Suggestions Required to Develop HTML Projects


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Today, 06:59
Jun 9, 2022
Hi this is Palak Sharma
Well again I found this community while researching about HTML over the internet.

Well I am doing my engineering from Computer Science & Engineering trade. I am learning lots of programming languages however I am in initial phase of learning. HTML is also my favorite programming language due to its easy syntax and as you know that HTML is also very easy to learn and code. I have started learning and coding HTML in my home. To enhance my skills level I am looking to implement some HTML project and I am continuously researching on this. Can you also suggest some project which I can create by using HTML.

Looking for some positive responses.
Not sure how serious this question is based on the other 3 questions.
But in any case, first of all, HTML isn't a programming language.
HTML is just a markup language (like Scribe, XML)
For projects, well you can create website with it.
Hi this is Palak Sharma
Well again I found this community while researching about HTML over the internet.

Well I am doing my engineering from Computer Science & Engineering trade. I am learning lots of programming languages however I am in initial phase of learning. HTML is also my favorite programming language due to its easy syntax and as you know that HTML is also very easy to learn and code. I have started learning and coding HTML in my home. To enhance my skills level I am looking to implement some HTML project and I am continuously researching on this. Can you also suggest some project which I can create by using HTML.

Looking for some positive responses.
As Grumm noted, html, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is common to many, many different web development environments. It's akin, in some ways, to talking about applying formatting to a Word document once it's been written. What you'll need, in addition, to create an interactive, dynamic, website will be a coding language to develop the logic.

That said, you could create whatever website suits your imagination, maybe a personal website about yourself and your interests? Google searches turn up thousands of examples of websites. Maybe searching that way, on common terms related to your hobbies or other interests would turn up some ideas.
Well I am doing my engineering from Computer Science & Engineering trade. I am learning lots of programming languages however I am in initial phase of learning. HTML is also my favorite programming language due to its easy syntax and as you know that HTML is also very easy to learn and code. I have started learning and coding HTML in my home. To enhance my skills level I am looking to implement some HTML project and I am continuously researching on this. Can you also suggest some project which I can create by using HTML.
There are a lot of different projects that you can create using HTML.
Some examples
-Creating a website for a business or organization
-Designing a personal portfolio website
-Building a custom blog
-Creating an online store -Making a landing page for a product or service These are just a few ideas to get you started. If you need more inspiration, you can search online for "HTML projects" or "HTML coding projects" for more ideas.

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