Runtime Error 2447 ?????


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:21
Mar 19, 2007
Hello All,

Im am getting this error "Runtime 2447 There is an invalid use of the .(dot) or ! operator or invalid parentheses."

Do not know why I am getting this. It has an error on this code on the
Private Sub RawData_LostFocus()

If IsNull(Me.RawData) Then Me.Text103 = 0
If Me.RawData <= Me.UL And Me.RawData > Me.UCL Or Me.RawData < Me.LCL And Me.RawData >= Me.LL Then Me.Text103 = 2
If Me.RawData <= Me.UCL And Me.RawData >= Me.LCL Then Me.Text103 = 1
If Me.RawData > Me.UL Or Me.RawData < Me.LL Then Me.Text103 = 3

End Sub

It did work when I have 1 form with the code in it. But when I added another form identical to that one just bound to another table, I start getting this error.:banghead:

How can it work fine then now im getting this error???

Any Ideas???

I'd try replacing the second line with

If (Me.RawData <= Me.UL And Me.RawData > Me.UCL) Or (Me.RawData < Me.LCL And Me.RawData >= Me.LL) Then Me.Text103 = 2
Linq ;0)>
curious if something like this would work . . .
    Me.text103 = 0
    Select Case Me.RawData
        Case Is > Me.UL, Is < Me.LL
            Me.text103 = 3
        Case Me.LCL To Me.UCL
            Me.text103 = 1
        Case Me.UCL To Me.UL, Me.LL To Me.LCL
            Me.text103 = 2
    End Select
. . . seems simpler in some ways, but not sure about replacing <= and > with "to".

Anyway, thought I'd throw it out there.
Hello All,

Does any know why the error 2447 " There is an invalid use of the . (dot) or ! operator or invalid parentheses" occurs?

I just having a terrible time with code that works fine on one form and not on another.

Any Ideas?:banghead:
my guess would be that your text boxes are named after fields on the recordsource. try renaming your textboxes to something like txt***** and updating your code to reflect this.

That does make sense what you said however im still getting this error. This is so frustrating!

It is also has a error on this line

Me.Graph194.axes(2).MinimumScale = Me.LL - 0.0008
Me.Graph194.axes(2).MaximumScale = Me.UL + 0.0006

It should works on my other form that is identical.

Any Ideas?:confused:
fwiw, I commonly name controls the same as the fields in the recordsource and never get errors about that
i have noticed sometimes that you can refer to fields in the forms recordsource directly.

then for some reason this stops, and you have to place them on the form to use them. I suspect this might be happening.

I could never work out why sometimes the controls have to placed on the forms.
Thanks everyone for helping....I guess this is just one of those mystery Microsoft problems. I got tired of messing around with it.

So I just set my chart scale to auto for both forms. Not exactly what I wanted but ...oh well...close enough...
This happens when a value somewhere on your form throws an error like #Name. If you can remove that, the error should go away.
Jason... you DO realize you answered a thread from 2013?

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