The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities (1 Viewer)

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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 02:30
May 21, 2007
I'd appreciate some substantive evidence of that remark please or perhaps a retraction.

I can justify my comment if you like, I have asked Tim several times to cut out the stupid pics, and keep posts short (as have other posters) - as I said, all ignored by Tim - a self confessed Yank.
It's not geographical, it confirms that Yanks maybe do need the expensive psychotherapy they live on.


You do not have to justify anything, or retract anything under this topic.

Just be your self!

If you have trouble doing that, based on concerns, then leave, change your name, and come back as a phantom guest.

Maybe somebody here, under this topic. Could explain how you can do that.

If you are worried about everything all the time, and feel you can not help it, then wait until somebody here, shows you how you can change your identity, before you post, under this topic.

I look at things different, I admit that!


Somebody stole my wife credit card, but I did not call the police, and report it, because they used it less than my wife did!


My doctor, told me to start watching my weight, so I got it out there, where I could see it.


I believe in Afterlife Orb people.

The image below,

is marketing aimed at Potential Afterlife Orbs, in case I am right!

Now that is a yank for you, always helping other people, even if they do not get it yet!

We both stand about the same chance, of winning a lottery together, but if I am the only one playing the lottery, then what?

I am the only one who wins!

Who wants that?

Who wants me to be the only one who wins?

I do not, but some seam to have a problem with that.

When I said, I wanted to make my free idea concept, a Win, Win, Win, for everybody, I was serious.

My option fixes problems in ways, that you can not even comprehend, at this time.

Sure there are some Yankee talkers out there, who do very little, but that is not me!

My goal with this topic, regardless where you live.
Is to provide you, with a front row, high quality product, that you can try, for free!

Life is not just the journey, but the climb!

It you truly want to keep a step a head of the Joneses, then my option is the one for you!

How many of you are keeping up with the Joneses?

Have you been there, done that yet?

I know this is a good deal, for all parties concern.

Sure you could spend everyday, complaining about the police, except when you need them, and that conversation is as easy in America, as dialing 911 from any cell phone for free!

Yanks that care, sets up things like this, that works for free!

Do you care enough, to give the best eternal love you can?

I do, and that is why I believe my free afterlife communication plan, is the type of Bomb, every country will want to have!

It shows that you care!

My free, safe, no obligation option, shows you care!

You do not expect to look like that, the rest of your life do you?

Experience something different, not because you have too, but you want too!

What would it hurt?

Maybe our new comment person Ken could answer that.

What would it hurt, to try my free idea concept Ken?

Are you too good for eternal love, or do you have a better option?

Please feel free to share, inquiry minds want to know.

Before anybody picks on my option, please feel free to inform us what your afterlife communication back up plan is?

Somebody was born to day, somebody had a near death experience, and somebody was written off as dead.

Nobody has ever communicated with human energy, until the year 2005, when a brainGate patient did it!

Staying alive in 2005, and now all we need to do, is stay focused, and interact more about this option!

Would love to interact more about my option, but I have to get some rest, because I am making, and donating a lot of free pizza, tomorrow at work!

Free, is naturally being your self, and everything else is not!

I speak free to you, and some have an issue with that.


What can I do to make you happy?

What can you do to make me happy?


You have done enough already, and I have no doubt, that you will do more in the future!

Nothing from nothing, don't mean nothing, unless you do something for afterlife people!

Nothing from nothing, don't mean nothing, unless you can communicate for free, in a timely manner!

Subconsciously, why my threads are long?

I'm lazy!

Why do in the afterlife, what I can do now?

It is easier now, to get people to communicate with afterlife now, than when my body is dead.

It is easier to play 8-ball pool now, than in the afterlife!

It is easier to try harder, to get my point across now, regardless what paradigm we are talking about now, than when I am in the same situation, as all others, that procrastinated around, until the out of body option.

