repair/compact appears not to be working in Access 2007 (1 Viewer)


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Today, 09:24
Jul 26, 2001
The Repair/Compact feature appears not to be working in my Access 2007 databases. It looks like it's doing something, but my ballooning file sizes don't get any smaller.

This is true when I run it from manage - compact and repair database AND when I turn on "compact on close".

Some examples:
DB size in Access 2002 was <30MB. It grew a bit on use but always compacted back to <30MB. Now in 2007 it's at 165MB and growing. The only way I seem to be able to get it to shrink back to it's "normal" size is to import everything into a new, blank database. Not a good thing to have to do on a regular basis!

This is far from an isolated case. Another DB which in Access 2002 was about 55MB, is now 360MB and growing.

However, I have just found that if i use the vb command DBEngine.CompactDatabase, it compacts stuff just fine. However, this is less than desirable for me, as you have to run this from an external db.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is there something (like a security setting?) that could be keeping the db's from compacting?

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