"San Bernardino shooter was well vetted" (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 03:00
Feb 22, 2002
I've raised this point more than once but the gun nuts won't respond in an intelligent way, if at all.

Notice that Col wants somebody to start a thread that meets his standards and that would interest others, why doesn't he do it?


Because my old friend, I wanted to see if anyone had enough brain life to think of any other subject.



Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 03:00
Jul 10, 2007
I've raised this point more than once but the gun nuts won't respond in an intelligent way, if at all.

Perhaps if they were intelligent they would not be defending the right to bear arms. :eek:

IMO only people who can show a real need should be allowed to have firearms provided they are sensible enough. Ammunition should also be tightly controlled.


Local time
Today, 03:00
Jun 2, 2003


Registered User.
Local time
, 19:00
May 22, 2010
Well it was not ignored as I responded, so you must mean I poo pooed it IE I disagreed with his statement, I guess the I was not supposed to do that.
One other major point, you obviously see Doc as a gun nut, I don't, he has never come across that way.

No I don't think Doc is a gun nut at all. Not sure where that twisted logic comes from. I agreed and thanked him for a useful post on #119. Even though I didn't quote Rabbie, my statement was directed at his more radical gun views. Hope that clears things up.


Registered User.
Local time
, 19:00
May 22, 2010
Perhaps if they were intelligent they would not be defending the right to bear arms. :eek:

IMO only people who can show a real need should be allowed to have firearms provided they are sensible enough. Ammunition should also be tightly controlled.

This really speaks to the crux of the matter :rolleyes:. Scientist, intellectuals, liberals, left-wingers and socialist all own guns, everywhere around the planet. They feel it very necessary to own guns, and employ people who are well armed. While the rest of us really have no use for such weapons, after all they know best and always have. They are smarter and liberal so they see the bigger picture. Oh and they have feelings, and isn't that what really counts? We call them Limousine Liberals.



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
, 22:00
Oct 17, 2012
On the flipside, though, money correlates to power, and having fame and wealth exponentially increases your ability to enact the change for which you campaign. Also, *most* liberals understand full well that as long as the exemptions are there, you would be foolish not to take advantage of them. Hell, I've had that conversation with many, many liberals, even those most opposed to the rich paying substantially smaller fractions of their income in taxes, and virtually all have agreed that not taking advantage of available tax breaks is idiotic. If nothing else, you can then turn around, take that money you saved on your taxes, and spend it on pushing for tax reform. (As opposed to paying millions of dollars you don't need to pay to a government whose spending priorities you almost certainly oppose.)

That said, I will freely admit that people who are, say, campaigning to get pollution cut while driving a Hummer and gallivanting around the world on their private jets irk me just a wee bit.


Registered User.
Local time
, 19:00
May 22, 2010
On the flipside, though, money correlates to power, and having fame and wealth exponentially increases your ability to enact the change for which you campaign. Also, *most* liberals understand full well that as long as the exemptions are there, you would be foolish not to take advantage of them. Hell, I've had that conversation with many, many liberals, even those most opposed to the rich paying substantially smaller fractions of their income in taxes, and virtually all have agreed that not taking advantage of available tax breaks is idiotic. If nothing else, you can then turn around, take that money you saved on your taxes, and spend it on pushing for tax reform. (As opposed to paying millions of dollars you don't need to pay to a government whose spending priorities you almost certainly oppose.)

That said, I will freely admit that people who are, say, campaigning to get pollution cut while driving a Hummer and gallivanting around the world on their private jets irk me just a wee bit.
I couldn't agree more! This is why illegal immigration will never be solved. The left needs a fresh voting base plus taxes. The right needs a fresh labor force plus taxes, win win.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 21:00
Feb 28, 2001
Doc who supplies the weapons is immaterial as they should only exist if you are part of a well trained militia not just for the hell of it.

First, I think that in light of current SCOTUS rulings, this puts the cart before the horse. If you accept that the militia must supply their own weapons, then if you have no weapons already in the hands of the populace, you CANNOT quickly raise a militia.

Second, to allay some fears - I am not a huge gun nut. I have an old .38 pistol and some ammunition.

No AK-47s, no BAR, no Thompson sub-machine guns, no .50-cal paired anti-aircraft-mounted machine guns... though I must admit that in the presence of SOME Louisiana drivers, a couple of rounds from a Desert Eagle .50 cal might actually persuade them to do a little better with their driving. Or perhaps a couple of turret-mounted Sidewinder missiles. But that is more of a fantasy along the lines of the old Harlan Ellison story titled (if I remember it correctly) "A Quiet Drive in the Country."

My gun ownership is limited because I don't go hunting. It is because in a couple of cases, people attempted to break into my home. In fact, about 35 years ago, someone actually DID break in when I wasn't home. My wife was in the house a few years ago (after Katrina caused parts of New Orleans to be sparsely populated - so no witnesses nearby) when someone tried to break in. The gun in the house is strictly for protection and I know how to use it. Head shots are tricky, so are heart shots. But gut shots work fine and if I'm a little low on my aim, nut shots work too.

Finally, just remember that I don't speak with my tongue in my cheek because of running the risk of biting myself. But TYPING with tongue deeply embedded in cheek might just happen if you look closely enough.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
, 22:00
Oct 17, 2012
Hell, even trained snipers are taught to target center of mass.

As to Ellison, I just finally got around to reading 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream'. Interesting, if terrifying work.

Did you see that SyFy is airing a Childhood's End miniseries? That's one of my favorite works by Clarke.


been around a little
Local time
, 19:00
May 3, 2007
Libre - there is some debate over your interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. The question is whether that "well-regulated militia" was supposed to supply their own weapons or would have them issued. The most recent rules of the US Supreme Court are that the militia can supply their own weapons. Hence, private ownership of guns.

I understand your interpretation. I just disagree with it.
The thing is, I was being faceatios, referencing religion, politics, guns, and American slang and acronyms all in one post - which is exactly what Col was decrying.

I just find it all incredibly boring.

Guns, religion and American politics. Yawn. Can't think of anything more mind numbingly brain killing.

Can someone please start -

a) an interesting thread.
b) one that Non yank posters can be involved with.

Remember this is a British forum not a stupid American one for one brain cell yanks. If yanks must post, can we have some with a basic amount of intelligence who are not obsessed by religion, politics and guns?


But now that I'm being more serious, a well regulated militia would not be carrying Saturday night specials in their glove compartments, now would they?
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Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 21:00
Feb 28, 2001
AB - the only way to have less is to have none at all, and that removes ANY chance of equity for me when someone attempts a break-in. No thanks, I prefer equity.

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