If easy, free, safe, good, no obligation, until you get it works for you, then I am the one you need to make my free afterlife communication option work.

yes, and i mean yes, i am not your grammar teacher, but i am your free afterlife communication planner.

My name is Tim Brewer, and I am Dayton!
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 02:30
May 21, 2007
How many of them became your friends without you prompting them or asking?


Is there any of them, that are glad I took the time to ask them?

I can not say!

How do you make friends, with out asking them?

I know you can make enemies, with out asking them.

I learned that from the Dixie Chicks!

Even though history was tough on them, in the big picture, they were right!

They hurt their career, by speaking out, about President Bush, while they were in France.

One of those days, when the music died!

Perceived Pain, or perceived pleasure!

What history might think of you later, if my option is right.

Would you like to comment, what that might be?

What if everyone of you, who believe I am wrong, is wrong?

Talk about making a big mistake!

You are in trouble now!

What comes around goes around, and some of you did it this time!

Sure you could continue to cover it up, with every procrastinating thought you can think of, but what if I am right, right now, and you are wrong?

How do you live with that in the afterlife?

Why should you even worry about it, if you can do something now, to fix it?

Who are you going to call?

Ghost-busters, if you want to procrastinate some more in fantasy-land, or your one, and only, official afterlife communication planner, who offers this option for free, in real time, in your time, right now, or at least after I get Back from Chicago, with my silent singing Dixie Chick!

Music has always been an open forum, to inform about different issues through out life, and that is one reason, there is no shortage of information for my topic.

You can even hear an angel sing about it in Chicago, if you want too!

Please feel free to ask Oprah to let my daughter sing for you, and I will be more than glad, to stay away from there, if you like!

Sure I could do my free option before, or during my daughter's audition with American Idol, but why?

Procrastination is not my problem, is it yours!

Imagine for a moment, that only one pixel in your monitor worked, but that one pixel was an afterlife, and it wanted to communicate with you.

100% of the time, we would imagine that to be a defected monitor.

What if we did not throw out that one pixel monitor, and we tried to communicate with it.

Could we do it, if it actually was an afterlife Orb, stuck in a pixel?

I believe it would be a lot easier, when the potential pixel, is a trained patient, that has some type of training with BrainGate.

It sure beats trying this next option.

Dayton Ohio is the home of Avaition,

and there is a reason for that!
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Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 10:30
Jun 16, 2000
So you're claiming that all of those people registered as your friends on this message board without you sending them a request?

You sent me one (I declined it).

Am I the only person you sent such a request? Perhaps some others would like to chime in - did Tim send you a friend request?

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 02:30
May 21, 2007
So you're claiming that all of those people registered as your friends on this message board without you sending them a request?

You sent me one (I declined it).

Am I the only person you sent such a request? Perhaps some others would like to chime in - did Tim send you a friend request?

Here is the same answer I gave you, from thread 885 Mike.

"How many of them became your friends, without you prompting them or asking?"


Is there any of them, that are glad I took the time to ask them?

I can not say!

How do you make friends, with out asking them?"

None of them became my friend, without me asking them first.

Why don't you have any Access World Forum friends Mike?

I noticed that a lot of people must feel you are interesting, from all the different people, who have visited your profile.

That is something to be proud of!
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Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 10:30
Jun 16, 2000
Why don't you have any Access World Forum friends Mike?
I can't say for sure, but I think probably because I have not sent out any requests begging for friends, because that seems a pretty pathetic and desperate thing to do.

Even more pathetic and desperate (in my view) is the 'look at all my friends' thing. If they befriended you through their own volition and initiative, it would mean a lot, but they only did so because you asked.

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 02:30
May 21, 2007
I can't say for sure, but I think probably because I have not sent out any requests begging for friends, because that seems a pretty pathetic and desperate thing to do.

Even more pathetic and desperate (in my view) is the 'look at all my friends' thing. If they befriended you through their own volition and initiative, it would mean a lot, but they only did so because you asked.

I believe you answered your own question here Mike.

