Why have the database show up at all until it is approved? Frustrates users.
I have none that need approval. However for example if you look in the Sample Databases you will see a Pending Approval database there. Makes no sense to show up until approved to me was my point. People are trying to download it and cant!
Ah, come on Uncle T, you've got nothing better to doso short of visiting the relevant forums every day, (Not going to Happen)
I don't know what the criteria for approval is , but I would have thought that it would be concerned with the basic rules, is the DB normalised, is there a decent naming convention, is it documented so that it is understood , etc.
Option Compare Text
Option Explicit
I am not sure if Rain is criticising me or not, I think he is , not sure why. Sorry if read that way. Not intended.
I think that there is a difference between a sample database and the suggestion of code to solve a poster's problem, I believe that the former demands higher standards, not that I am suggesting the latter should be sloppy but often, nay normally, you are working with object names set by the poster, frequently people do not even show the Sub End Sub statements, just the relevant lines of code.
I have had no need to look at the sample data bases for a long time, does that mean I can not make a general statement?
I agree that I am not perfect.
I agree with you on using a prefix for the very reason that new reserved words may be added.