Re-Activating In-form buttons after filter (1 Viewer)


Agent of Creation
Local time
Yesterday, 20:54
Feb 3, 2015
I saw and was replying to a question similar to this, but it appears that my responses, etc., were overlooked because the initial question was something like six years old. If I'm breaking protocol by listing it again, I apologize.

I have a dashboard which I have set up to open a form in "Filter by Form" mode. Here is the macro:

Filter by Form macro.JPG

This works well, opening the form exactly as I want it to be opened. However, actually running the filter and searching by whatever information users have entered into the various controls as search criteria requires clicking the "Toggle Filters" tool on the Home ribbon. I'd like to have a button on the form itself to perform this function so that I can ultimately save this database as a standalone application. However, though I can create the button, when I open the form in this mode the button is greyed out and can't be clicked. I saw some reference to focus in the earlier thread, but wasn't clear on the specifics and exactly how to use them. Can someone let me know what I need to add to the macro above in order to have the button active as well as allowing for the entry of search/filter criteria?

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