"I can't say for sure, but I think probably because"

Either you know, or you do not know Mike, everything else is just assuming on your part.

I find it is easier to make friends, if you do not criticize, complain, or condemn them.

Maybe, your way of making friends works for you Mike, but I just do not see the results under your profile, at this time.


Just a thought,

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

We are all DNA Filing cabinet family.

sure not everybody is going to get along, but that is just based on some people personal preference.


North Korea

I could fix that problem, if given the chance.

I could fix every problem facing this world, if given the chance.

It all comes down to pain, or pleasure.

Some feel it is better to lean toward pain.

I do not agree!

I have a better way!

Place me on Oprah, and I will be glad to inform you about it, or wait until I get back from Chicago!

Believe it, or not, but I am not on trial under my own topic, at this time.

Let's take this time right now, and get on the same page, about me for a moment.

I'm different, just like you are, and that is normal.

There is only so much room on my couch, and at this time, I do not want to bring any Internet friends over to my house, for a party, or something.

Thanks, to the mistakes in Washington, then, and now.

My work schedule may change.

America realized, that it is a service oriented country now, and that is the worst thing you can be, during a recession.

A pay check to paycheck country, needs paychecks, or they are not leaving the house, and that is the end of a service type of economy.

It would be in American Idol best interest to select more people, for next year, and have different shows going on on different days, and maybe the same night, but at different times.

They should do the shows, from different cities, all over the country.

I believe shows like this is healthy, if done the right way.

Simon, does not have to be the judge, for every show, because he could delegate that, to other people.

He could do Idol shows, for everything that is important to you!

Call the shows different names, but keep the pressure on, based on the ratings!

Either you are growing, or you are controlling.


Who died, and said this is all there is?

American Idol should have different leagues, just like we do in sports.

Pro, college, high school, etc.

They could sell this out to different people to do as well, until people start working to get better, and buying, and renting the equipment, and doing something with there life, and sure I could save this concept for Oprah as well, but at least this part, could give her something to talk to me about, to break the ice, if I have not already given enough.

How do you turn the economy around?

You fix it!

How do you fix it?

Solve it!

You do more, than what is expected, by listening, until you feel you have an answer.

I have filing cabinets, and filing cabinets of solutions, but I can not help, if I am not asked to help.

I can not fix any problem, if I am not give the tools to make it happen.

Even though my afterlife communication plan could work, and fix a lot of problems, even more than I could solve on my own. I still do have the ability now, to solve alot of problems now, on my own.

"Afterlife New World Order"

Sounds like a good name for a book.

Might make Mike a good t-shirt!

What do you think of that?

Will we have world order, after my free afterlife communication plan works?

Imagine it has already happened.

So what is expected of you?


Perceive it any way you like.

In 2005, Braingate, had the ability to read, each, and every one of your thoughts.


If you do not want it too, then that is on you.


Some people would rather lay on a pile of rocks, and complain about it, than do something about it.

I can not stop any of you, from informing Oprah, that I will be in Chicago next week, that is inside information, that only you know about, and a few others.

You decide, I will not beg you to inform Oprah, that will have to be your choice, but just remember, I have not been out of the Dayton area, in over two years, and that was by choice!

My name is Tim Brewer,
and I am Dayton!

The heart of it all!

Free Eternal Love, afterlife communication!

Where in the World can you find that, other than Dayton, Ohio right now!

Would you like fries with that?

I have no doubt, with limited minds, we can do limited things, and maybe that is the way John Wayne would of done it, but believe it, or not, but John Wayne is considered dead, by our culture, and he supposedly went the way of a lot of well educated people, and sure it would be one thing, if i acted, and behaved like that one country song, about being cool on "My space", but that is not the case.

I'm the real deal!

Put me down, make fun of me, do what ever helps you vent, in my file cabinet of thought, but after the smoke clear, I will still be right!

Please continue to use the wrong people through out history, if that is what brings you perceived pleasure, based on behaviors, where you need structure in your life, but believe it, or not, but you will have structure with all my options, just as long as you have a structure to grow!

