Obama Adminstration Finally Acknolwedges That They Lied About Health Insrurance (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:39
Sep 9, 2002
So wrong. Obama used deceit over a three period in a massive "bait and switch" scam. Obama has repeatedly claimed to be "transparent" and "above politics". When one lies and uses deceit to sell someone something, something is clearly wrong. If the ACA were really good, it would be selling itself. The people are not flocking to sign-up. Clearly they see through the scam. As the ACA is being implemented it has been fraught with incompetence and political manipulation, which seems to be demonstrating that the ACA will not making health care affordable (except for those who qualify for a subsidy, which means increased taxation for others.).

Steve, boy did you hit the nail. This is such a joke. Wait until 2014 when 80 million lose there health insurance. Then heads will really will roll.

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