to call oracle stored proc from ASP (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:35
Jun 2, 2008
hi all,
can anyone suggest me how to call a oracle stored procedure from asp.
i have a stored procedure with 2 i/p params and 4 o/p params
i just need to send 1 i/p param and get 1 o/p param frm it.
here im just validating my input field whether its valid( i mean just checking the status of my i/p field)
i tried using following code but its not working..if anyone has any code to call stored procedure..plz post it
Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
Conn.Open ("Provider=MSDAORA;Data source=c_d;uid=abc;pwd=123;");

Comm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command");
comm.ActiveConnection = conn
comm.commandtext = "cp_pkg.get_Appr"
param = comm.createparameters
comm.parameters.Append(comm.createparameter("p_id" ,200,1))
comm.parameters.Append(comm.createparameter("p_em_ status",200,2))
comm("p_id") = "id"
output = comm("p_em_status")


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]error '80040e4d'[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied [/SIZE][/FONT]

when i login in toad with same userid /paswd it wrks fine
Suggest me what i need to do

Thanks in Advance

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