Grow with more time, and more money.

Allow me the chance, to allow you to grow from my mistakes.

Please feel free to think of me, as a free mentor.

You do not have to believe everything I say, just measure it, toward what ever already works for you, and see if my option will work better.

I would like to take this time, and thank Access World Forum, for allowing me the chance, to post my thoughts.

I am not saying, at anytime that they have a view, on my topic, one way, or the other, but they do allow me the opportunity to express it just the same.

People in America, has quite watching the news, because it is too depressing.

Educated auditors are refusing to be auditors, because they worry about all the corruption that is happening, and then being told to just sign your name, and don't worry about it.

That is not good!

Imagine we are news auditors, and we are auditing the media.

Don't worry, you do not need any special training for this.

Fox is for Republicans, and all the rest are for Democrats!

Tainted, on all levels!

Not destroyed yet, but tainted just the same!

Could we fix this?

Yes, based on looking at the problem, from the big picture.

I could fix this problem as well, based on my experience with this problem, and not on your perception of me, as the problem.

I offer to fix for free, and some offer to decide, that I can not do it.

That is your option

I have no great desire to be on Oprah, or any other show.

I have no desire to be the Commander, and Chief!

I do know, that you would never consider me for this option, if I did not inform you about it.

I am not begging for this option, at this time!

I would imagine some wish I did, if they knew about me, but I am not begging!

Some might feel now I am begging, but I am not.

I am informing!

I want to be your friend, would you like to be mine?

I will be in Chicago next week end, and I might have to stay a couple of days more.

I have been told, that Oprah does not do shows on week ends.

I could stay until Monday, if she is interested, and if I knew she really wanted to find out more, about what I have to say, then I would stay until, at least Monday.

I will be back, but this option window is getting smaller everyday, if you would like to see it happen!

Just some thoughts, from the way I perceive it, at this time.

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Tim Brewer
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Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 10:30
Jun 16, 2000
I believe you answered your own question here Mike.

"I can't say for sure, but I think probably because"

Either you know, or you do not know Mike, everything else is just assuming on your part.
No What a really strange thing to insist :confused:

I really don't know for sure - why would it be otherwise.

I think you have 200 message-board buddies to my zero because you contacted 200+ people and asked them to be your message board buddy, whereas I have not done that once.

But there's a chance I could be wrong in that estimation. I don't think I am wrong, but it's possible.

I find it is easier to make friends, if you do not criticize, complain, or condemn them.

Maybe, your way of making friends works for you Mike, but I just do not see the results under your profile, at this time.
I have made no attempt to cultivate my profile on this board, so this is less than surprising. In as far as I have ever struck up online friendships, it has never once occurred to me to ask the online friend to officially seal the relationship by checking a box to record the friendship in the board's software.

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 02:30
May 21, 2007
No What a really strange thing to insist :confused:

I really don't know for sure - why would it be otherwise.

I think you have 200 message-board buddies to my zero because you contacted 200+ people and asked them to be your message board buddy, whereas I have not done that once.

But there's a chance I could be wrong in that estimation. I don't think I am wrong, but it's possible.

I have made no attempt to cultivate my profile on this board, so this is less than surprising. In as far as I have ever struck up on line friendships, it has never once occurred to me to ask the on line friend to officially seal the relationship by checking a box to record the friendship in the board's software.

The software programmers, must of thought it was important, or they would of not including it, with the Forum program, don't you think?

Thank you for reading my invisible filing cabinet thoughts, with those of your own.

If everyday is a new reality, then what do you do, with all that new information?

That depends on you.

Nobody saids you have to be organized.

But, what if you did want to get mentally organized, can it be done?

Once again, that depends on you.

Am I organized?

No, have no desire at this time. how about you?


We can do anything, if we decide too.

How long would it take me to organized the world, if I was given the tools?

Less than one year!

