - or under doctors orders, I would aim for a good diet.

A little oily fish for Breaky - mackeral is my favourite or salmon, good for vitamin D, and good for the heart etc.

All things in moderation. (except beer and other recreational drugs)


Smoke me a Kipper,Skipper
Local time
Today, 14:26
Nov 8, 2005
try to steer away from pills - although not nessary evil - most reseach suggests a healthly diet is the best way to go .

Cranberries good for urine tract (and other diegestive stuff)
(taste crap)
apples/Pears generally all round and ok - not too many
oranges good for Vit C

most berries have anti-oxides in them - blueberry I hear are very good
however if cook might as well eat chalk -


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 17:26
Feb 12, 2007
I used to take supplements - but there is increasing evidence that they are really not good for you - so unless you have a specific thing you need to supplement for on a short term basis - or under doctors orders, I would aim for a good diet.

A little oily fish for Breaky - mackeral is my favourite or salmon, good for vitamin D, and good for the heart etc.

All things in moderation. (except beer and other recreational drugs)

see i dont like fish, thats why i figured something else(pill) would do me good.

and when you say not good for you what do you mean? they dont give you the right amounts? not what you need?


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 17:26
Feb 12, 2007
try to steer away from pills - although not nessary evil - most reseach suggests a healthly diet is the best way to go .

Cranberries good for urine tract (and other diegestive stuff)
(taste crap)
apples/Pears generally all round and ok - not too many
oranges good for Vit C

most berries have anti-oxides in them - blueberry I hear are very good
however if cook might as well eat chalk -

what if im too busy to eat well??? seems to be my main problem. no time for lunch (unless im driving and hit up some fast food) and dinner is whatever i can cook(microwave, since i cant cook) the fastest...


Something in here
Local time
Today, 14:26
Apr 6, 2004


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 17:26
Feb 12, 2007
nice article. Thanks for that. i think a trial cant hurt. nothing serious, just to see how much more energy i can get ( i quit caffeine so im running low). Thanks for the input


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 17:26
Feb 12, 2007
yeah what about the all carb diet that people go on..? isnt that for energy... i feel like if i cut that stuff out ill be hungry all the time


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 22:26
Jul 10, 2007
That's odd, I thought pasta was good for you:confused:

Pasta is good for you in moderation like all food. Nothing in excess. Sportsman will often load up on Carbs especially pasta before competing in endurance events as they can be used quickly to provide energy. In general a well balanced diet is best for you provided that you eat in moderate amounts. You don't want to be carrying excess weight around. I feel that pills are Ok to top up on things like Omega-3 if you don't like fish.

It is all pretty simple really. You need to balance your input to what you need. If you eat to excess you will put on the pounds.


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 17:26
Feb 12, 2007
It is all pretty simple really. You need to balance your input to what you need. If you eat to excess you will put on the pounds.

and if you dont eat enough??? i heard on a empty stomach pills make you sick... but thats just in the reading ive done during work


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 22:26
Jul 10, 2007
and if you dont eat enough??? i heard on a empty stomach pills make you sick... but thats just in the reading ive done during work
That's why I said to have a sensible balanced diet. Its not good to starved. I suspect different pills will have different effects if you eat them on an empty stomach. Like all things you need to use your common sense.


Something in here
Local time
Today, 14:26
Apr 6, 2004
All I meant was if you were now filling up on veggies - the other filler foods - ie carbs could be cut back a bit - or the number of calories would inevitably increase - and therefore you'll get fatter.


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 17:26
Feb 12, 2007
ah got ya! i try to eat veggies.... although they might be on a burger or something of the sort so kinda defeats the purpose im sure


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:26
Jun 12, 2006
Hi gary,
Theres nothing wrong with taking a good multi vitamin as a 'safety net' to ensure all your macronutrients are taken care of but as everyone has said it would be best to get them form natural food like fruit and veg.
Also there are other sources of Healthy fats that you get from fish. Nuts and seeds are great sources of omegas and can be eaten on the go.

If youve given up the caffiene then it can take 4 days to get out of your sytem and anything up to 2 weeks for the cravings to go and energy returns.

And a all carb diet will not give you loads of energy as your body can only store so much energy and what you dont use will be stored as fat!

As above though, variation and moderation is the key!

Master Personal Trainer


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 17:26
Feb 12, 2007
i started taking a one a day mens health supplement and have been eating healthier on top of it. ive noticed some (minimal) improvements in energy already and its only been about 2 weeks.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:26
Jun 12, 2006
Sounds about right!
Only takes a few days for your body to start flushing out the crap and utilise the extra nutrients your putting in! Now all you need is some exercise and you'll be a proper health freak :)

Steven Deetz

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:26
Jul 19, 2001
I have been taking several different supplements to help with my energy. A B-vitamins supplement and a Panthenine supplement have given me a lift so I do not snooze away in front of my current Access project. :)

The quality of the supplement is always an issue. Some forms of B-12 are part of a complex molecule that when broken down becomes B-12 and cyanide. Stay away from any B-12 compounds that have an ingredient that is similar to cyanide.


Local time
Today, 22:26
Jun 2, 2003
Balance is a word that has been used through this thread and it is the most important issue as one can overdo even good things like whisky, wine, beer and vitamins.

My opthalmic surgeon advised me to take a supplement containing Lutein to help with my weak retinas, but the 1st one I took contained an excess of vitamins A and E and caused trouble to some people especially smokers, not me tho', and my optician switched brands to one with less of those.

I also read recently that the omegas present in plants are less useful for some reason than those in fish, however we are tolde that fish contain poisons, especially farmed fish.

And after we have got ourselves all healthy ready for a long life along comes that bus and runs us over.


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