Runtime Error 70: Permission Denied (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 23:12
Jul 26, 2001
I am getting the error
"Runtime Error 70: permission denied"
when trying to execute the following line of code:

Set xlApp = New Excel.Application

We are in the process of converting to a new version of Citrix. The error occurs ONLY when running on a terminal server on the new version of Citrix. On our current (old) version of Citrix, or when run from my PC, it works fine.

I have little control over the Citrix environment, and the guy who does, doesn't know VB. Any ideas on what I need to ask him to change for me?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 23:12
Jul 26, 2001
Yes. BUT...the start menu shows Excel 2003, Excel 2007, and Excel XP. If I try to oepn anything but the XP version I get "windows cannot acceess"..."you may not have the appropriate permissions"...

So, I have this foggy theory that Access is trying to open one of those versions that I don't have permissions for. Problem is, the server only has Access runtime so it's a bit hard to debug. I am trying to implement some code that loads the correct reference at runtime.But having some problems. I am going to start a different thread on this issue.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 23:12
Jul 26, 2001
Just wanted to update you all on this. Even though Citrix has 3 different versions of Excel installed, and even though I was licensed for Excel XP, and even though I added the Excel XP reference to Access (both before and during matter what I did, Access 2007 insisted on trying to use the Excel 2007 reference, which i did not have a license for. Thus my "permission denied" issue. When I got a license for Excel 2007 (which I really do not want or need!) this problem went away.

So, is this a glitch, or just Microsoft's way of saying we must upgrade??? (mostly a rhetorical question....)

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