Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Spreading (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 13:49
Jul 5, 2006
A vaccine for Covid-19 has been released, now we need one for the continued spreading of the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Seems that the the far left didn't get Biden's bromide memo concerning: "unity", "healing", and saving "soul of America". The apparent win by the Biden campaign has emboldened those on the left to call for the immediate persecution of Trump supporters. The left is not for "unity", "healing", and saving "soul of America". They are working towards having an "enemies list" to suppress any opposition.

'Remember what they did': Biden backers move to blacklist Trump loyalists
Joseph R. Biden supporters are advocating a reign of shunning and purging President Trump’s supporters in Washington.

As the presumptive president-elect struck a unity theme during his Saturday night speech, some backers espoused another idea: Dox and cancel Trump world.

The “Trump Accountability Project” set up a Twitter account and says it will block jobs for, and shame, anyone who worked to elect Mr. Trump, staffed his government or funded his campaign.A
According to the Washington Times, there is now a newly formed a “Trump Accountability Project”. According to the Times: "The “Trump Accountability Project” set up a Twitter account and says it will block jobs for, and shame, anyone who worked to elect Mr. Trump, staffed his government or funded his campaign."

Biden has not yet assumed the Presidency, but these nascent actions are a foreboding of what may come. Biden apparently made a "deal" with the Bernie, AOC, and Harris supporters to support him and to be quiet during the election process. The election process may be virtually over, now Bernie, AOC, and Harris are beginning to speak-up and demand "action". The recent actions by Facebook and Twitter to shutdown the New York Posts article on Hunter Biden could be considered a precursor. Should Biden take control of the government, expect those on the left to unleash the full power-of-the-State through a new re-imagined form of McCarthyism to blacklist conservatives. Perhaps an Orwellian "Ministry of Truth". Free speech will be "dead". Reeducation camps may be on the horizon.
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Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 10:49
Mar 14, 2017
According to the Washington Times, there is now a newly formed a “Trump Accountability Project”. According to the Times: "The “Trump Accountability Project” set up a Twitter account and says it will block jobs for, and shame, anyone who worked to elect Mr. Trump, staffed his government or funded his campaign."
What a bunch of idiots.

They do realize half the country voted for Trump ... And therefore, plenty of employers would actually be baised TOWARD HIRING someone who also did....Right?

Libs typically overestimate their support. And take it for granted long after it no longer is.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:49
May 22, 2010
Everything will be decided by Amy for years and years and years, still winning!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:49
May 22, 2010
This was hushed up by the lamestream, but the Supremes handed that dope Cuomo a humiliating defeat. Stay tuned for more humiliation.

Democrats MELTDOWN after Justice Amy Coney Barrett Makes HISTORIC Ruling​

Nov 27, 2020



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:49
Feb 28, 2001
AB, some of our curious friends who are not from the USA might not have seen this one. The Supremes essentially told the state of New York that trying to force limited attendance to church services amounts to interfering with the freedom to observe one's religious beliefs. I.e. church limits on in-house congregations cannot be limited. So much for COVID-19 capacity limits.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:49
May 22, 2010
Yes Doc it was intended for domestic consumption, thank you for the clarification.


Local time
Today, 13:49
Jan 11, 2013
As soon as Zoom adds the collection plate option then it wont be a problem.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 13:49
Feb 19, 2002
A judge in GA over the weekend allowed all the voting machines to be wiped. Either his life was threatened by the left or he has TDS. How is it possible for a judge to allow the destruction of evidence that will be needed to pursue pending civil cases? What is the harm caused by preserving evidence? Unless of course the evidence would prove that the Dems cheated? Isn't the destruction of evidence itself evidence of cheating???? If there was nothing to find there would be no reason to destroy evidence.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:49
May 22, 2010
There's a whole bunch of USB thumb drives they used to update the voting machines that have mysteriously gone missing.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 10:49
Mar 14, 2017
There's a whole bunch of USB thumb drives they used to update the voting machines that have mysteriously gone missing.
To add to the fairly long list at this point, Rand Paul pointed out a statistically interesting fact about the timelines of the Democrat vote spike.
I'm sure it's just Russian Disinformation, though...So not to worry!!


Local time
Today, 13:49
Jan 11, 2013
A judge in GA over the weekend allowed all the voting machines to be wiped. Either his life was threatened by the left or he has TDS. How is it possible for a judge to allow the destruction of evidence that will be needed to pursue pending civil cases? What is the harm caused by preserving evidence? Unless of course the evidence would prove that the Dems cheated? Isn't the destruction of evidence itself evidence of cheating???? If there was nothing to find there would be no reason to destroy evidence.
Better check your news sources.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 13:49
Feb 19, 2002
There has been an update today, he's back to his original ruling and gave them until Wednesday. Unfortunately, during the period when his ruline was off, someone went in and wiped the server.

Since I don't have a Twitter account and am banned for life from Facebook, I don't follow this stuff all that closely.


Local time
Today, 13:49
Jan 11, 2013
Twitter and facebook are not news sites. Sorta like fox.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 13:49
Feb 19, 2002
Please don't take this as justification, I would have removed Trump's phone long ago or modified it so that it didn't actually post to Twitter but to a shadow site so someone could edit his stuff before it went out. But, Trump uses Twitter because the media doesn't report what he says or does, they report their opinion on what he says or does. And their opinion is ALWAYS negative. Just look for the purple words. "News" stories are not full of adjectives and hyperbole. They are full of facts or at least they used to be. So, the only way Trump can get out the "facts" is with Twitter. I don't like his constant tweets but I understand why he is compelled to make them.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 13:49
Jul 5, 2006
Further confirmation that TDS continues to fester. The media, that condemned Trump now applauds Biden for plagiarizing those very same actions.

Gutfeld on Biden’s political plagiarism

So Joe’s first term might be Trump’s second. And everything the press condemned the orange Godzilla for will become magically awesome under mighty Joe Biden.

Joe should invent a slogan for this. How about "Make America Great Again?"

Biden already "invented" a plagiarized rendition of "MAGA" --> "Build Back Better"

Accidentally ran across this: Surprise! Biden's new slogan is actually stolen
However, Joe Biden didn’t come up with the slogan, the United Nations did. That’s right—Joe Biden and his campaign plagiarized the title directly from a United Nations climate change initiative launched in April. In fact, Biden’s released economic plan seemed eerily similar to President Donald Trump’s “America First” message.
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