Trying to split a dashed number into multiple columns (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 00:00
Jul 22, 2013
Hi, I am going to start off saying I am very new to Access so that is probably why this is so difficult for me.

I am trying to split a number sequence (Ex. 25372-400-E10-0000-D0021) Where the third number in the sequence can be either 2 or 3 numbers/letters.

The idea is to have a query that will split this number into its individual parts. I have seen several forums about splitting two numbers and such but I can't seem to make that work when I need to create 5 columns from this one field.

Thanks in advance for your help. If I missed this thread somewhere I also wouldn't mind you sending me there if this question has already been answered.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 08:00
Nov 30, 2011
Hello klesauski.. Welcome to AWF.. :)

You can use the Split function to split the different parts.. However you might need a custom function to do this, as the requirement is to use in a Query..


Registered User.
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Mar 8, 2007

I'm assuming that you have a table that contains your sequence number.

I've attached my example db which is Access 2000 version.

I've created an example table with an autoID field and a text data field in it, and a basic query.

If you open the query up in design view you will see how I have answered your question. If you run the query you will see the correct results for your scenario.

I've used your example sequence number to demonstrate the results you are looking for.

I hope this is of assistance to you



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Registered User.
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Today, 08:00
Nov 12, 2011
. and if you want to split it up with a bit of code.

Public Sub testSpitCode5()
' [COLOR="red"]This is a bit of demo code to show splitCode5() in action[/COLOR]
Dim part1 As String, part2 As String, part3 As String, part4 As String, part5 As String

' [COLOR="red"]Pass the Code and 5 empty string variables to hold the results[/COLOR]
  splitCode5 "25372-400-E10-0000-D0021", part1, part2, part3, part4, part5

' [COLOR="red"]Print the results to the immediate window[/COLOR]
  Debug.Print part1, part2, part3, part4, part5

End Sub

Public Sub splitCode5(ByVal sp5Code As String, ByRef sp5Part1 As String,  ByRef sp5Part2 As String, ByRef sp5Part3 As String, ByRef sp5Part4 As String, ByRef sp5Part5 As String)
' [COLOR="Red"]sp5Code - Is the string passed as a value[/COLOR]
' [COLOR="red"]sp5Part1-sp5Part5 are string variables passed by reference to get the data out[/COLOR]

' [COLOR="red"]Defines an array[/COLOR]
  Dim Code5() As String

' [COLOR="red"]Splits sp5Code into an array of 5 parts using the '-'[/COLOR] 
  Code5 = Split(sp5Code, "-")

' [COLOR="red"]Passes back the data via the referenced variables[/COLOR]
  sp5Part1 = Code5(0)
  sp5Part2 = Code5(1)
  sp5Part3 = Code5(2)
  sp5Part4 = Code5(3)
  sp5Part5 = Code5(4)

End Sub


Registered Lunatic
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Aug 27, 2008
. and if you want to split it up with a bit of code.

Public Sub testSpitCode5()
' [COLOR=red]This is a bit of demo code to show splitCode5() in action[/COLOR]
Dim part1 As String, part2 As String, part3 As String, part4 As String, part5 As String
' [COLOR=red]Pass the Code and 5 empty string variables to hold the results[/COLOR]
  splitCode5 "25372-400-E10-0000-D0021", part1, part2, part3, part4, part5
' [COLOR=red]Print the results to the immediate window[/COLOR]
  Debug.Print part1, part2, part3, part4, part5
End Sub
Public Sub splitCode5(ByVal sp5Code As String, ByRef sp5Part1 As String,  ByRef sp5Part2 As String, ByRef sp5Part3 As String, ByRef sp5Part4 As String, ByRef sp5Part5 As String)
' [COLOR=red]sp5Code - Is the string passed as a value[/COLOR]
' [COLOR=red]sp5Part1-sp5Part5 are string variables passed by reference to get the data out[/COLOR]
' [COLOR=red]Defines an array[/COLOR]
  Dim Code5() As String
' [COLOR=red]Splits sp5Code into an array of 5 parts using the '-'[/COLOR] 
  Code5 = Split(sp5Code, "-")
' [COLOR=red]Passes back the data via the referenced variables[/COLOR]
  sp5Part1 = Code5(0)
  sp5Part2 = Code5(1)
  sp5Part3 = Code5(2)
  sp5Part4 = Code5(3)
  sp5Part5 = Code5(4)
End Sub

Interesting way to get the output from a single function call. Never seen that done before like that. But my normal way is to make it more reusable so that it matters not how many parts you have. If you pass it 4 or 30, it would still work.

Public Function SplitVal(strIn As String, strDelimiter As String, lngItem As Long) As String
    Dim varSplit As Variant
    varSplit = Split(strIn, strDelimiter)
    If lngItem <= UBound(varSplit) Then
        SplitVal = varSplit(lngItem)
        SplitVal = "Item Number not valid"
    End If
End Function

And then for each field in the query

Select SplitVal([FieldNameHere], "-", 0) As FirstField, SplitVal([FieldNameHere], "-", 1) As SecondField, etc....

And the only reason why I include the delimiter is that you can use this for other things as well.


Registered User.
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Today, 08:00
Nov 12, 2011
I have also done similar tasks in the same manner as you describe in the past as well.

For pure reasons of discussion ...

Sometimes I might throw in a Static variable so I didn't have to perform part of the function every time.

Public Function SplitVal(ByVal strIn As String, ByVal strDelimiter As String, ByVal lngItem As Long) As String
    [COLOR="Red"]Static s_strIn as String, varSplit As Variant[/COLOR]

    [COLOR="red"]If s_strIn <> strIn Then
      varSplit = Split(strIn, strDelimiter)
      s_strIn = strIn

    If lngItem <= UBound(varSplit) Then
        SplitVal = varSplit(lngItem)
        SplitVal = "Item Number not valid"
    End If
End Function

Or even move parameters around so I could make them optional.

Public Function SplitVal(ByVal lngItem As Long, Optional byVal strIn As String = "", Optional byVal strDelimiter As String="") As String
    [COLOR="Red"]Static varSplit As Variant[/COLOR]

    [COLOR="red"]If strIn <> "" Then varSplit = Split(strIn, strDelimiter)[/COLOR]

    If lngItem <= UBound(varSplit) Then
        SplitVal = varSplit(lngItem)
        SplitVal = "Item Number not valid"
    End If
End Function

First call SplitVal(0, "25372-400-E10-0000-D0021","-")
Second call SplitVal(1)
Third call SplitVal(2)
Last edited:


Registered User.
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Today, 17:00
Apr 30, 2003
I think that if it is going to be called from a Query the code should at least be able to handle a Null being passed to it:-

Public Function SplitValue(ByVal Value As Variant, _
                           ByVal Index As Long) As Variant

    If Len(Value) Then
        SplitValue = Split(Value, "-")(Index - 1)
    End If

End Function

Call from Query as:-
1st Column: SplitValue([strNumber],1)
2nd Column: SplitValue([strNumber],2)
and so forth.

Using the sample in post #3, a demo is attached.



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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:00
Nov 12, 2011
Now that's an interesting way to use the Split() function. :)

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