Sounds like a pretty big claim, when you take into consideration, that nobody else is offering anything better!

Why would I want to do it?

I do not want to see kids, strap on bombs, or do things to kill other people, based on their religion.

It is not fair to those kids, to be brained washed that way!

It is not fair, bottom line!

They should be out playing, and enjoying being a kid.

Propaganda creates this problem, and my propaganda balances the problem, until the problem goes away!

Tim just make it all go away!

I can do that!

How will you do it Tim?

Town hall meeting with Oprah in Chicago!

A chance to interact with people like you!

I do not want your vote, I want your Internet friendship!

I will take a bullet for your friendship!

Am I begging you for your friendship?

No, I am earning it!

Should everybody be my friend.

No, you had me with the first one!

Everyone after that, just supports the first one.

The first one is always the hardest, because you only have one, and they could leave at anytime.

Some people get more conservative, when they reach 200, I would imagine, and just try and play it safe.

I have seen a lot of sports team lose, when they started playing it safe!

They became afraid, that the other team, would just get desperate, and they wanted to control the clock.

We can control the clock, until we die!

Some people are very good at that.

I might even call them experts, and I might even call them time bandits!

there is no room in your mental real time, low blood pressure thoughts for time bandits, unless they are helping you to stretch, and grow.

I like to think, I provide that for some.

They are tired of the same old thing, and want real change. The kind that don't cost a lot of money, but at the same time, entertaining, for the way they think.

Believe it or not, but I truly loved playing video games, at one point in my life, and I had so many, if i played every one for 15 minutes, it would take over a year to play them all.

My goal in life, is not to be a hoarder.

No hoarding in the afterlife!

An option stop, not a one stop shop!

There is no rust, with movement of thought!

Has your inner thoughts ever shut down on you?

I did not stutter?

Has your inner thoughts ever shut you down?


Is your heart still pumping?

I hope so!

There is that word Hope again!

Something that is out of our control.

Just like near death experience!

If you truly believe, as I do, that everything happens for a reason, like I do!

If you have ever said that, at anytime in your life, then that is why I am here!

I am here for a reason.

Did God evolve me to this point to be stopped?

Only you can decide that, at this time!

Does God make mistakes, or does everything happen for a reason?

Am I a good reason or not?

Does it stress you out, that I might be a good reason?

What else do you have?

Who is it, in real life, that is your white Knight. other than a friend, or family member?

You have to start some where.

Start with me, because I came up with it first!

Stress, and grow your toes, with Timmy'o!

Tim you are crazy!

In these times, you do need to wear all the hats!

What was that one song, where that girl sings about being a butch, I'm a love, I'm a child, I am a mother, nd so on.

She had her thoughts organized in that song, and made millions!

Organized eternal thoughts, save so much time.

No surprises, unless you are into surprises.


my topic filing cabinet, consist of imagination right now, because that is the only tools I have at this time, for this free option.

So when you think of my topic, it is fun time!

A chance to let your thoughts go!

Everybody loves a place, where everybody knows your name!

I have over 200 friends, under my profile.

Any one of them, are free to read my thread anytime they like.

They can decide on any given day, if they still want to continue to be my friend.

When time permits, I visit my friends in my profile, and I read their "about me section"

Some have this section filled out, and some do not.

From time, to time, when time permits, I interact with some of my friends, under my profile, with public friend post.

Imagine for a moment, that I had 40,001 friends here, at this Forum, and I only have 40,000 thoughts a day.

I could not interact with all of them in one day, if I wanted too!

Is my goal to hoard all the friends?

No, you are more than welcome to steal all my friends if you like.

Just treat them right, and asked them if they would be interested in doing that.

Please Mike, take the time, and asked all my friends to be your friend as well.

It is not to late Mike, you can do this.

Everybody that comes here could do that.

Will you get the same numbers friends, as I do?

I do not know.

What if you try it, and most of them do not want to be your friend Mike, because they might get negative personal feelings about you?

Do you feel that might be possible?

