Read a file and import its data into a table

aite ! managed to get it rite. Now how do i append to exiting text file. at the moment it creates a new file every time i click.
After a few googling, found the code to be
Open log For Append As #2
which is added to the top of the file, like so
EMD = DLookup("[EMD]", "tblFilePath", "[PathID]=1") & Rename
    NoPax = DLookup("[NoPax]", "tblFilePath", "[PathID]=1") & Rename
    Set RSFiles = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblFiles")
    Set RSPax = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPax")
    Set RSPXFare = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPAXFareValue")
    Set RSSector = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblSector")
    Set RSFop = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblFop")
    Set RSEx = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblExchange")
    'Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(log, True)
    Open log For Append As #2
and close the file, like so
        srcfile = Dir 'get next file
        Loop 'srcfile
        Write #2, txtMIRActivity.Value
        Close #2
Now the error i get when it runs again is that "File is already open" at line
Open log For Append As #2
how can i resolve it ?
Solved it ! now how can i create new files every 1MB ?
Filelen function should be able to give you that... Though why cut the files at 1 MB? why not 10 MB? Or remove old history at some point?
Not sure files of 10 mb would open fast. Ok lets make it 10MB if you say so. Removing the old history, well we need those log at some time.
Depends on what you call fast,
depends on what you need them for,
Depends on how often you need them,
Etc, etc.
was trying the below code
log = "C:\MIR\" & Date & "MirActivityLog.txt"
    [COLOR=Red]Flen = FileLen(log)[/COLOR]
If Flen > 5 Then
    MsgBox ("File length Reached")
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(log, True)
    Open log For Append As #2
    End If
i get an error at line marked in red "File Not found". Need to create new file with current date stamp
To create a file you use the earlier OPEN code....
Filelen requires the file to be there....

Alternatively you can use the DIR function to check if it exists...
LFile = "C:\MIR\19-Jan-15_MIRActivityMIR.txt"
    If LFile = "" Then
    Set lf = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\MIR\" & Date & "_" & "MIRActivityLog.txt", True)
    [COLOR=Red]Flen = FileLen(LFile)[/COLOR]
    Open LFile For Append As #2
    End If
    If Flen > 5 Then
    MsgBox ("File length Reached")
    Set NF = fs.CreateTextFile(Now & "_" & "C:\MIR\19-Jan-15_MIRActivityMIR.txt", True)
    End If

The line in red is the part where it checks the file size but the file size returned is always zero even when the file size is above 3KB. Where is the error ?
Set lf = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\MIR\" & Date & "_" & "MIRActivityLog.txt", True)
Flen = FileLen(LFile)
Figured it out :)
LogF = "C:\MIR\"
    NewF = LogF & Rename & "MIRActivityLogg.txt"
    LFile = "C:\MIR\" & Date & "_" & "MIRActivityLog.txt"
    If LFile = "" Then
        Set lf = fs.CreateTextFile(LogF & Date & "_" & "MIRActivityLog.txt", True)
        Open LFile For Append As #2
    End If
    [B][COLOR=Red]Flen = FileLen(LFile)[/COLOR][/B]
    If Flen > 10000000 Then
        Set NF = fs.CreateTextFile(NewF, True)
    End If

Been trying to do a duplicate check with the following code
If DCount("FileID", "qryMIR", "[MIRSeq]=" & MIRSeq) And DCount("FileID", "qryMIR", "[TicketNumber]=""" & tkt & """") Then 'validate MIR Sequence number and Ticketnumber to avoid Duplication
                    txtMIRActivity.Value = srcfile & " " & MIRSeq & " " & tkt & " " & PNR & " " & "DUPLICATE MIR FILE" & vbNewLine & txtMIRActivity.Value
                    Print #2, srcfile & " " & MIRSeq & " " & tkt & " " & PNR & " " & "DUPLICATE MIR FILE"
                    Close #1
                    Name SrcFolder & srcfile As dupfolder & srcfile 'Move Duplicate file
                    GoTo NextFile
                    End If

well it does work well, how can i make to compare the MIRSeq and tkt of that particular row. The above code checks the whole query rather than a row so the values does repeat which is something that i found out down the road.
Wow didnt even know this thread still lived on here :)

Dcount("FileID", "qryMIR", "[MIRSeq]=" & MIRSeq & " and [TicketNumber]=""" & tkt & """") then
Be carefull with DCounts and DLookups though, they are a big source of "slow down" in your code... Usually you can merge multiple DCounts or DLookups into one query which will be much faster.
Lol still hanging on :) so i create a septate query with mirseq and tkt ? And dlookup into this new query ? But still i would be using the same dlookup function, rite ? Is that whatnyou meant ?
No, .... It is perfectly fine to use this single DLookup/Dcount as long as you dont have multiple Dfunctions on the same query or table in sequence.

If for example your next check is again on that same query but another field:
Dcount("FileID", "qryMIR", "[SomeField]=" & MIRSeq  ) then
You can speed things up by using a query... something along the lines of
dim rs as DAO.Recordset
set rs = Currentdb.Openrecordset("Select ...")
If ...
end if

If ...
End if
set rs = nothing

Simply remember that any DFunction is a query upon itself.

Also dont know if this is true or not, but it may not be necesarry to utilize the qryMIR.
the DCount will trigger the full query to run (again) which if it is a big query can take precious time. Instead perhaps you can use a smaller query or even go back to the source table and check that instead.
Ok thanks for that info. Let me try your suggestion. Don't how to set the select query when coming to vb coding. Will give it a try tho.
Or can i use separate if statements instead of in one line ?

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