Solved The Microsoft database engine cannot find any records in the 'Articles' table with matching 'ItemCode' key fields (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:46
Jan 14, 2019
Good night. Let's see if you can help me, because no matter how much I think about the matter, I don't know what I'm failing. The thing is that I put an item in the subform's dropdown, and when I go to exit the form, it gives me the error that gives the title to this post:

The Microsoft database engine cannot find any records in the 'Articles' table with matching 'ItemCode' key fields.

Also, as you can see in the video and in the attached database, I also get an error in the field below, where I search for the name of the article and the category with the DLookUp function.

I have no idea what could have happened, or why these errors happen.

I know that the database is in Spanish, but could someone take a look to see if they discover the error?

Thank you.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:46
Feb 28, 2001
This error usually means that you have a query based on a JOIN but there are no records matching the JOIN conditions - so the query is empty. In turn, this usually means you have an INNER JOIN in the query. I don't usually open databases blindly so I'm just telling you what normally happens to get this error. You have over-constrained the query.

The most recent time we saw this error, someone was trying to do data entry to one of the members of the JOIN but because of the INNER JOIN, no record could be pulled up because the matching records hadn't been entered yet.

Look at the thread by Shortskimper below under "Similar threads" to see if it resembles your problem. Or here is the link.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:46
Jan 14, 2019
I have already found the problem. This one was in the dropdown, where it had an event on losing focus, and it kept null values. To solve it, I have put a Me.Dirty, which detects if there have been changes, and then saves some calculations that I do in the corresponding table. Thank you.

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