Do you feel that a % of my friends, do read my threads, and they do not like the way you behave on here at times.

i am not saying you ever are behaving negative, I am just saying, that I have no control, over how others might think, or feel about you.

Now on the other hand, they just might become your friend, even if they do not like you, because that is the political correct thing to do, based on watching a God father movie!

Am I a God father?


I am your free official afterlife communication planner!

My goal has always been to give you more than you expect.

That is why my threads are longer.

Who would you rather see in the White house.

A friend, or President Obama?

If you believe we are better off now, than we could be, then just keep doing what you are doing.

If you believe, we could do better with me, then do something about it!

If you fear what I could do, based on the fact, that you might not be my friend, or you ignore the fact, that i do have a heart as well, then warn who you must, that they are making a big mistake supporting me, because it just sounds to true, to be true, and everybody knows, that rumors are never true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a rumor on the Internet, that Tim Brewer is Messiah President Obama Supervisor!

I believe that is a true statement, based on the fact, that i could do that, and be very good at it.

I have nothing wrong with President Obama.

He is doing a very good job, and I like his effort.

As I said before, I rarely ever see him on TV, and depending on what news station I am watching, and what they are trying to sell me, only taints me from time to time.

Garbage in, garbage out.

What happens, is you have to watch all the news stations, and then try to decide through all the different propaganda.

Why is it, that i can press a button on a weather box, and get the weather, but after it gets past that, everything is allowed to be entertaining.

I believe it is alright for me to be entertaining at this time, because I am in limbo, at this time.

Grounded, in the home of aviation!

I could fill the hollow of Dayton Ohio, with a dream that has not happened, since the day, that President said he wanted to go to the moon!

American yanks could relate to good dream.

We did not go there, because we had too.

We went there, because we could!

We went there, because it sounded like fun!

We went there, because it was something to do!

We went there, because we were completive!

Maybe I am wrong, and it is no longer cool, to want eternal love, with no more wars, or every other problem known to man.

Why am I like I am?

I learned from the best.


Did I bother to mention, that I am really into the word empathy?

Here is how I measure it, just in case we lose the connection, and you need a square one.

Pain, pleasure, and pleasure is always last!

We all perceive pain, with very little effort.

we all just naturally do this, and marketing builds off of that, with all types of real good toys, and i wish i had the time to pay video games for a year, but i do not.

I do have time to save the world, if you are interested.

My name is Tim brewer, and yes, I do believe I could help President Obama, but he has to want the help.

Men do not like to be told what to do.
they have to want help, and then that shows that they are wise.

My goal is not to own you, but help fill in the missing pieces to this reality we call life, regardless the weather conditions, or drama!

There is no reason that a powerful choleric would not want me to do this, because I would find a way to make every one of them very happy!

There is no reason why a melancholy personality would not support me, because that is the home of the imagination.

i believe that powerful choleric should take charge, and we should get out of the way, once they know what is expected of them, and they are happy with that.

as I said before, I believe it is the Government job, to make it a good deal for everybody, and that includes you, and if you have a problem with me making your life better, regardless if you knew that at this time, is not my fault.

Can i get an a men on that Martin, at this time, as my daughter sings like an angel in the back ground.

I heard today, and I do not know if this is true or not, but sometimes, at American Idol, they just point into the stands, and say, half of the stadium, you are done, just go home, and thank you for coming, but we can only do so many, and then that drives the point, too the rest, that they mean business.

Will we be on the right side, only time will tell.

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.
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The software programmers, must of thought it was important, or they would of not including it, with the Forum program, don't you think?

Hello Tim Brewer,

I am proud to say that I am your internet friend. I'm happy to be your internet friend on the 700WLW Talk Forum too.

I am sure Mike Gurman will take comfort in knowing that you and I were internet friends before I came here to be your internet friend because of the times when we talked about the Free Idea Concept and Afterlife Communication Possibility Concept in regards to the importance of using one's freewill decision making capabilities in such a way as to maximize the returns on one's efforts.

