Strange problem - label text quality degrades when scrolling through records on form! (1 Viewer)

David Anderson

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:38
Nov 18, 2007
I have just hit a very strange problem with a form in an Access 2003 application. The 14 point text in some of my labels significantly degrades in quality as soon as you spin the mousewheel to scroll through several records. The text seems to partially bleed into the background and loses all edge sharpness. It's only a label problem, text boxes are not affected. I can't recreate the problem on a simple test form. So far, it is limited to one specific form.

Has anyone seen this sort of behaviour before? Is there a known cause? Even better, is there a solution (apart from simply changing these labels into text boxes)? I tried exporting the form to another database but the problem was still there.


David Anderson

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:38
Nov 18, 2007
Some more info on this problem...

I recreated two of my misbehaving labels but left the originals on the form under new names. The new versions failed as before but the original two now worked properly! The failure appeared to follow the labels with specific names (AcceptanceThresholdLabel and QtyAcceptedLabel). If I swap the names between the old and new versions of a given label then the one with the original name is the one that fails. My code switches the visibility of these labels on and off in response to certain user choices, but there is nothing obviously unusual about my code.

I am assuming that my form is suffering from some type of internal corruption. I could try recreating my whole form from scratch but this would be a lot of work. It's actually a subform and potentially I would have to recreate the main form as well.

I've tried recreating the labels. I've tried exporting the form to another database. Does anyone have any other suggestions for eliminating internal corruption?



New member
Local time
Today, 20:38
Aug 7, 2013
Hi David and other fellow programmers, I have searched for the answer to this problem in the past and come up empty. Until the problem presented its self again today. After some playing around i fixed the problem and seem to know one of the reasons it does this.

For me it was due to using a background image behind the labels. it didn't seem to make much difference to what format the image was (.jpg .bmp .png) tested. Yet if i move the image away from the labels the problem goes away. I recreated the forms background image to be 4 images (top/left/right/bottom) as borders and just used the form colour to match with the border. this way there was never any image behind my labels.

I know this is a very old thread, but 5 years on i ended up back here so i'm sure others will and this may help.

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