I am sure that if Mike Gurman were to really think about it, he would come to the inescapable conclusion that our friendship is one of deep conviction and mutual respect as human beigns, each living their own life and maintaining their personal space, all the while communicating by means of internet talk forums with the express goal of relaying information and promoting an environment where by the means of personal interactions are thus facilitated. How can he not think that?

In an attempt to do a personal outreach for Mike Gurman, I hereby pledge to send him a friendship request message at my earliest possible convenience. I don't mind saying that I do indeed hope that he will choose to be my internet friend, because if he does, I will be doubling my number of internet friends!

All the best to both of you as well as the rest of the readers of the Access World Forum!



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:30
Aug 26, 2008
Oh dear, Tweedledum and Tweedledee have no friends but each other:rolleyes:

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 02:30
May 21, 2007
Hello Tim Brewer,

I am proud to say that I am your internet friend. I'm happy to be your internet friend on the 700WLW Talk Forum too.

I am sure Mike Gurman will take comfort in knowing that you and I were internet friends before I came here to be your internet friend because of the times when we talked about the Free Idea Concept and Afterlife Communication Possibility Concept in regards to the importance of using one's freewill decision making capabilities in such a way as to maximize the returns on one's efforts.

I am sure that if Mike Gurman were to really think about it, he would come to the inescapable conclusion that our friendship is one of deep conviction and mutual respect as human beigns, each living their own life and maintaining their personal space, all the while communicating by means of internet talk forums with the express goal of relaying information and promoting an environment where by the means of personal interactions are thus facilitated. How can he not think that?

In an attempt to do a personal outreach for Mike Gurman, I hereby pledge to send him a friendship request message at my earliest possible convenience. I don't mind saying that I do indeed hope that he will choose to be my internet friend, because if he does, I will be doubling my number of internet friends!

All the best to both of you as well as the rest of the readers of the Access World Forum!


Thank you Martin,

Mike is a lucky person, to have a good friend like you.

I know I am!

Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 10:30
Jun 16, 2000
The software programmers, must of thought it was important, or they would of not including it, with the Forum program, don't you think?
They clearly thought it important enough, as a feature, to include in the software, but that doesn't mean it's significant in general terms. They also included the ability to embed obscure images, and look where that has got us.

But all of that is a distraction from my point, which is this: If you had 200 internet friends that made an unprompted choice to 'befriend' you, it might mean something.
But having collected 200 people who just clicked a checkbox on a message board, because you asked them to, is nothing really to crow about. Besides clicking on a checkbox to become your 'friend', have any of these 'friends' done anything else that resembles friendship (such as conversing with you by phone or email, inviting you to dinner, etc)?
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Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 10:30
Jun 16, 2000
I am sure that if Mike Gurman were to really think about it, he would come to the inescapable conclusion that our friendship is one of deep conviction and mutual respect as human beigns, each living their own life and maintaining their personal space, all the while communicating by means of internet talk forums with the express goal of relaying information and promoting an environment where by the means of personal interactions are thus facilitated. How can he not think that?
Yes, Martin, you're a special case - everyone recognises that.
In an attempt to do a personal outreach for Mike Gurman, I hereby pledge to send him a friendship request message at my earliest possible convenience. I don't mind saying that I do indeed hope that he will choose to be my internet friend, because if he does, I will be doubling my number of internet friends!
Thank you. I have already declined it.

Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 10:30
Jun 16, 2000
Thank you for reading my steamboat lobster thoughts with those of your bucket.


Don't fret over it. Message board 'friendship' settings are, as previously discussed, largely meaningless, so rejections of the same are similarly inconsequential.

Your kind words are truly appreciated, but unfortunately, they are painfully inadequate when it comes to soothing the burning feelings of rejection that are currently plaguing my psyche as a result of your callous rejection of my request for internet friendship.....

Mike Gurman makes Tim'sfriendMartin feel this way:

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